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Should I sell my War Nickels?
Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:29 pm
Last year I bought 1100 silver War Nickels for under $10 a roll and I'm wondering if I should sell them now and use the money to buy 90%. Is it worth it to make the switch? Or should I just hold on to them?
APMEX is paying $21.58 per roll right now and fee-bay is getting even more.
Re: Should I sell my War Nickels?
Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:51 pm
by Country
SILVER is hot right now!!! Trading the War Nicks for higher quality SILVER is a good idea. I think of War Nicks as a collector SILVER coin. As with any collector coin, 90% will be more acceptable during a crisis period.
Re: Should I sell my War Nickels?
Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:52 pm
by Thogey
I sold mine at 18-19 spot and bought 90%.
Buy your 90% first finding your best deal and sell the nickles to cover your cost after.
Re: Should I sell my War Nickels?
Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:08 pm
Go to a coin store and see if you can get more toward a trade. I've had luck getting closer to spot trading 40%for 90 when you let them know that you're just trading..
Re: Should I sell my War Nickels?
Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:15 pm
by SteelCityCopper
When it comes down to it, silver is silver. If you can find a deal, go for it.
Re: Should I sell my War Nickels?
Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:32 pm
by wagsthadog
Hi there-
I'm a big fan of holding the best possible silver (90% imo) so yes, I think you should sell, but don't be too hasty. Shop around for a good price. With very little effort you can get $1 or a little over per nickel. Don't sell short just to move them.
Have you tried this forum?
Re: Should I sell my War Nickels?
Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:05 am
by aristobolus
Whatever you do, don't sell them on Ebay as only one lot. You will not get the same return as you would breaking them up. If you use Ebay, sell them in rolls; smaller investors will pay a premium at times for an affordable lot such as that. Also do not call them "War" nickels; this has a negative conotation, especially for women. Call them 35% Silver Nickels instead. Just my five cents worth.