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Nadler talks about Gold.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:49 am
by Ardent Listener

Nadler talks about fundamentals, deflation, de-hedging and what percent of one's portfolio should be in gold now.

Re: Nadler talks about Gold.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:45 am
by silverinvestor
I listened to Nadler on the Kitco's e-conference - I have listened to every presenter so far - from yesterday and today.

What Nadler said - was unbelievable - IMO. He is totally Opposite of what all others say from the technical basis. I just don't understand where the man comes from.


No basis for gold going up real high.


year on year decline in demand of 49% in reality - because of the amount mined - and it is ONLY hedge funds are causing the rise - the rise is NOT Real!

Believes investment demand will keep falling - central banks are not buying as they used to - they are not looking to go into gold! Declining net buying by central banks - IMF gold purchase from India - was simply because they had a declining gold reserve - was simply adding back. No other central banks have not wanted to buy the rest of IMF gold - because they don't want it!!! Especially China - DOES NOT WANT THE IMF GOLD!

Says REAL gold demand looking at ALL areas - is DOWN 59% this year!!!

Only reason gold is rising is because so called experts say it will.

The other people I have been impressed with at the e-conference are:

Marc Faber was Awesome this morning

James Dines - totally Rocked yesterday along with Ron Paul, yesterday.

I am looking forward to hearing David Morgan today about 3:30pm - guy.

If you haven't gone to the kitco conference - it is very interesting - all the presenters.

But Nadler.... I just don't understand where he comes from with the numbers he creates.