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Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:45 am
by neilgin1
i just went for a look at the "US silver coins ROLL section", and boy howdy, the shelves are just getting bleak.

a couple things stick out, right now, there is only ONE seller offering any rolls of note and thats Roger "hsturn", he always has fine rolls of Morgans, and these seem to be quite an object of bidding interest. He also stocks a lot of fine Franklin rolls, all stuff is GEM BU, or at the very least, BU....and they are commanding a mighty robust premium.

another thing stuck out, i could only find ONE ASE roll offered for bid.....ONE, within a four day time frame.

and one last item to report, the amount of "buy it nows" seem to have proliferated, and dominate a lot of the action, and these "prices" are at crazy premiums. a lot of dime rolls offered at 35 to 40X's hence, there are no more 40%'s offered for auction, there are a lot of dirty quarters offered, but everybody seems to have started their offers at 25X, for stuff that's G4 and up to VF's.

i've been on top of Ebay for a while, the "Rolls" section, and its a whole different world there now. This seems to me to be a precursor to how silver trades in the grey future, so i would suggest that those thinking of selling at either 50...or 75, as i've read some guys writing, to give hard consideration, if this is what they REALLY want to do. The old "hunt high" of 80 would extrapolate out to $130, so just put that in your pipes, gang.

in conclusion, i found this on zero hedge, its a wonderful interview with Adam Fergusson, 34 minutes long, but WELL WORTH the time investment: "When Money Dies" ... ent-and-fu

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:47 pm
by franklin
What would be your guess if a roll of new ASEs was put up for auction now? No Buy It Now.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:11 pm
by neilgin1
franklin wrote:What would be your guess if a roll of new ASEs was put up for auction now? No Buy It Now.

770 to 845, somewhere in there, closer to the high end. if you put 900 BIN, it MIGHT get snapped up.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:49 pm
by franklin

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:57 pm
by Silver Addict
They are killing themselves with their ridiculous fees.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:12 am
by beauanderos
Silver Addict wrote:They are killing themselves with their ridiculous fees.

Hey David! :D See... fees kill too, not just guns :lol:

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:15 am
by beauanderos
I don't know what a roll of ASE's might fetch, but those danged nutzo bidders on ebay are pissin me off right now. Trying to spend the last of my ebay bucks and getting outbid at $38 to $40 range for frickin generic silver rounds!!! :shock:

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:37 am
by Silver Addict
beauanderos wrote:I don't know what a roll of ASE's might fetch, but those danged nutzo bidders on ebay are pissin me off right now. Trying to spend the last of my ebay bucks and getting outbid at $38 to $40 range for frickin generic silver rounds!!! :shock:

Ahh, just buy gift card for wally world or something.

beauanderos wrote:
Silver Addict wrote:They are killing themselves with their ridiculous fees.

Hey David! :D See... fees kill too, not just guns :lol:

Yeah, no kidding. Pic's are just as bad I guess.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 5:20 am
by silverflake
To reiterate what neilgin1 was saying, using government numbers for inflation (!) which comes out to about 3% a year, silver would have to reach $125-130/ounce to match the Hunt brothers high of $50/ounce in 1980. However, using John Williams shadowstats calculations (check out his site - AWESOME - the old method used prior to the G.W. administration (changed by Clinton) puts average inflation rate north of 5%. Using 6% as the inflation rate since January 1980, to match the $50/ounce high we would see silver at over $300/ounce. Seems unbelievable, but I still say that $50/ounce is selling us short guys.

I have some walking liberty halves graded PCGS MS64, common date (1940s). I bought them years ago on the cheap. Do i sell them and buy bullion? Keep them? I don't have a huge emotional connection to them but they are pretty nice looking.
Throw out your recommendations.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:59 am
by barrytrot
silverflake wrote:WHAT WOULD YOU DO:
I have some walking liberty halves graded PCGS MS64, common date (1940s). I bought them years ago on the cheap. Do i sell them and buy bullion? Keep them? I don't have a huge emotional connection to them but they are pretty nice looking.
Throw out your recommendations.

If you aren't collecting them then sell them. Bullion has a better chance of going up sharply than common collector coins do.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:44 am
by neilgin1
beauanderos wrote:I don't know what a roll of ASE's might fetch, but those danged nutzo bidders on ebay are pissin me off right now. Trying to spend the last of my ebay bucks and getting outbid at $38 to $40 range for frickin generic silver rounds!!! :shock:

Ray, i know how you feel, but in a way, its a good thing, because (obviously) it shows where the market wants to go, or it also shows us how "off" the board is, in relation to the underlying physical market. and i maintain, that the market WANTS to go to $100.

i havent bought one toz in a lil while now...well thats coz i've had to take care of biz, and of this day, i FINALLY have 1st world plumbing. The money was awaiting the various contractors in the bank, but it being sparsely rural, these guys have been busy. For five months, i've been using an outhouse and showing with a hose, or boiled hot water....two days ago, i re-entered the modern age. These past five months have been good, sort of dress rehearsal if things go awry, and i believe i passed the test, maintaining personal hygiene as well as maintaining kitchen hygiene all just with a garden hose. OH! a hot shower....the first was 45 minutes long.

sorry to go off topic, but thats why i had to lay back on Ag purchases, about a month ago. Now, today 1 Nov, i "open" the papers and see what a sham, this whole EU Greek rescue pkg is.....oh boy, the piper has to be paid. it looks REALLY bad, Italy's next. MF Global is terrible, and i think BAC is going to be a huge problem. ...along with that NEW 4th tier of silver buyers on Ebay, deseperate to ramp in.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:48 am
by neilgin1
silverflake wrote:To reiterate what neilgin1 was saying, using government numbers for inflation (!) which comes out to about 3% a year, silver would have to reach $125-130/ounce to match the Hunt brothers high of $50/ounce in 1980. However, using John Williams shadowstats calculations (check out his site - AWESOME - the old method used prior to the G.W. administration (changed by Clinton) puts average inflation rate north of 5%. Using 6% as the inflation rate since January 1980, to match the $50/ounce high we would see silver at over $300/ounce. Seems unbelievable, but I still say that $50/ounce is selling us short guys.

I have some walking liberty halves graded PCGS MS64, common date (1940s). I bought them years ago on the cheap. Do i sell them and buy bullion? Keep them? I don't have a huge emotional connection to them but they are pretty nice looking.
Throw out your recommendations.

130...yes, 300...yes, the time frame is unknowable to me...; far as the Walkers, please, SELL NOTHING, this is your currency insurance policy. i urge patience, unless you NEED to raise FRN's, sell nothing. be blessed oh silverflake, neil

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:54 am
by neilgin1
barrytrot wrote:
silverflake wrote:WHAT WOULD YOU DO:
I have some walking liberty halves graded PCGS MS64, common date (1940s). I bought them years ago on the cheap. Do i sell them and buy bullion? Keep them? I don't have a huge emotional connection to them but they are pretty nice looking.
Throw out your recommendations.

If you aren't collecting them then sell them. Bullion has a better chance of going up sharply than common collector coins do.

Barry, in all respect, i must disagree, ANY silver one possesses NOW, is our bulwark against being swept into the poverty that is coming. just my opinion, but when folks see "common coins" with that stamp of coinage, USA, they will trust that more than a bar of buillion. Not that bullion will be untradable, but i'm of the opinion, SELL NOTHING. we have NOT EVEN BEGUN to climb to the level i know we will. any paper vehicles of investments, and that includes, silver funds, i regard with the utmost of suspiscion.

our stacks are our only bulwark against getting swept away by forces that swirl around us, forces that promise only poverty and hardship.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:01 am
by barrytrot
neilgin1 wrote:
barrytrot wrote:
silverflake wrote:WHAT WOULD YOU DO:
I have some walking liberty halves graded PCGS MS64, common date (1940s). I bought them years ago on the cheap. Do i sell them and buy bullion? Keep them? I don't have a huge emotional connection to them but they are pretty nice looking.
Throw out your recommendations.

If you aren't collecting them then sell them. Bullion has a better chance of going up sharply than common collector coins do.

Barry, in all respect, i must disagree, ANY silver one possesses NOW, is our bulwark against being swept into the poverty that is coming. just my opinion, but when folks see "common coins" with that stamp of coinage, USA, they will trust that more than a bar of buillion. Not that bullion will be untradable, but i'm of the opinion, SELL NOTHING. we have NOT EVEN BEGUN to climb to the level i know we will. any paper vehicles of investments, and that includes, silver funds, i regard with the utmost of suspiscion.

our stacks are our only bulwark against getting swept away by forces that swirl around us, forces that promise only poverty and hardship.

Selling the Walkers and buying bullion means you have MORE silver. I don't see how that's bad. And your statement sort of indicates you think "more silver is good" also.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:14 am
by neilgin1
oh good friend Barry, no arguments...i'm just of the opinion, that my instrinic cant is towards coinage of the realm...thats just me. i stay away from bullion...again, thats just me, simply because silver to me represents not an investment, but as i've said again and again, ad nausuem, its my form of currency insurance, nothing more. your friend, neil

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:18 am
by barrytrot
Ok, then buy 5 walkers for each "encased one". You have the same thing, just not the "shell". And, naturally, not the MS-level.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:59 am
by NDFarmer
barrytrot wrote: Selling the Walkers and buying bullion means you have MORE silver. I don't see how that's bad. And your statement sort of indicates you think "more silver is good" also.

I agree with you Barry, as I have stated before when the collapse happens I would rather own 30 Morgan dollars that are worth $900.00 now than one Morgan that currently has a numismatic value of $900.00 If things get really bad that $900.00 Morgan might not be worth much more than the $30.00 one. It will be worth what ever a Morgan is worth I don't think there will be much of a numismatic premium.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:01 am
by wbeck
On the eBay thing... I actually was looking about today for similar things. Went and dropped 265 bucks at the local coin shop. Decided to get sub dollar coins, as I have almost entirely dollars, mostly all US junk silver, some pure rounds/bars. Anyway, after I got back I decided to look up eBay prices as it generally has been cheaper than the "big" websites in the past, so IMO the best place to easily price check. As usual I paid less than ANYTHING on there. Looked at coinflation just to check and on my roll of quarters I was something like 5 cents per coin over spot, and on the dimes it was like 2 cents. Now I'm sure there MUST be somewhere cheaper in the world, but I always feel really great about this place. I get the impression that's pretty good right since a lot of places have had good premiums even on US junk silver?

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:19 am
by Silver Addict
silverflake wrote:To reiterate what neilgin1 was saying, using government numbers for inflation (!) which comes out to about 3% a year, silver would have to reach $125-130/ounce to match the Hunt brothers high of $50/ounce in 1980. However, using John Williams shadowstats calculations (check out his site - AWESOME - the old method used prior to the G.W. administration (changed by Clinton) puts average inflation rate north of 5%. Using 6% as the inflation rate since January 1980, to match the $50/ounce high we would see silver at over $300/ounce. Seems unbelievable, but I still say that $50/ounce is selling us short guys.

Not sure why everyone always wants to base the silver price off a bubble high, and think it should be at that same inflation adjusted bubble high right now. It's just not realistic. I prefer it never go to a bubble high. A nice slow steady climb is much better IMO.

When bubbles break, the ride down is no fun. No bubbles please. Stay away Hunt Brother's and the like.

Re: Report from Ebay

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:30 am
by silverflake
Excellent point silveraddict. I think gold is more intune to go that way. Silver being more speculative may get into a bubble situation. Who knows.

Regarding my walkers, I am going to sell them and exercise my second amendment rights and buy my FIRST shotgun. Fair trade, I think. 'Nuff said.