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APMEX question

PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:02 pm
by snappy
Has anyone ever sold to APMEX?

if so did you sell large $ $$,$$$ or small $ $$?

How was the service (slow, quick) get what you were told you, less?

What was your overall oppion on the deal?

I am thinking about selling ~$20,000 silver. not sure if I should just sell 1000fv (set buy price) or sell more,

Re: APMEX question

PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:24 pm
by Neckro
hope you kept receipts for that silver when you bought it, or explaining to the IRS might hurt.

Re: APMEX question

PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:16 pm
by HelloMeteor
I sold 10 1oz gold eagles to them a while ago when gold was about $900. I just checked the receipts and it was exactly two weeks from when I dropped the shipment off a the post office to when I deposited the check from APMEX.

Be sure to use insured mail. It's kind of scary to say goodbye to so much money with nothing to show for it for a while, and if you don't insure it, you could lose it all.Insurance wasn't that expensive. My insured value was $9,100 and it cost $24.10. Actual shipping cost $7.20, for a total of $31.30 transportation costs.

But, yes keep these receipts. You can subtract shipping costs, both to ship out, and when you orginially bought it from your profit for IRS purposes.