Time for a story. 3 years ago after buying silver halves from a dealer, I thought how about if I go to banks, buy rolls to go thru looking for silver halves.
I thought others had to of thought of this too and sure enough I discovered realcent, and enjoyed corresponding with others about this method.
I am a school assembly performer (forplanethealth.com). I travel 47 states doing my programs in schools, so I thought it'd be a golden (silver) opportunity to look for halves as I travel- a perk of my job. Since then I've went thru 1000s and 1000s of dollars of halves across the US. I have many success stories to tell, as well as headaches from these endeavors- like the hassle of always having to dump the non-silver- sometimes having to pay ie $10 (sometimes banks do it for free), crabby bank tellers, being shorted by bank counters, all the time I've put in, gas $...There's the work involved...There's no free lunch, BUT…
This find is my favorite- you'll see why: I was in southern Minnesota a couple of hours from where I live.
I was low on cash- I usually carry $1000-1200 with me when I'm on my tour searching for halves. I only had $72 with/left my silver searching $ at home.
I hadn't figured on searching that day. I got to the small town and had a little time before my show so thought, why not see if there's a bank. I had enough $ for 7 rolls.
I found this very old little 2 teller brick bank- one of those old banks that have been there since the beginning of time- the only bank in town. I explain to this nice young naive teller that "I'm looking for some 50 cent pieces, some half dollars." She's says "OK", goes back into this ancient little vault and brings back an open white canvas sack. She tells me there's $256 worth (512 coins) and lays the bag on the counter in front of me. (Usually banks have the halves only in rolls if they have any halves at all.) I peek in the bag and right away I see one or 2 silver and immediately my heart starts beating a little faster as I realize most likely this bag hasn't been gone thru by silver hunters. I knew I only had about $72 cash so I searched my brain what to do. One of those lightbulb "aha!" moments occurred, and even though I doubted she'd let me do it, out of my mouth came, "Would it be possible for me to only buy the ones I want?" (Ha! Out of all my halves hunting I've done those words have never come out of my mouth.) Without batting an eye she said "sure", and led me back to a small meeting room! Needless to say I was very happy and surprised about this, felt like a kid in a candy store, and was looking forward to seeing what was in the bag! We sat down and she dumped out all the coins on the table- all 512 of them. Already I could see more silver ones. Yes!
I explained I would like the halves dated 1970 and before, that "I like to collect the older ones."
She proceeded to HELP ME go thru the pile to look for them! I realized this was too good to be true, somebody pinch me!
We made small talk as we started to go thru the pile. She checked each coin by date as I took a bunch/approx a roll's worth at a time and checked for the silver edges as I always do. I became excited as I was immediately finding some, as was she! I wanted to get thru the pile as soon as I could so I wasn't even checking to see if they were 90% or 40%. I did notice a few were 90% as each of our piles grew. I couldn't believe this was happening. I just hoped I had enough cash.
She asked if I wanted the "dirty ones" too, and without trying to sound too obvious I said "yeah sure, I'm not that picky". She had no idea about the silver. Later she said "The ones you want seem to be a little different color". I tried to sound surprised that yes indeed they were.
Our respective piles continued to grow and I was beside myself. I noticed a few were Franklins as I hurriedly went thru the pile. When she counted what we set aside it came to $43 FV. I had $29 to spare! She even gave me a nice green bank zippered bag to take them in. I thanked her VERY kindly for her help and wished her a GREAT DAY. I was smiling from ear to ear as I made it to my car, anxiously awaiting to see how many 90%ers were in the bag. There were 22! -including 7 Franklins- which I especially enjoy finding because they are rare. So
22 90%,
64 40%. I laughed, I whooped! This was a once in a lifetime find. I had paid $43 for silver that today is worth approx $575. I've kept the find separate in that green bank bag. What a fun memory.
I'll post about my other finds sometime. My blood pressure is up as I write this, fun to recollect.