68Camaro wrote:IGold is not money. Gold is wealth. Money is not wealth.
Treetop wrote:honestly Im not sure why people think PMs will hold value during a collapse of the dollar.
They always have in times of famine and war. So do other tangibles needed for survival and merriment.
If PMs would result in the biggest transfer of wealth the worlds known it would be outlawed tomorrow, or whenever its politically convenient.
Treetop, we just fought our latest war because Libya was on the verge of introducing a gold Dhinar to be used by African & the Arab States. That would have wrecked the fiat system the banksters depend on. We invaded Iraq only after it stopped numerating the value of it's oil in dollars for the euro. The United States of America has made it utterly clear we will go to war for oil and to stop a gold standard.
so for me owning my home, owning the means of production to keep my family fed and extra for trade THAT is the key... any pms I can save in addition to that are the bonus not the other way around. because I DO think the dollar is fiat and will not last much longer. Our world is very compartmentalized and fragile at the moment. shiny metal never does well during an actual famine and make no mistake that is where we will be if the dollar actually fails. If you have the rest in line though, PMs should retain wealth through a collapse, if the feds let you keep them....
You are right. If you don't own your house and land... you will spend PM's trying to save them. It is better to the have security of a home and land enough to fend for yourself. Do that first. PM's will be extremely valuable to you to barter for the other things you will need. Medicine will be worth it's weight in gold.
Lemon Thrower wrote:68Camaro wrote:IGold is not money. Gold is wealth. Money is not wealth.
68, i have to disagree with you. Gold is money.
Good money such as gold is a store of value, what you call wealth.
Rosco wrote:pennypicker wrote:This is one of the best threads I've read in a while on this board. I always find it extremely interesting when members speak of how they feel our society will be like when the SHTF. I recently moved from the Los Angeles area to a small town called Medford, Or. One of the primary reasons I moved was that I can only imagine how incredibly chaotic and violent the Los Angeles area will become when the SHTF and I don't want to be anywhere near it.
Sorry but your still on the Drift line an those troubles can hit both of Us I'm trying to organized so I can get to Eastern Oregon I see the problem but just like Stacking I'm slow moving, and my DCA is high because of this.
Do our best an build our teams, we can't do this alonePray for Guidance.
Mossy wrote:Just attended a CCW course. Oregon is listed on one of the handouts as being a very hostile to CCW state, in fact, hostile to firearms in general. Of course we are going to see a large rise in violence, especially in the Western part of the state.
Jonflyfish wrote:46.3 million people on food stamps. I'd say that reflects quite a shortage of FRNs. The base money supply has shrunk. The primary increases have been deep and narrow from three primary channels-
1. Excess reserves to recapitalize the banks for their Tier 1 and 2 on balance sheets.
2. ZIRP has put capital in the hands of some financial markets.
3. Selective Central Bank QE to prop up false hopium and prevent certain markets from losing all bids.
Until the reserves are increasing velocity, you won't see base money increases from fractional reserve mainstreeters. Last I checked demand is low and credit guidelines have tightened. Will need a surging economy for real inflation. Meanwhile it is sector based stagflation and deflation ( yes deflation). Deflation in housing continues to destroy the wealth of many whereby a large % of folks invested their "wealth"
Jonflyfish wrote: 46.3 million people on food stamps. I'd say that reflects quite a shortage of FRNs.
nero12345 wrote:Here's my peace, imagine your grandfather or father walked in a gave you boxes upon boxes of morgans, peace, and indian head pennies today. Imagine what you'd have. I plan on doing this someday. If in the mean time things get crazy then you may be covered or not. But look at what ya got and what you've learned. Its all fun and a hell of a hobby. You could be a golfer I guess.
Mossy wrote:Jonflyfish wrote: 46.3 million people on food stamps. I'd say that reflects quite a shortage of FRNs.
Food stamps stand in for money and are therefor a type of money. No idea if it should be called M1 or M2.
I'm not following the rest. Housing was over priced against dollars and reality caught up. Welfare housing is paid for by phantom money, similar to food stamps, and that also increases the "money" in circulaton, further decreasing the relative value of housing.
Cost for simply staying alive, absent government help with some sort of phantom money, has gone up. Basic food and housing have gone up against the dollar, indication to me, an oversupply of "money" in the system, generally expressed in terms of FRNs.
tractorman wrote:Its Zhu Zhu pets now? Remember when it was Beanie Babies?
Jonflyfish wrote:46.3 million people on food stamps. I'd say that reflects quite a shortage of FRNs.
For some yes, for others it's just easy "money". I have a machinist for a brother. He got laid off about 70 weeks ago. He opened up his own mechanic shop and works strictly for cash all the while he collects every government handout he can get. I have tried to hire other men and some will flat out tell you they are doing fine on the dole and the cash they get from odd-jobbing.
The base money supply has shrunk. The primary increases have been deep and narrow from three primary channels-
1. Excess reserves to recapitalize the banks for their Tier 1 and 2 on balance sheets.
2. ZIRP has put capital in the hands of some financial markets.
3. Selective Central Bank QE to prop up false hopium and prevent certain markets from losing all bids.
Until the reserves are increasing velocity, you won't see base money increases from fractional reserve mainstreeters. Last I checked demand is low and credit guidelines have tightened. Will need a surging economy for real inflation. Meanwhile it is sector based stagflation and deflation ( yes deflation). Deflation in housing continues to destroy the wealth of many whereby a large % of folks invested their "wealth"
Sorry, Jon, but housing and real estate are actually up in my area (Tulsa Metro/ Okla. City Metro). I wish they were not... I want to buy some more!
penny pretty wrote:to quote P.J. Orourke. in this economy. my 38 special is my future mastercard.
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