shinnosuke wrote:Any economists out there?
Has a sovereign central bank experiment with a fiat currency ever ended well for the common citizen?
Maybe if the common citizen did not have any money to start with.
shinnosuke wrote:Any economists out there?
Has a sovereign central bank experiment with a fiat currency ever ended well for the common citizen?
shinnosuke wrote:Any economists out there?
Has a sovereign central bank experiment with a fiat currency ever ended well for the common citizen?
50centsaver wrote:Gold or silver eagles?
50centsaver wrote:Economist, won't the people in the government finally reach a point someday when they realize that printing $ is not the answer anymore? -that the value of the US dollar will be devalued SO much that they will be forced to look for other answers?
If and when that day arrives, what option will they have no choice but to choose? A gold/silver backed economy?
If that happens, will the gold/silver we own now be worth a whole lot more, or a whole lot less? I'm guessing a whole lot more.
50centsaver wrote:Economist, won't the people in the government finally reach a point someday when they realize that printing $ is not the answer anymore? -that the value of the US dollar will be devalued SO much that they will be forced to look for other answers?
If and when that day arrives, what option will they have no choice but to choose? A gold/silver backed economy?
If that happens, will the gold/silver we own now be worth a whole lot more, or a whole lot less? I'm guessing a whole lot more.
Economist wrote:Sorry I missed this post when it originally came out (come on guys, you should have flashed the bat signal!)
Theo nailed it in his reply. Yes, gold and silver could go down in price in a depression. But you have to consider what the central banks will do. They will print. They won't wait for things to even get "really bad"--just look at what the Federal Reserve did beginning in Oct. '08.
I _am_ an economist. This doesn't mean I know more than you savvy hard-money guys and PM hoarders here; I just get paid to teach it to college kids and write about it. Speaking of which, here's my brief analysis of why I think higher inflation is far more likely than deflation:
50centsaver wrote:....
Isn't is true that many people have to buy metals for them to go up? People out of work will be scraping by just to buy food and gas.
68Camaro wrote:USD is currently strengthening, as Euro declines.
68Camaro wrote:I am undecided as to intermediate deflation. Certainly possible, and deflation can be practically observed in market segments (like housing), but the current USD strengthening is due to fear of the Euro and flight from it to something else perceived as less risky.
50centsaver wrote:This is all very confusing to someone new to this. You'd think experts in the field would know what exactly is going to be happening, and approx when. As the US keeps printing money like it's going out of style, I can't understand how the unbacked except by promises US dollar can continue to strengthen? You'd think sooner than later it would start to head south. The million dollar question is, when?
The writedown will help to reduce Greece's debt ratio to 120 percent of GDP by 2020 from over 160 percent this year. ... WG20111212
50centsaver wrote:This is all very confusing to someone new to this. You'd think experts in the field would know what exactly is going to be happening, and approx when. As the US keeps printing money like it's going out of style, I can't understand how the unbacked except by promises US dollar can continue to strengthen? You'd think sooner than later it would start to head south. The million dollar question is, when?
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