camtender wrote:Jonflyfish wrote:I love to read the blogosphere stories about why the prognosticating crystal ball rubbing crowd was "scammed" and "duped" by the "big boy club" whenever their ideas i.e. "let's all take physical delivery of a few rolls of war nickels and squeeze JPM shorts into submission and make silver fly to infinity and beyond" bellyflop. What cartoonish rubbish these fools propagate. What story will they think of next time their investments get halved while they remain delusional with the "If you liked it at X, you'll love it at 0.5X" nonsense? "Um, Let's blame Jon Corzine. That'll make us feel better". The market has been in a decline for quite some time and quite simple and easy to recognize and trade, even though most just ignored it and said "Buy the F'ing dip" because that's what the youtube cartoon said to do. At some point the "dip" wipes out the dips that fell for such foolishness, then market finds a floor and carries on as usual. You don't need to read any story about manipulate this, squeeze that, Buy the F'ing dip, MFG, etc etc. Turn off all the noise that suckers and fools the mASSes and trade what the market offers...Truth in price.
What cartoonish rubbish you just wrote.
Truth in price???? Kind of like the residential housing market over the past decade??? There was never anyone that got "scammed", "duped" by the "big boy club" or anyone else. GS never created structured products with any material misrepresentations with the intent to deceive their own clients. There was never any cover up when Tres Sect. Paulson spoke to Congress to tell them all was well with the GSE's and then two weeks later told 20 plus hedge fund manages that they were going to collapse, and he never worked for GS either, RIGHT????????? Truth in price...............................
No, China never banned the free trading of gold and silver it was never a felony to hold more that five ounces of gold bullion in the US.
My advice to you is read some history on the monetary system - maybe you should start with Genesis - read about Joseph, silver and his brothers.
More importantly, understand supply and demand. Maybe get a grasp on some basic fundamentals - I don't even know where to begin with you. You remind me of some South African tool I worked with from Arthur Anderson. Maybe if you opened your eyes a little more and read people's thoughts who have more exposure to things than you (Harvey Organ for example) you would learn to take a cross section & consensus of what others have found and come to an educated conclusion - instead you just spew garbage out - as noted above - and noted below when you fail to control your self and respond with more spew.
You know not what you speak. Nothing you said has anything to do with truth in price and what I'm talking about- just unrelated drivel. Your ire has a stench.
I don't care what you think about residential housing or China. But since you mention it, don't you think Joe Sixpack, who insisted on a neg am interest only mortgage at 100% LTV no doc with a 680 fico score had anything to do with the truth in the price of the property once it foreclosed? Did the property not really close at the price he paid, nor the price paid by the new resident after the foreclosure or short sale? I don't care who worked at GS or your strip bar. Flush out your headgear new guy!
The settlement price is market to market daily. Those prices are credited and debited at the close.
You may know everything there is to know and dogmatically pontificate 'till you are blue as pappa smurf but I assure you that the funds settled based on the transaction price is realised and I regularly wire those funds out and pay for real estate, autos, physical precious metals, fishing trips to Alaska, Aruba and Maui. Mre importantly understand supply and demand? Are you suggesting that bids and offers that are crossed are not real? Do you know anything about how markets function and the actual financial consequence of transactions at specific prices? Do you not believe that silver is bought and sold at COMEX + differential? Do you not believe the dealer when he quotes you a price? Do you not believe that such a PRICE is executable? Are you a troll? U mad bro?
BTW- It's Arthur Andersen, not Anderson and I happen to know quite a few folks who worked there and Enron etc etc. so what? I like your comment about spew and spew. That's all you've done. Not one salient relevant fact just troll spew.