New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby halfhunter » Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:45 am

Copper_Baron wrote:
jtlee321 wrote:There is a new reality TV Show coming out in June.. "Bank Miner" it's about a guy with several Rydale's and who orders Half dollars and dimes. It show's his day to day operation how he sorts the coins and deals with the dumps. He gloat's about the amount of silver the "Public" get's rid of and he collects at face value. He talks mostly about the copper penny's that "No body knows about". This should spell doom for us.. Wink Wink.. It may not be long until this actually happens though...

That would be a very boring show.............

I don't know about that . . . If you'll notice, the excitement in most of these shows is not what they're doing, but the competition and the characters involved. There's always some kind of score kept.

BTW, that was FUNNY . . . Had a few folks here REAL upset ! ! ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby Tourney64 » Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:30 am

I could see a show like that actually happening. If it did then it would end easy street for a lot of people.
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby Ecotic » Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:13 am

Damn you scared me! I immediately googled "Bank Miner Discovery Channel" in fear. The idea didn't seem that farfetched considering Discovery Channel launched 'Bering Sea Gold' after the success of 'Gold Rush'. I was afraid like everyone of the big secret getting out.

Copper and Silver mining out of everyday change is basically our way of doing everything those gold miners in Alaska are doing, getting all the same thrills and a decent profit, but without needing a $300,000 upfront investment.
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby lance » Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:32 am

Take a show like extreme could have a show where people goto banks to find certain coins....maybe not just copper but silver would be interesting to see someone go all out for a tv show
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby penny4mythoughts » Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:45 pm

A funny but terrifying joke :)

And yes, shows like Storage Wars RUIN small markets and small businesses. I had been buying storage units first as additional income and then, after losing a job, started doing it full time. About a year later SW and Auction Hunters premiered and the following happened:

Census for auctions (people that show up) went from an average of 5-25 to and average of 75-175. I've actually seen a location go from 30 one month to 300 the next. With that many people the prices go INSANE. Not to mention the demographics of the people involved. Many are desperate and sad, and many of the new people are drug addicts, specifically meth. 6am auction after a 10 hour nightime sleepless marathon of Storage Wars.... terrifying. One woman growled at other bidders....I wish I was kidding.

Prices have gone sky high as well. Again by averages: I used to pick up a nice 5x5 or 10x10 for anywhere from 25-200 depending on contents (obviously) but now those same run-of-the-mill units go for over 1K on a regular basis.

All of that to say, I hope "Bank Miner" never comes to be, though it may be inevitable in the current reality tv market. I've had one business/hobby ruined... I'd prefer it not take another.
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby cesariojpn » Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:35 pm

penny4mythoughts wrote:All of that to say, I hope "Bank Miner" never comes to be, though it may be inevitable in the current reality tv market. I've had one business/hobby ruined... I'd prefer it not take another.

A&E has a show about Duck Farmers in the premiere pipeline, so......only a matter of time. At best they come to us long after we've (mostly) stripped the supply. At worse, some idiot among us is "quietly" shopping said idea around to the production companies right now.

I hope the latter isn't true, because one of the first things we advocate is SECURITY. Really bad idea to announce to people that your sitting on a hoard of cash just ready for the taking.
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby John_doe » Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:58 pm

It would be interesting to see what happens if they aired something like this, but im not looking forward to it.
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby jtlee321 » Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:32 pm

As much as I would hate to see it. I would probably at least watch the first show..
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby CopperHound » Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:19 pm

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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby NHsorter » Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:34 pm

If this show came out, I would watch it for sure. It would give me something to do because I certainly would be done sorting coins.
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby John_doe » Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:27 pm

NHsorter wrote:If this show came out, I would watch it for sure. It would give me something to do because I certainly would be done sorting coins.

I would imagine banks would start turning people away after a while. :cry:
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby jtlee321 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:35 am

And we all thought them raising fees to use your debit card was a bunch of BS. Imagine the fees they would charge for all the coin they would start having to order. On the other hand it would probably create a few jobs in the Armored Service Industry!! ;)
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby cesariojpn » Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:43 am

Looking at something unrelated to this site, but noticed this from one Reality TV production company on Twitter:

Hybrid Films ‏ @HybridFilms

Want to be our next star? Do you have an idea that you think could be a hit? Hybrid Films would like to hear from you!

Hey, it's possible guys. All it takes is one person giving these guys a good polished pitch to make trouble for the rest of us.
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby John_doe » Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:50 pm

starring none other than: frank underwood 8-)
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby Fred Underwood » Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:20 pm

John_doe wrote:starring none other than: frank underwood 8-)

Frank has always been my favorite son...that boy's going places!
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby hobo finds » Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:22 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: New Reality TV Show!! "Bank Miner" on Discovery

Postby hobo finds » Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:23 pm

we could have another father son team on realcent!
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