Got a call from a bank today...

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Got a call from a bank today...

Postby Spikeanator6982 » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:14 am

So I got a call from a bank which I buy and dump pennies at. The lady says when she helped me last, I had brought in two bags of pennies and she gave me two "new" bags, but she also gave me the $100 something back in cash. Keep in mind, I do a lot of business at a lot of banks, and I was out of town for the whole last week, so this would have happened at least two weeks ago, if not three. I honestly don't remember this happening, and if i noticed it, I would have not accepted the extra cash back, (like when one of the tellers at this same bank tried giving me a bag of quarters and resisted me saying it was quarters and not pennies for a few tries. What do I do? I don't want the teller to get in trouble, I dont want to loose a great buy and dumb bank(they supply other banks and set aside bags I havent went through yet so its a great setup), but I honestly don't think she gave me $100 in pennies and $100 in cash for ~$100 in pennies. Do tellers honestly not check their "tills" every day and only do it every few weeks? I was in and out of this bank at least once but probably 2 or 3 times buying pennies/nickels since this would of/could of happened. Did they just come up $100 short and decided to blame me? help :?
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Re: Got a call from a bank today...

Postby highroller4321 » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:22 am

I would ask #1 why did it take them so long to contact you and #2 how did the come to the conclusion that the cash went to you.

Also this should be easily visible from the camera since nothing should be exchanging hands on the counter.
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Re: Got a call from a bank today...

Postby Spikeanator6982 » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:55 am

Both things I thought of, the camera not until after we hung up. With the camera, I wonder if they keep the footage for long enough in this case, and also if its good enough to see if it was some cash, say like the normal 8-10 bucks I over fill the bags with, handed back or 108 bucks being handed back. The coin counter is in a different room from where the lobby is, so it would have/should all have been filmed and the teller.
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Re: Got a call from a bank today...

Postby Dave » Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:20 am

She should have known she was short that day, not 2 days or 2 weeks later.
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Re: Got a call from a bank today...

Postby RichardPenny43 » Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:21 am

Tellers have to balance their "till" at the end of each day. This mistake should have been caught by them that day, not a week or two later. I would go to the bank in person and speak to the manager. Stand up for yourself but don't be loud or rude. They can't make you pay them the $100 in question but you might lose the services of that bank. It sounds like maybe this is their way of dumping you :(
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Re: Got a call from a bank today...

Postby Spikeanator6982 » Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:35 am

Ok, so I went in, the lady wasnt a normal teller, just was a fill-in, her till was balanced, but she had forgot to buy the coin from the vault, so it showed up when the vault wasnt balanced. They said it was fine, the teller was going to cover it, She was sure its what happened, and I honestly can't say it didn't bc I havent made it a habit to balance my billfold everyday.. the cameras don't go back far enough to look. I don't need the bank or the tellers to think I swiped $100 so I told the teller involved if she was sure it happened, i'd pay it since I wasn't sure. Worst thing I guess I lost $100 that I really didn't owe, but I hope I kept my source bank which I can remake $100 from pretty easily. I will have to start paying attention to the in and out of my wallet better. If anything, the teller just screwed me, but she knows I was trying to best honest and make it right.
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Re: Got a call from a bank today...

Postby robroy » Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:51 pm

I commend you for your sense of integrity especially if they can't reasonably justify that you were in the bank on the date in question. However, I'm at a loss over your account of this transaction. I buy coin from a number of banks and never had I had to identify myself to any teller at a bank where I buy my coins. If it appears that I am going to have a problem the most that I would say is that I do have an account with the bank but I've never had to identify by name. Granted the area that I live is not a small town. So I was wondering as to how they knew you and how to get in contact with you. Also I would never purchase and dump coins at the same bank because then they are bearing a lot of expense for your mining expedition. You may want to spread the load around.

I have a series of banks that I use to purchase my coins but fewer dump banks. However, one of my dump banks is a bank where I deposit most of my coins into my account and they do have a coin counter for depositor use. Just as a kind of helpful suggestion you may want to spread your coin purchases around a bit so the bank won't get to use to you there and hit up again. I consider myself honest, but i don't know if I would have been considerate and honest as you were especially considering the amount of time that it took to contact you in an attempt to rectify the situation.

You are a good person. I kept you happenstance in mind when I went to the bank today to get some coin for my mining venture. I'd hate to have this happen to me. Like I said, you sound like a better person that most and probably me. Good for you.
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