by IdahoCopper » Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:16 am
Here is another observation from John Stuart:
With everything going on in our country, to our country and by our country; people are finally asking what the fuq is wrong?
I catch a lot of crap because I claim I know the answers, even after I prove I do people claim I was just lucky. For those that have been reading my short anecdotes for the last few years, some for 2 decades now, I would suspect you have realized I look at things differently than most people and that I must know things most people don’t know or choose to not believe. I do.
Primarily; I know the single problem that has caused all other problems. Every bad thing happening in the world, to this country, to our people all lead back to one single heinous problem that is incurable and was designed to destroy our country and enslave all of the peoples throughout the world.
The problem: America buys its money.
Yup, it is really that simple.
I have taught this for well over 35 years now. 34 years ago it got me expelled from high school. 25 years ago less than 1 person out of 100 would listen. 20 years ago, maybe 5 out of 100. 15 years ago, 10. 10 years ago, 20. 5 years ago, 40. Now, well over half Americans know America buys its money, but they still don’t understand what that means.
What it means is everything we have, everything we earn, everything we build, everything we are is leveraged to a non-existent debt created by bankers to steal our wealth, our rights, our freedoms, our very lives.
Once again we are being tricked. THEY, who ever THEY are (the banksters), are now propagandizing about closing the Federal Reserve. Oh boy, big friggin deal. ‘ just another trick. They are going to close the fed to cancel any debts the fed owes; it won’t close the debts owed to the fed, which is every piece of real and personal property in America.
They will close the fed and replace it with the IMF (under some other name). America will still be buying its own money, we will still lose.
New world order, One world government!!! Its all bullsh#t!
Its ONE WORLD BANK, that is what it is all about, nothing more, nothing less. Most of the world’s money supply is now controlled by the fed thru some fed offshoot. The idea is to have one fed for the whole friggin planet.
Bankers don’t care about controlling government, they care about controlling money. They do control government as a means to control the money. By controlling the government they can start wars, build useless sh#t, give money away, etc. They make the government spend money so the government has to buy more money. When the government buys more money THEY get richer and the people get poorer. That is the plan, the whole plan, and nothing but the plan.
That is all it is really about. Getting America and other fed countries to buy more money. I know this, I have known this almost my whole life. It does not matter how I learned the “secret” at such a young age, suffice it to say I did so and I went in a different direction than most people. This one specific piece of knowledge caused me to grow up with a different mind set than everyone I knew, everyone I worked with, everyone I taught, etc. It also made most people think I was nuts, that’s ok, I thought they were stupid and ignorant sheeple.
When you realize what it really means when I say our country buys its own money you will realize that there is no possibility of saving this country. There isn’t enough left to save since most people are much more concerned about money than they will ever admit, even to themselves.
What does “America buys its own money” mean exactly:
We, as a people own the “mint.” It costs us 4 cents in ink, paper, labor and machinery to print a “bill” whether said bill is a 1 or a 100. We sell that bill at cost to the fed. THEY sell that same bill back to our government at face value plus interest.
Yup, we sell them a $100 note for 4 cents, THEY sell it back to us (US) for $100 plus. The “National Debt” is the difference between the 4 cents per note and the face value of the note, plus. Get it! We can’t win.
Once you understand this you understand why:
the government gives away money: to other countries, to bailouts, to illegal immigrants, to welfare babies, to old people, to druggies, to morons, to wars, to what the fuq ever. Everything our government does now is designed to cause us to buy more money. That is all that is really ever going on. Everything is just smoke and mirrors so we buy more money and are alright with it.
Once America became so indebted to the banksters and THEY took control of the government, read as 1933 under Roosevelt, THEY started creating government programs JUST to give away money so we would have to buy more money from THEY[M].
There, that is the whole thing. That’s it. That’s what happened and that is what is happening. It is all about 1 thing and 1 thing ONLY. THEY make us buy more money.
If you choose to not believe what you just read, its because you already drank the Kool-aid and you will never wake up. It’s the truth, worded in the simplest way I could word it and still help you understand the full ramifications of how bad we are screwed.
Just watch, THEY will get rid of the fed, but America will still be buying its own money, it will just be from another group of THEY]M].
Now you also know why you are numbered, just like those Federal Reserve Notes. Yup, guess what else was sold by our government to the banksters.
John C. Stuart
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