Libertad, real or fake

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Libertad, real or fake

Postby AGCoinHunter » Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:12 pm

This question is for those who know their libertads. I purchased a 1992 libertad a few months back and just noticed that it has a reeded edge instead of the smooth edge with the writing struck on it. Is there such a thing or am I looking at a counterfit? It weights the same (31.1grams) as what I believe to be a real one. Does anyone know?
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Re: Libertad, real or fake

Postby Know Common Cents » Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:17 pm

Should be the real thing. It does look odd to see the reeded edge in a stack of the ones with writing, but the weight (31.1g) confirms it.

I have some like this and the reeded edge certainly caught my eye, too.
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Re: Libertad, real or fake

Postby AGCoinHunter » Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:48 am

Thanks for your reply KCC. Anyone else have experience with these?
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Re: Libertad, real or fake

Postby Verbane » Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:49 pm

Take a look at Krause

KM#494.1 - 1982 to 1989 - .999, 1 Toz ASW
KM#494.2 - 1988 to 1995 - .999, 1 Toz ASW, reeded edge (includes 494.3 - 494.4 - 494.5)
KM#613 - 1996 to 1999 - .925, 1 Toz ASW
KM#639 - 2000 to 2011 - .999, 1 Toz ASW, reeded edge, revised reverse(eagle circled by eagles)
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Re: Libertad, real or fake

Postby AGCoinHunter » Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:22 pm

Great, thanks Verbane. Just wanted to confirm. Odd to make it smooth, then change to reeded, then back to smooth.
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