On TV: Bearing Sea Gold

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Re: On TV: Bearing Sea Gold

Postby Engineer » Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:54 am

cesariojpn wrote:
Ecotic wrote:The season finale is tomorrow and I just need to say that this show has become really terrible. Just about all the characters are [fluffy kittens]. Plus there's no dynamism, no gut-wrenching decisions about where to dig, what claims to get, what equipment to get, or any of the fun stuff that Gold Rush Alaska had. It's mostly just weather difficulties and everyone getting pissed at each other all the time. It could have been a good spin-off idea had the emphasis been more on likeable characters that we root for to succeed over time instead of having everyone quit in disgust right before the finale.

Plus is Emily the ONLY woman in Nome that isn't taken? God, it must be hell if she is.

Thanks for the reminder of why I don't like reality tv. :lol:

If you're looking for a good show with likable characters, the new season of Eureka starts April 16 on SyFy. If you have Netflix, its well worth watching from the beginning, and this will be the final season. Haven and Warehouse 13 are favorites of mine as well. There's just something about all those shows that leaves you a little happier after you watch them rather than disgusted with the human race like most reality tv...
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Re: On TV: Bearing Sea Gold

Postby TXBullion » Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:07 am

IdahoCopper wrote:Called Delta this morning to see about using Miles to fly to Nome. Only limited seats are available for Miles, and they're all booked up, for the whole summer.

Paying with FRNs, its right about $1,000 RT, with seats still available. So, I'm not sure if I'll go up there this season. Depends on other factors.

If you are not sure because of a 1,000 plane ticket on a project that will potentially generate 15M on a 1.5M-2M capital investment, you have no business dabbling in such a project.
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Re: On TV: Bearing Sea Gold

Postby IdahoCopper » Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:53 am

With no potential investors, there really is no project. Its only an idea at this point.
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Re: On TV: Bearing Sea Gold

Postby cesariojpn » Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:09 pm

Wow, the after show was....rambunctious.

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