by AGCoinHunter » Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:24 pm
Hairline scratches in fields or on devices or the areas that look like they have been rubbed/scrubbed. Easy to see under magnification. Devices may have dirt or grime around them while the rest of the coin looks clean. Coins that have been dipped too long may have a dull appearance. Or the coin looks like someone took a silver polishing cloth to it and shined it up until it burns your retinas.
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.”
"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”
- Patrick Henry