SoFa wrote:Gold went for $700/oz just a few years ago. I don't see why it can't ever trade at that price again.
Gold price might be topping or it could be consolidating for the next leg higher.
Thogey wrote:Hey Jon,
I'm the dumbest guy on RC when it comes to "markets" I hoard silver. I probably have too much.
I used to have faith in compounding interest, but here's my problem. Maybe you can explain why this should not worry me.
As I understand, the government is debasing our dollars (which should really be defined as a given quantity of silver or gold)
They are doing this by borrowing huge amounts of dollars and then printing more dollars to pay the juice on those loans, hence low interest rates.
Given what I have written is true, and I don't know for sure that it is: Here is my question.
If my interest is compounding and the number of dollars I am earning is growing at an exponential rate but those dollars are being debased just as fast, does that make me a sucker for counting on compounding interest..paid in dollars?
I really value your opinion on this.
Marginal rates of return beyond the inflation rate and taxes that are reinvested have the chance for the eighth wonder to manifest itself.
Jonflyfish wrote:An individual's paradigm becomes their own truth.
Thogey wrote:Thanks Jon,
This is a tough pill to swallow though.Marginal rates of return beyond the inflation rate and taxes that are reinvested have the chance for the eighth wonder to manifest itself.
But I see your point, what choice do we have?
Invest in our own businesses
OneBiteAtATime wrote:As Europe fails, PM from old hands and weak hands will be sold like crazy. Silver and gold will plummet as the market becomes flooded with cheap PM. You'd be surprised what you'd trade for a good meal for your children. It won't take long for the strongest hands to acquire the vast majority. Then it will skyrocket to the levels we suspect it can go to. During the short-lived crash this forum will be an uproar. I wonder if I will lose confidence. I pray that I have the confidence and sober-mindedness to take advantage.
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