First half dollar box. What to pull?

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First half dollar box. What to pull?

Postby philadelphiafan » Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:43 pm

I will be doing my first half dollar box and I know to pull the silve but are there any other coins worth pulling out.
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Re: First half dollar box. What to pull?

Postby fb101 » Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:46 pm

You may find proofs, I pull them.
there are some errors in jfks but I can't name them.
real over the 1/2 dollars and other coins thread for 2011 and you'll find probably everything you need to know.
Best of Luck!
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Re: First half dollar box. What to pull?

Postby Country » Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:50 pm

I pull out all clad commemoratives, clad proofs (S-mintmarks), and NIFCS (2002 to date clads). All of this is not worth much, but occasionally you will find someone that wants 'em. There are also clad error coins, for those with young eyes wish to pursue them.
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Re: First half dollar box. What to pull?

Postby drummermatt » Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:15 pm

philadelphiafan wrote:I will be doing my first half dollar box and I know to pull the silve but are there any other coins worth pulling out.

I haven't gotten into half dollar boxes yet but am considering starting. Being that I am in the Philly area and assume you might be also, can you give me an idea of which bank(s) might actually carry half dollar boxes? I have accounts at TD and Wells Fargo, and was thinking of adding Citizens. Thanks for your input!
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