Silver close to breaking through $30

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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby neilgin1 » Thu May 10, 2012 5:53 am

Jonflyfish wrote:Barry has some pretty darn smart ideas. Not sure why some folks battle the financial trades instead of being open and thoughtful to such workable ideas. In fact, I'm surprised the "silver is my religion" folks here don't sell puts over and over and over and over and over.....


respectfully, it all depends on your "game". if your vocation is active trading, speculation, sitting in front of a battery of screens, writing puts, or as you put it, selling puts is okay, you dont MIND the risk factor, and thats fine. Such speculation is how you play your hand.

i been down at ground zero, i been in the trading pits, when they were still active, and either, you're just killing the market OR you're getting killed. Anybody can have a winning day, or days, weeks, there's no greater feeling. Conversely, getting killed speculating is a nightmare, whether you're trading in the pits or you're trading off floor. You cant panic, even though everything inside you, is screaming "panic", you have to maintain, and "backdoor" a losing position. In short, speculation is an art, and in its way, its combat.

and some of the traders i saw when i was younger, these guys were beasts, they knew everyway to skin a cat, you wouldnt believe some of the stuff they'd do, legal, quasi-legal and blatantly illegal, but in the end, every "big swinging dick", at sometime, would "bust-out", then they'd scrape together equity and go at it again, this is the period in the 80's/early 90's i'm speaking of.

i knew a trader that could spread options like a whiz...never saw him "bust out", but then again, he had family money behind him, so you never really knew.

there was a day, and this was still in the early 90's, when you COULD open an acct for 5k...OFF floor, and what i would do is, spread grains, buy old crop grain and sell new crop against it, or buy minneapolis wheat (higher protein) and sell chicago wheat (lower protein) against it...made real good money this way, because i could stand the risk. You could "marry" tech analysis with fundamental analysis, and usually trade to the fair. If not, the market would tell you, you're wrong, but you'd have to ears to hear that.

There's no such thing as a "sure thing", but the closet thing i've seen LATELY (post 9/11) is the game, bank prop trading desks got going in silver. For years, it been like an ATM machine for them...arrayed against them are a multitide of those you refer to as the "silver as religion" crowd, they had the capacity to buy anywhere from a one to ten lot of comex silver.........and these were perma-bulls, they're what we would call "weak hands"...arrayed on the other side, with vast resources, bank trading desks, who could just POUND the futures, dumping thousands of cars onto the market, blowing out stops from these 1 to 10 car lil spec's.

(i saw the same thing happen in the belly's in the early 80's, the Japanese for some reason, LOVED trading pork bellys, volatile market, nice liquidity, and guys in the pit would just prey on them. The japs would all be looking at the same charts, and if the market would start to go against them, they would "prudently" put their 'stop loss' orders in, and since these orders were on paper, the guys that held these orders, called "decks", would tip off five to six 'raptors', large floor traders, exactly WHERE the stop loss orders were at, and then the raptors would take the Japs OUT. i seen days, we would open limit bid, which was 2.00 above the previous close, maybe 500 cars bid at the limit, which would be sold, and then the frenzy would start, the market would scream down 4.00 lower to limit OFFER, maybe another 500 cars offered to sell, a lil pause, somebody or somebodies would buy the 500 and another frenzy, and we'd wind up closing a 1.00 higher....the guys would be giggling and laughing at the close, cause they were all in on it, BIG MONEY...and it was ALL legal...sort of. They werent laughing in Tokyo, but the attitude was "F### 'em" the Japs left, and then they got to preying on another, and more belly market)

my whole point is this, i feel the world changed at two points, 9/11...that was the first quake, and now when MF Global cratered, because Corzine and crew did something that violated the "holy of holies", which are customer segregated funds. IF a trading house was foolish enough to screw with cust seg funds, its imperative for the exchange itself, to make every customer good 100 cents on the dollar, period, end of sentence. Sure i hear, 'they're good 72 cents on the dollar" its "92 cents on the dollar"...MAYBE.

that implicit trust, where i could call up the clearing house, or the IB and tell them, cut me a check for 20 grand....thats over, and that means game over. oh sure, things sputter could have an acct at XYZ, and they're still "okay".........BUT, always in the back of your mind, you're asking, "when's their "corzine moment" going to happen?"

Now, if you have a good risk tolerance to speculate, great! Personally, i have no more trust in any exchange, no appettite for risk, and i dont regard silver as an investment, a trade or a religion, to me, holding physical silver is currency insurance, simply put. Much the same way, one insures a car, or your house. .....and if your kicking tail by writing puts....may you prosper. neil
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu May 10, 2012 7:53 am

That was a nice soliloquy Neil. But it doesn't speak to the points made. "I know a guy who..." or you do etc doesn't summarize the opportunity or consequence of a zero sum environment.
Been in the pits NYMEX, COMEX, CME and at some NYSE posts and last year the LME working with a principal member of the LBMA and seen some pretty amazing things but that too doesn't matter because the market doesn't care, and they are not going away. Counterparty risk is real. The markets will work through the MFG case and impose tighter constraints. Counterparty risk is real and exists in phyzz as well.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby neilgin1 » Thu May 10, 2012 8:40 am

Jonflyfish wrote:That was a nice soliloquy Neil. But it doesn't speak to the points made. "I know a guy who..." or you do etc doesn't summarize the opportunity or consequence of a zero sum environment.
Been in the pits NYMEX, COMEX, CME and at some NYSE posts and last year the LME working with a principal member of the LBMA and seen some pretty amazing things but that too doesn't matter because the market doesn't care, and they are not going away. Counterparty risk is real. The markets will work through the MFG case and impose tighter constraints. Counterparty risk is real and exists in phyzz as well.

thank you for that compliment, i will take it in the spirit it was given. however, i DID speak to the points made, rather "point" and that is TRUST, and "trust" has fled. Once that is discerned, a market "going away" is not the appropriate verbiage, it becomes illiquid.

but you go get 'em! Even picked over roadkill still has bits of flesh and bone marrow available.

later ps...when i conclude with "may you prosper", i mean that from a pure heart. just so you know.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu May 10, 2012 9:18 am

neilgin1 wrote:
thank you for that compliment, i will take it in the spirit it was given. however, i DID speak to the points made, rather "point" and that is TRUST, and "trust" has fled. Once that is discerned, a market "going away" is not the appropriate verbiage, it becomes illiquid.

but you go get 'em! Even picked over roadkill still has bits of flesh and bone marrow available.

Neil, That's total rubbish. The markets are VERY liquid so obviously generally speaking "trust" (in whom?) has not fled. Picked over roadkill? LMAO! :lol:
Neil, reality man. You make it sound like nobody is in the markets, which again is rubbish. Don't be delusional or feed people disinformation. The whole enchilada is out there for the taking. Volatility, liquidity and zero some are here mate. Has served me and my clients very well for many years and nothing about that is any different now than 9/11 other than there is more liquidity, access, speed and efficiency for price discovery and trade execution.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby neilgin1 » Thu May 10, 2012 9:41 am

If it "total rubbish", why is NYSE vol down 50%?

if i'm so delusional, why was there a 260 bln USD outflow from mutual funds and 800 bln USD inflow into bonds?

if i'm so delusional, why does BLS post unemployment at 8.2%, and shadow stats has it at 22%

if i'm so delusional, why is that 7 TRL USD of home equity been drained from avg Americans?...or that 47 mln of my fellow citizens need food stamp asssistance?

if i'm so delusional why did NDAA, which eviscerates the Constitution pass the Senate 93-7?...or that anyone who bespeaks of PM's as "hard money", support Congressman Paul's bid for POTUS be regarded as a potential threat?

if it makes you feel better about yourself to lecture and denigrate me, with "reality man"..or "Don't be delusional or feed people disinformation"...and then conclude this disrespect with a boilerplate, "Cheers", go for it.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu May 10, 2012 10:00 am

neilgin1 wrote:If it "total rubbish", why is NYSE vol down 50%?

if i'm so delusional, why was there a 260 bln USD outflow from mutual funds and 800 bln USD inflow into bonds?

if i'm so delusional, why does BLS post unemployment at 8.2%, and shadow stats has it at 22%

if i'm so delusional, why is that 7 TRL USD of home equity been drained from avg Americans?...or that 47 mln of my fellow citizens need food stamp asssistance?

if i'm so delusional why did NDAA, which eviscerates the Constitution pass the Senate 93-7?...or that anyone who bespeaks of PM's as "hard money", support Congressman Paul's bid for POTUS be regarded as a potential threat?

if it makes you feel better about yourself to lecture and denigrate me, with "reality man"..or "Don't be delusional or feed people disinformation"...and then conclude this disrespect with a boilerplate, "Cheers", go for it.

NYSE volumes down 50% from what and when, mass liquidations in late 08- early 09? What was the ave volume 3, 5, 10 years ago and what is it today? You mentioned 9/11 as your benchmark. How about then?
Actually I found this as a reference for the current "equities" market- ... -omx-group
Would 4.26 billion shares/day allow you to get your trades off for some flesh scraps and teeth scrapes on some marrow?

Mutual fund flows are retail, not institutional. Retail does not drive volume. It is no secret that the baby boomers are going from equity markets where they were seeking growth to the fixed income markets, which are VERY large and VERY liquid.
Futures and derivatives are extremely liquid and vibrant. The markets in general are extremely liquid. That's what we are talking about, not "gold is money" politico bills, housing bubbles that return to normal conditions from only a handful of years ago (common mistake to use high watermark notional values as a perceived level from which avg folks lost $trillions which is also debatable since there have been millions of foreclosures, leaving the banks with the losses), unemployment, or food stamps. etc etc. We were talking about the financial markets. I know you have more messages to share about your world views etc but let's please keep on topic.

There is no disrespect with "cheers" mate. Are you so intolerable of other cultures? Perhaps it's just a bad hair day mate. No worries.

Last edited by Jonflyfish on Thu May 10, 2012 10:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby neilgin1 » Thu May 10, 2012 10:33 am

cleve to your worldview, but dont deign to tell me, 'keep on topic', in this myopic patronizing tenor you seem fond of, its all on topic ace.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu May 10, 2012 10:40 am

neilgin1 wrote:cleve to your worldview, but dont deign to tell me, 'keep on topic', in this myopic patronizing tenor you seem fond of, its all on topic ace.

I was just hoping we could have a civil conversation about the markets and discuss your rubbish assertions, painting a picture of the markets as a ghost town where rodents remain looking for an errant scrap. Such flippant misinformation deserves a bit of accountability. Feeding people false information then changing the topic is disingenuous. Instead of civil conversation you began replying about the markets with the "gold is money", "avg folks are victims", "unemployment", "food stamps" etc rhetoric and began a personal rant about what you don't like about me or my culture, so I kindly asked that we remain on topic.
At least you didn't blame George Bush and ask for more chains we can believe in. :lol:
Have a good one.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Thu May 10, 2012 11:34 am

Computer algobots are responsible for 80-90% of the trading... HFT flash trades and front running.

Watch CNBC some time during trading hours. They moved the entire tv studio down to the NYSE trading floor. Why?... because there is NOBODY there except for a handful of market makers/specialists.

Some day soon the paper pushers are going to get smacked down with a hard dose of reality. I'll bet they'll put the blame on some fat finger trader. Doesn't matter how they try to rationalize it... I will be laughing hard when the whole ponzi collapes on their heads.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu May 10, 2012 12:23 pm

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Computer algobots are responsible for 80-90% of the trading... HFT flash trades and front running.

Watch CNBC some time during trading hours. They moved the entire tv studio down to the NYSE trading floor. Why?... because there is NOBODY there except for a handful of market makers/specialists.

Some day soon the paper pushers are going to get smacked down with a hard dose of reality. I'll bet they'll put the blame on some fat finger trader. Doesn't matter how they try to rationalize it... I will be laughing hard when the whole ponzi collapes on their heads.

The "floor" model has been outdated and considered archaic for several years now. NYSE holds on to a few specialists posts out of ego and nostalgia. Even their trades are crossed electronically. It's called speed and efficiency. Several of my systems are algobots. Mechanical trading eliminates emotions which are the primary cause of people failing. No plan and/or discipline. If they had both, efficiency becomes the premium.
If your familiar with trading you'll know that specialists are not needed. You can be the market maker now, sending your own bids and offers. Again, this drives speed and efficiency and is a primary reason for dirt cheap commissions nowadays.

However, the "markets" I'm focused on are not the equities markets. The commodity markets are not dominated by algos, not even close. The commercial markets drive the vast majority of the volume on Globex, ICE and Clearport portals. "Ponzi"? Sorry, the markets aren't Bernie Madoff. Paper is the highest form of demand for settling all transactions in commerce and trade. I love paper. I love making a lot of it. The more I have, the more I can do with it. And the USD isn't going away either- sorry . Even the godfather of gold bugs- Jim Sinclair says the same. :o
But selective hearing, fear, hate, resentment feeds and channels the energy of the unfortunate that somehow their inadequacies will be magically remedied and they'll rule the planet of apocalyptic collapse because they have a small purse and a few old coins...Dream on. I get a kick reading posts where people draw conclusions about things they have such limited or no practical knowledge about. It looks like the same copy/paste comments are regurgitated throughout the doomsday forums and blogs ad nauseam. Good for them. They seek it and they find it.
It must be fun and exciting for those types to go around in a jovial frolic, chirping about collapse and failure, panic etc.

Meanwhile, I've been fortunate and blessed. Enough to achieve the greatest level of success in my career trading in the markets. I'm living the dream and am several times better off than I was 4 years ago as a result. I don't blame anyone, hate anyone, resent anyone nor OWE anyone as a consequence. And the amount of phyzz that I've been able to stack and rack as a consequence is astonishing.
The choice is yours.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby SoFa » Thu May 10, 2012 12:46 pm

I guess this isn't about silver and its falling price anymore.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu May 10, 2012 12:51 pm

SoFa wrote:I guess this isn't about silver and its falling price anymore.

It's falling because, as I learned today, the markets and paper don't exist anymore except for a few random scraps and bits of flesh and marrow! :o
It makes me wonder how all the silver phyzz dealers price their product and what they price it in, silver? :lol:
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Thu May 10, 2012 1:02 pm

Jonflyfish wrote:
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Computer algobots are responsible for 80-90% of the trading... HFT flash trades and front running.

Watch CNBC some time during trading hours. They moved the entire tv studio down to the NYSE trading floor. Why?... because there is NOBODY there except for a handful of market makers/specialists.

Some day soon the paper pushers are going to get smacked down with a hard dose of reality. I'll bet they'll put the blame on some fat finger trader. Doesn't matter how they try to rationalize it... I will be laughing hard when the whole ponzi collapes on their heads.

The "floor" model has been outdated and considered archaic for several years now. NYSE holds on to a few specialists posts out of ego and nostalgia. Even their trades are crossed electronically. It's called speed and efficiency. Several of my systems are algobots. Mechanical trading eliminates emotions which are the primary cause of people failing. No plan and/or discipline. If they had both, efficiency becomes the premium.
If your familiar with trading you'll know that specialists are not needed. You can be the market maker now, sending your own bids and offers. Again, this drives speed and efficiency and is a primary reason for dirt cheap commissions nowadays.

However, the "markets" I'm focused on are not the equities markets. The commodity markets are not dominated by algos, not even close. The commercial markets drive the vast majority of the volume on Globex, ICE and Clearport portals. "Ponzi"? Sorry, the markets aren't Bernie Madoff. Paper is the highest form of demand for settling all transactions in commerce and trade. I love paper. I love making a lot of it. The more I have, the more I can do with it. And the USD isn't going away either- sorry . Even the godfather of gold bugs- Jim Sinclair says the same. :o
But selective hearing, fear, hate, resentment feeds and channels the energy of the unfortunate that somehow their inadequacies will be magically remedied and they'll rule the planet of apocalyptic collapse because they have a small purse and a few old coins...Dream on. I get a kick reading posts where people draw conclusions about things they have such limited or no practical knowledge about. It looks like the same copy/paste comments are regurgitated throughout the doomsday forums and blogs ad nauseam. Good for them. They seek it and they find it.
It must be fun and exciting for those types to go around in a jovial frolic, chirping about collapse and failure, panic etc.

Meanwhile, I've been fortunate and blessed. Enough to achieve the greatest level of success in my career trading in the markets. I'm living the dream and am several times better off than I was 4 years ago as a result. I don't blame anyone, hate anyone, resent anyone nor OWE anyone as a consequence. And the amount of phyzz that I've been able to stack and rack as a consequence is astonishing.
The choice is yours.

Such arrogance and hubris. You sound just like a bankster. Remember Jon, pride comes before a fall. Are you doing God's work too?
Time is precious, stop wasting it.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Oakair » Thu May 10, 2012 1:17 pm

jff...I want your algobot systems ;)...but then I'd need the money to be able to RoI haha
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu May 10, 2012 1:31 pm

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Such arrogance and hubris. You sound just like a bankster. Remember Jon, pride comes before a fall. Are you doing God's work too?

Such omniscient dogmatic rhetorically empty bombastic hypocritical pontifications will not do well for you here. You know not what you speak so judge not that ye be not judged.

Last edited by Jonflyfish on Thu May 10, 2012 1:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu May 10, 2012 1:33 pm

Oakair wrote:jff...I want your algobot systems ;)...but then I'd need the money to be able to RoI haha

Perhaps we can work something out. I'm all about helping my fellow man and neighbor.

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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Thu May 10, 2012 2:20 pm

Jonflyfish wrote:
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Such arrogance and hubris. You sound just like a bankster. Remember Jon, pride comes before a fall. Are you doing God's work too?

Such omniscient dogmatic rhetorically empty bombastic hypocritical pontifications will not do well for you here. You know not what you speak so judge not that ye be not judged.


:lol: You really need to stop bullshiting everyone here and answer this simple question...

If you are such a rich, successful mega-trader, why in the hell are you wasting time posting on a "penny" hoarding forum?
Time is precious, stop wasting it.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby 68Camaro » Thu May 10, 2012 2:33 pm

re: this point, which I'm not going to quote fully, just mostly referencing for context. I'm going to stay out of the other exchanges.

Jonflyfish wrote:...And the USD isn't going away either- sorry . Even the godfather of gold bugs- Jim Sinclair says the same. :o
But selective hearing, fear, hate, resentment feeds and channels the energy of the unfortunate that somehow their inadequacies will be magically remedied and they'll rule the planet of apocalyptic collapse because they have a small purse and a few old coins...Dream on. I get a kick reading posts where people draw conclusions about things they have such limited or no practical knowledge about. It looks like the same copy/paste comments are regurgitated throughout the doomsday forums and blogs ad nauseam.

You make valid points about not blindly following doomsayers, but that may be far as I agree with you. We'll have to agree to disagree on other parts of this. I don't need any of those hand-wringers to see that the system is crashing in slow motion - it's evident based on first principles. Uncontrolled debt, uncontrolled money printing, decreasing tax base, decreasing manufacturing base, decreasing interest in moral character, specific encouragment of dependency, majority of people not paying taxes, fundamental problems with democracies being unable to self-correct when they go below a critical mass of self-determination, low employment rate, poor educational system results... it goes on and on.

How it crashes and what follows can be debated ad nauseum. Some of it is interesting speculation - some garbage.

But, the financial system is broken and is going down. There is no solution to the math but hyperinflation, massive depression, or both together - except worse solution paths (wars, dictatorships). JMHO.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby tedandcam » Thu May 10, 2012 3:14 pm

[quote="... and answer this simple question...

If you are such a rich, successful mega-trader, why in the hell are you wasting time posting on a "penny" hoarding forum?[/quote]

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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Thu May 10, 2012 3:34 pm

tedandcam wrote:[quote="... and answer this simple question...

If you are such a rich, successful mega-trader, why in the hell are you wasting time posting on a "penny" hoarding forum?

He said he is always willing to help out a fellow man and neighbor[/quote]

Do you really believe that some uber-rich mega trader is posting on a penny forum in order to help us? He should be on his yacht somewhere drinking champagne and banging hot chicks. He is only here to brag, prognosticate and inflate his own ego... that's all.

I'd like see a screen shot of his trading platform with the $ balances listed. He's probably trading out of Mommy's basement using a TD Ameritrade platform :lol:
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu May 10, 2012 3:55 pm

tedandcam wrote:[quote="... and answer this simple question...

If you are such a rich, successful mega-trader, why in the hell are you wasting time posting on a "penny" hoarding forum?

He said he is always willing to help out a fellow man and neighbor

Thank you. Solid answer friend. Fortunately, I never claimed to be "rich" or a "mega-trader". Those aren't my words. They are meaningless and relative terms anyway. Rich can always be richer and mega can always be more mega. Character bashing has become a popular sport for forum trolls.

However, I do believe that success begets success. I do believe in success and capitalism. Even though being successful is currently under attack, I won't apologize for it.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby scyther » Thu May 10, 2012 4:40 pm

Jonflyfish wrote:Such omniscient dogmatic rhetorically empty bombastic hypocritical pontifications will not do well for you here. You know not what you speak so judge not that ye be not judged.


I think this is the reason neilgin made fun of "cheers". It's not about being "intolerable" of other cultures; it's just kind of annoying to see the same word at the end of every post, especially when it's wildly different in tone from the rest of your post.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Thu May 10, 2012 5:03 pm

Jonflyfish wrote:
tedandcam wrote:[quote="... and answer this simple question...

If you are such a rich, successful mega-trader, why in the hell are you wasting time posting on a "penny" hoarding forum?

He said he is always willing to help out a fellow man and neighbor

Thank you. Solid answer friend. Fortunately, I never claimed to be "rich" or a "mega-trader". Those aren't my words. They are meaningless and relative terms anyway. Rich can always be richer and mega can always be more mega. Character bashing has become a popular sport for forum trolls.

However, I do believe that success begets success. I do believe in success and capitalism. Even though being successful is currently under attack, I won't apologize for it.
Birds of a feather flock together. This forum has many soaring eagles and sadly some bottom rung vultures as well.
The eagles make all worthwhile.

Your idioms and wordsmithing does not deter me one bit.

I'm calling you out sir... Post a screen shot of your famous "in the money" trades along with your account balances. I've had it with your BS. Put up or shut up.
Time is precious, stop wasting it.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu May 10, 2012 5:34 pm

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:
Jonflyfish wrote:
tedandcam wrote:[quote="... and answer this simple question...

If you are such a rich, successful mega-trader, why in the hell are you wasting time posting on a "penny" hoarding forum?

He said he is always willing to help out a fellow man and neighbor

Thank you. Solid answer friend. Fortunately, I never claimed to be "rich" or a "mega-trader". Those aren't my words. They are meaningless and relative terms anyway. Rich can always be richer and mega can always be more mega. Character bashing has become a popular sport for forum trolls.

However, I do believe that success begets success. I do believe in success and capitalism. Even though being successful is currently under attack, I won't apologize for it.
Birds of a feather flock together. This forum has many soaring eagles and sadly some bottom rung vultures as well.
The eagles make all worthwhile.

Your idioms and wordsmithing does not deter me one bit.

I'm calling you out sir... Post a screen shot of your famous "in the money" trades along with your account balances. I've had it with your BS. Put up or shut up.

You, calling me out? I'm flattered sir. About what? What "famous in the money" trades? What BS? Perhaps it's time that you...

As required by law and in your own words I am required to first "call you out". Please send me your SEC 501 Reg D acredited investor financial disclosures along with 2 forms of ID then as per investment policy I'll send you a fairly lengthy financial questionare. After that has been reviewed we can allow you secure access to see the portfolio statements.

And of course this is NOT a solicitation. I am not interested in doing that here in the least.
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Re: Silver close to breaking through $30

Postby BamaJoe » Thu May 10, 2012 5:57 pm

Folks, I certainly don't always agree with Jonflyfish. To be honest he gets alot deeper into charting and so forth than I have the time or inclination to - I'm more of the type that takes an overview of the overall political and economic situation then go with my gut feeling and it has served me well. BUT, I do appreciate his posts and usually find them interesting. I really don't think that the personal attacks are called for in the least. If you don't agree with him or don't want to read what he says there are plenty of other threads here for you to spend your time on.
If you are waiting for the "correction" to buy you need to realize that the increasing prices ARE the correction.

$100 Silver soon coming to a location near you.
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