You Guys got "them" running scared.

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You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby neilgin1 » Sun May 13, 2012 10:22 am

every toz bought....this is a really good 20 minute vid, taking Buffet, Munger and Gates to the woodshed for trash talking gold (and silver) ... ng-scared/
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby Morsecode » Sun May 13, 2012 12:41 pm

Buffet never had an original idea, but I'm a little surprised Gates is drinking his kool-aid. Maybe he just doesn't want to publicly dismiss his philanthropic buddy. Or, maybe he truly is clueless :P

BTW...loved the Jaime Dimon handwringing on Meet The Press. It's my feel-good story for the Summer.
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby neilgin1 » Sun May 13, 2012 5:03 pm

Morsecode wrote:Buffet never had an original idea, but I'm a little surprised Gates is drinking his kool-aid. Maybe he just doesn't want to publicly dismiss his philanthropic buddy. Or, maybe he truly is clueless :P

BTW...loved the Jaime Dimon handwringing on Meet The Press. It's my feel-good story for the Summer.

i think with Gates, you nailed it, its a little of both. When he talks silicon, there's no stuttering, but when he talks macro-economics, his speech and body language give him away.

i said it before, but every single toz. we buy, is a quiet rebellion, WE'RE not drinking the kool-aid. btw Sunday, 1700 hours cst, there's a BUNCH of rolls of Walking Liberty Halves being offered on Ebay, from an hour from now to two days out , "US Silver Coins" , click to rolls, you'll see them, rolls of 36's, gems in the solid date years of 41, 42, 44 and 45, all trading high money, guys are bidding them up, but they're beaut's, i havent seen so many WL Halves come on the market like this in a while, neil
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby deacon » Sun May 13, 2012 5:11 pm

I find it offensive that they want us to suck it up.

Would we have to buy new silver rounds/bars to make a difference? If we buy 90%ers then you aren't buying new supply. They already exist in the market. I guess taking any silver off the market would help.
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby neilgin1 » Sun May 13, 2012 5:19 pm

deacon wrote:I find it offensive that they want us to suck it up.

Would we have to buy new silver rounds/bars to make a difference? If we buy 90%ers then you aren't buying new supply. They already exist in the market. I guess taking any silver off the market would help.

yeh, Munger was just VILE...arrogant....that behavior just fuels these 99'ers......."creeps", he called us. swell. nice guy.

i made up my mind to stick with 90%'er's and 40's, along with ASES, coz they say "United States of America" on them, to me that means its currency, undisputable...but thats just me.
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby beauanderos » Sun May 13, 2012 5:24 pm

deacon wrote:I find it offensive that they want us to suck it up.

Would we have to buy new silver rounds/bars to make a difference? If we buy 90%ers then you aren't buying new supply. They already exist in the market. I guess taking any silver off the market would help.

Whether you buy newly produced items or 90%, you create a vacuum in the supply that didn't exist prior to your purchase. Maybe the next guy will be unable to find 90% at a reasonable price, so he'll turn to freshly fabricated stuff. I'm buying .999 fractional silver whenever I sell 90%, but that's just because I want to diversify. You pay a premium for fracs that you won't regain as quickly as someone who parks in 90 or 40%

Good video. Distateful "civilized" snobs. :x
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby RichardPenny43 » Sun May 13, 2012 5:33 pm

I like to buy 90% when a good deal is there, but I prefer newly minted .999. I feel that's the best way for me to make my little impact on the market.
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby tractorman » Sun May 13, 2012 5:48 pm

Thanks neilgin1 for posting that. Those pompous bastards.

I'll vacuum up as much PM as I can!
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby Hawkeye » Sun May 13, 2012 5:54 pm

What a jerk. "I deserved and needed the bailouts, but you need to suck it up and cope. You should be thanking me for stealing your money." I really can't stand that guy. I think I'll buy a little silver this week just out of spite. 8-)
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby neilgin1 » Sun May 13, 2012 6:08 pm

Hawkeye wrote:What a jerk. "I deserved and needed the bailouts, but you need to suck it up and cope. You should be thanking me for stealing your money." I really can't stand that guy. I think I'll buy a little silver this week just out of spite. 8-)

i just did, and you all might think i'm a dunce-ski, but i saw a roll of 1941 Unc Walking Liberty Halves, and paid up......37 times i said to Ray, "i know", there were guys in there with 6900 plus stars bidding...its a beauty roll...i'm watching guys with multiple thousand stars paying 35 to 45 times for unc 1940's roll of Merc Dimes!!!

as i asked, what would you do? spend 800 FRN on a flatscreen TV, or 370 for a roll of what could arguably be called hard currency?

whatever the Mungers of the world do, i'm doing the opposite, forget the Armani suits, the Alfani shoes, $100 steaks, i'll take 10 dollar sneakers and an UNC 1941 roll of walking halves ANY day of the week.
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby My2Cents » Sun May 13, 2012 6:14 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
Hawkeye wrote:What a jerk. "I deserved and needed the bailouts, but you need to suck it up and cope. You should be thanking me for stealing your money." I really can't stand that guy. I think I'll buy a little silver this week just out of spite. 8-)

i just did, and you all might think i'm a dunce-ski, but i saw a roll of 1941 Unc Walking Liberty Halves, and paid up......37 times i said to Ray, "i know", there were guys in there with 6900 plus stars bidding...its a beauty roll...i'm watching guys with multiple thousand stars paying 35 to 45 times for unc 1940's roll of Merc Dimes!!!

as i asked, what would you do? spend 800 FRN on a flatscreen TV, or 370 for a roll of what could arguably be called hard currency?

whatever the Mungers of the world do, i'm doing the opposite, forget the Armani suits, the Alfani shoes, $100 steaks, i'll take 10 dollar sneakers and an UNC 1941 roll of walking halves ANY day of the week.

+1 That's what I'm sayin'
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby Engineer » Sun May 13, 2012 6:54 pm

My2Cents wrote:I'll take that 'poor' look any day over the flashy crap. Give me something solid to hold and I'll sacrifice my standard of living a tad as a result.

Looking poor also makes you a smaller target. I had a seriously ugly old truck that I parked in a hotel lot outside the Detroit airport for a week, and nobody touched it. If it would have had a nice paint job and rims, it would have been gone before I even got on the plane.
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby John_doe » Sun May 13, 2012 7:20 pm

I think copper is the best long term play, but hey only time will tell. :D
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby neilgin1 » Sun May 13, 2012 8:55 pm

John_doe wrote:I think copper is the best long term play, but hey only time will tell. :D

"bricks of nicks"......$100 FV box of 50 rolls of nickels...for a 100 FRN, 75% Cu 25% Ni...cant go wrong....its almost like a fist, one finger silver, another Cu pennies, another nicks, another lead, and the thumb is water, wood, protein...makes a fist.
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby John_doe » Sun May 13, 2012 9:08 pm

If I am right then JPM isn't sitting too bad. They have one of the largest copper reserves in the world.

the market is virtually cornered between them and the chinese.

With the dollar showing strength, that leads to developement. Copper is one of the heavier consumed commodities in developement.

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Last edited by John_doe on Sun May 13, 2012 9:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby Hawkeye » Sun May 13, 2012 9:10 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
John_doe wrote:I think copper is the best long term play, but hey only time will tell. :D

"bricks of nicks"......$100 FV box of 50 rolls of nickels...for a 100 FRN, 75% Cu 25% Ni...cant go wrong....its almost like a fist, one finger silver, another Cu pennies, another nicks, another lead, and the thumb is water, wood, protein...makes a fist.

+1 Great analogue.
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby neilgin1 » Sun May 13, 2012 10:04 pm

Hawkeye wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:
John_doe wrote:I think copper is the best long term play, but hey only time will tell. :D

"bricks of nicks"......$100 FV box of 50 rolls of nickels...for a 100 FRN, 75% Cu 25% Ni...cant go wrong....its almost like a fist, one finger silver, another Cu pennies, another nicks, another lead, and the thumb is water, wood, protein...makes a fist.

+1 Great analogue.

thank you, just came to me, i went back to that site, and found this:
"The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style"

you might ask, "whats this got to with Ag?"....humbly a lot. this is a must read article. on the net, anybody can report anything from any source, and who knows which is which, and who is who, which is the truth?

but this is the 5 or 6th credible non tin foil hat warning i've read since Feb 2012, this article's got me rocked back a bit.

what if its true?

two things bother me, why IS Corzine still walking around free?....and the other thing, (i rarely talk politic's, i'm an Ike republican and a JFK democrat, and we're an endangered species) is its almost like the GOP "nominated" the weakest candidate they could find...on they WANT to lose, yet the polls show them neck and this guy, and the crew around him, permanent gubmint, arent going to give up their gigs.....somethings in the wind.

this article just got me really spooked, am i reading more into this then it deserves?

i ask that coz the board shows silver a titch below 29, but retail buying, you got to pay up. i drive thru town, or towns, and the pace of activity seems ......non-existant. Something's in the air.
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Sun May 13, 2012 10:34 pm

neilgin1 wrote:every toz bought....this is a really good 20 minute vid, taking Buffet, Munger and Gates to the woodshed for trash talking gold (and silver) ... ng-scared/

Chris Dwayne is guy making these great videos. He's a critical thinker and big time Ag investor.

His YT channel is called: Truth Never Told
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby aloneibreak » Sun May 13, 2012 11:39 pm

neilgin1 wrote:this article just got me really spooked, am i reading more into this then it deserves?

you and me both neil -- and we've seen it coming for years

as prepared as we may be, none of us WANT this to happen

but a complete upending of our way of life almost seems inevitable now
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Mon May 14, 2012 12:05 am

aloneibreak wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:this article just got me really spooked, am i reading more into this then it deserves?

you and me both neil -- and we've seen it coming for years

as prepared as we may be, none of us WANT this to happen

but a complete upending of our way of life almost seems inevitable now

Unfortuntely, a crash IS inevitable. They have bought some time with all the bailouts and liquidity injections.

The main question is: How much longer can they keep the system afloat?... another week?... a month?... a year? :?
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby neilgin1 » Mon May 14, 2012 7:47 am

aloneibreak wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:this article just got me really spooked, am i reading more into this then it deserves?

you and me both neil -- and we've seen it coming for years

as prepared as we may be, none of us WANT this to happen

but a complete upending of our way of life almost seems inevitable now

as of 0740 CST, Europe, FTSE, DAX, CAC bourses all trading down 2% plus, we had the 2 bln USD loss at JPmorgan, and now i read this headline that just put a real chill on me:

"General's warning to U.S. troops at upcoming NATO summit: Behave"

Uniformed troops, IN CHICAGO, USA, told to "behave".......what?

this SEEMS to be happening TOO QUICK, unless i'm just twigging out. here's the "article" from CNN ... ?hpt=hp_c2

what is happening in America? i think i goofed up with the OP header of WE "got them running scared".
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Re: You Guys got "them" running scared.

Postby Mossy » Mon May 14, 2012 8:36 am

neilgin1 wrote:
"The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style"

Seems to me that one of the Militia crowd said back in the Waco, Ruby Ridge days, "Why would we want to travel anywhere? There's you feebs all over the place." More or less.
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