Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby everything » Tue May 15, 2012 8:01 pm

I thought it was a known known among PM holders that fractional reserve lending is the greatest and largest ponzi scheme of all time.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Bluegill » Tue May 15, 2012 8:06 pm

everything wrote:I thought it was a known known among PM holders that fractional reserve lending is the greatest and largest ponzi scheme of all time.

It's not a Ponzi scheme. It is technically counterfeiting though.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Jonflyfish » Tue May 15, 2012 9:04 pm

Bluegill wrote:
everything wrote:I thought it was a known known among PM holders that fractional reserve lending is the greatest and largest ponzi scheme of all time.

It's not a Ponzi scheme. It is technically counterfeiting though.

Very true and I don't believe anyone here has been in disagreement.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby justj2k78 » Tue May 15, 2012 9:55 pm

It's threads like this that make me glad I'm a lowly eagle stacker, and don't have a clue what any of you are talking about! :lol:
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Colonel_Copper » Thu May 17, 2012 8:08 am

If there is one thing I can't stand, it's someone resorting to shrill name calling and the use of large font (internet version of yelling/screaming) in an argument.

It proves that one has nothing more intelligent to add, and has to resort to childish, immature behavior. Aren't we adults here? I thought we were reasonable, intelligent, logical people who saw through the emotional, illogical, blind BS that far too many of our fellow Americans have fallen prey to.

As intelligent adults, we should be able to have an argument over our beliefs/theories and still be able to shake hands and walk away at the end.

An adult possesses the ability to argue a point without hating someone because they have a different opinion. As soon as I see someone get worked up into a foaming-at-the-mouth frenzy over something they disagree with, and they start hurling insults, I immediatly ignore anyhting else they say.

Perhaps they were correct, perhaps the other person was wrong, but then they should be able to argue in a polite, logical, consise manner with facts and opinions from reliable sources. That is how you win an argument and convince others of the validity of your opinions/beliefs/conclusions.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby justoneguy » Thu May 17, 2012 9:33 am

Jonflyfish wrote:[The masses lose out to benefit of individuals who acted opposite of the sheeple.


+1 here
that's one of the reasons that I'm a member here.
I'm learning [slowly] how to break away from the herd of sheeple.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby stevkc » Fri May 18, 2012 10:36 am

CtrlAltBernanke wrote:Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh? Instead of doing any transaction via ATM go inside and ask the teller while projecting your voice to everybody else and say, "So what's up with Jamie Dimon losing 2 BILLION dollars last week? I had to go out and buy some silver when I heard how bad he screwed up." Trust me, you'll thank me later. All Chase employees turned white and put their heads down in shame, half of them acted like they didn't hear me, my teller practically apologized on behalf of the company to me, and the woman taking care of the drive thru customers did an about face and walked over to my station. She said that she didn't understand why i had to do that because the 2 BILLION in losses came from company money and not customer accounts. I guess when you own stock in a publicly traded company they think that it's their money to risk and not yours.

Wow, that just sounds hilarious. Way to put that teller in her place. Those employees will think twice next time before they allow something they have no control over to ever happen again.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby stevkc » Fri May 18, 2012 10:39 am

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Be careful though... the day is coming when someone will be labeled a terrorist for this type of activity. You could be detained for quite a while.

Doubtful, probably just labeled a jerk.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby CtrlAltBernanke » Fri May 18, 2012 11:35 am

stevkc wrote:
CtrlAltBernanke wrote:Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh? Instead of doing any transaction via ATM go inside and ask the teller while projecting your voice to everybody else and say, "So what's up with Jamie Dimon losing 2 BILLION dollars last week? I had to go out and buy some silver when I heard how bad he screwed up." Trust me, you'll thank me later. All Chase employees turned white and put their heads down in shame, half of them acted like they didn't hear me, my teller practically apologized on behalf of the company to me, and the woman taking care of the drive thru customers did an about face and walked over to my station. She said that she didn't understand why i had to do that because the 2 BILLION in losses came from company money and not customer accounts. I guess when you own stock in a publicly traded company they think that it's their money to risk and not yours.

Wow, that just sounds hilarious. Way to put that teller in her place. Those employees will think twice next time before they allow something they have no control over to ever happen again.

While I appreciate everyone's comments about the front line people not having anything to do with this and I understand your point this is not always the case in the new information age and this point has less of an argument than it did years ago. Everybody has a choice in everything they do, we all create our own destinies, and we are the company we keep. Keep in mind from my second post that I did not plan to do this. I just happened to be inside of a branch and thought I would have a little fun. Now, lets get back to those front line employees. Every company has people who work the front line in some sort of way. Some are ignorant to what is going on with their company and some aren't. To those front line people who are ignorant to what their company is doing, well, they have bigger problems and I will give them a pass. To those front line people that know exactly what is going in on in any company who is doing something wrong, well they have a choice to make. When I opened my Chase account about a month ago, the guy who opened up my account seemed like he exactly knew what goes on in his company. Now I'm not talking about a 2 billion dollar loss but not only did he give the impression that he was doing well w/ Chase, he gave me a wink and a nod to apply for a job because he was doing so well and because I was a vet. I feel that I'm pretty good at judging people so I knew exactly why he mentioned working at Chase. Not to mention, there can be plenty of corruption at the front lines of businesses. So we all have choices. A person with a degree in nutrition would be more likely to apply as a manager at a Whole Foods and not a McDonald's. A person on a front line of anybody who sees their company doing something ethically wrong does have a choice on whether to find a new job or continue to work on their learning plan to be mentored. A soldier who is sick and tired of his frickin' government continuing to invade countries and kill HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of innocent people, not to mention how many US soldiers have been killed or committed suicide has a choice to either get out of the military when his contract has expired. Front line people are hard working people and the backbone of the country but people who are applying for jobs need to think twice to where they find work and also need to understand that they should never feel that they have are the most innocent group of employees. Now, keep in mind as I have stated multiple times now, I was just trying to have a little fun, I wasn't screaming, and no customer heard what I said.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby theo » Fri May 18, 2012 1:16 pm

Based on your initial account several bank employees heard you and based on their reactions, they (along with customers that likely heard you) may well have found your behavior borish.

My biggest problem with what you did is that it just wasn't that funny. Sorry. :oops:
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby penny pretty » Fri May 18, 2012 11:32 pm

sure CHASE FKed up. so get an appointment with the managers and yell at them! here are some more suggestions. harass the clerk at the gas station because of the high prices. Groceries are through the roof! let the cashier know what you think! This will shame them so much they will go to the boss, and he will hear their pleas and make everything RIGHT(or most likely fire them) You must not use bank to obtain coin, cause if it was me, it would be... hey hear about that big loss? oh well boys will be boys.. say how many pennies ya got sweetheart?
"Is that a roll of pennies in your pocket?" "Why yes miss, it is... why do you ask?"
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Coinage » Sun May 20, 2012 10:26 pm

CtrlAltBernanke wrote:Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh? Instead of doing any transaction via ATM go inside and ask the teller while projecting your voice to everybody else and say, "So what's up with Jamie Dimon losing 2 BILLION dollars last week? I had to go out and buy some silver when I heard how bad he screwed up." Trust me, you'll thank me later. All Chase employees turned white and put their heads down in shame, half of them acted like they didn't hear me, my teller practically apologized on behalf of the company to me, and the woman taking care of the drive thru customers did an about face and walked over to my station. She said that she didn't understand why i had to do that because the 2 BILLION in losses came from company money and not customer accounts. I guess when you own stock in a publicly traded company they think that it's their money to risk and not yours.

I honestly LOL'ed at this..

But to get my two pennies in.. Even though JP Morgan dropped 2 billion I'm sure the CEO will still see a nice 7 figure bonus. Must be nice, right? I honestly could care less if JP Morgan lost 2 billion. Good for them. Maybe big banks will eventually learn. (Probably not) But when banks make risky and bad trades and then go crying to congress for bail outs at the tax payers expense.. that's what makes my blood boil and on top of that banks that received bail out money and still paid out bonuses to their CEOs and top execs.. well that's just ignorance and a slap in the face to us tax payers.

That is all. Carry on..
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby John_doe » Sun May 20, 2012 10:29 pm

JPM is my pickup bank. ;)

I'm not saying anything as long as they are willing to sell me coins. :lol:
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby knibloe » Mon May 21, 2012 5:32 pm

CtrlAltBernanke wrote: I guess when you own stock in a publicly traded company they think that it's their money to risk and not yours.

This is the real reason to be upset about their losses. It isn't their money, it really belongs to the shareholders who include a large % of the American people who invest their retirement money in the market. If it wasn't a big deal, it wouldn't be making the news. Reports now say it is 7 billion.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby Engineer » Mon May 21, 2012 5:35 pm

A loss for JPM is a gain for someone else. Its hard to see that as a bad thing.
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Re: Anybody who has a Chase account want a good laugh?

Postby cesariojpn » Tue May 22, 2012 3:53 am

CtrlAltBernanke wrote:I just happened to be inside of a branch and thought I would have a little fun.

Choose your battle wisely next time. Saying words that will have no ill effect in any shape or form will make you look like a windbag.
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