misteroman wrote:As bad as I don't like hearing it or much less saying it, we're in for 4 more yrs.
fb101 wrote:The last time the ratings were downgraded the fed bought more tbills and nobody noticed.
?Thogey, I'm unclear. Are you saying that the gov should be putting old people to death?
they put babies to death to buy votes, so I would not put it past them.
Thogey wrote:Put old people to death? No. But I certainly expect the, slot machine pulling, blue hairs to take a little more responsibility for thier healthcare expenses. If they don't, than we go broke.
ZenOps wrote:To me, its not even a matter of country anymore. Its a matter of generational slavery.
The ultimate goal of course is to get students into $200,000 or so worth of student debt at a rate of somewhere between 3% and 6% in interest.
Which is just enough to let a grad make a tiny bit of money, but still have the vast majority of it go to the senior generations (the 60's generation, or the "selfish" generation.)
But if you want to talk nations, middle east youth first, then european youth, and probably US youth after that. So in that sense, the US will be the one to lose last, but in general anyone under 20-something is in for a rough decade (especially in nations that have overspent for a couple generations previous)
RichardPenny43 wrote:Unless congress can cut spending or raises taxes enough before we hit our debt limit again we will get down graded. The rate on treasury bonds will go up and it will cost the Gov. more to borrow. Repeat the process a couple more times and no one will buy T bonds any more and we go bankrupt.
Gobirds66 wrote:RichardPenny43 wrote:Unless congress can cut spending or raises taxes enough before we hit our debt limit again we will get down graded. The rate on treasury bonds will go up and it will cost the Gov. more to borrow. Repeat the process a couple more times and no one will buy T bonds any more and we go bankrupt.
And I would like to agree with you on this but they will not cut spending and they will mask the "real" tax hikes in ways you will not know until it is too late. What most fail to realize is that there is a vast resource of wealth available to them that is very easy to take. They will take your 401K. They have tried to do it in the past. They will succeed in the future at some point. The government will pass some legislation via the IRS that all 401K holdings will be required to hold a certain percentage in T-bills in order to be considered "tax-deferred." They will sell it as a safe haven, and people will buy it. Then they will apply negative interest rates to the T-bills after the legislation has passed. Of course they will spin it to be some sort of way to tax foreign interests running to the American dollar. That allows the Fed to take a percentage of your 401K without taxing it.
Then, once that is accepted, they will work to annuitize your 401 so it lasts your whole life and you get payments forever. The general public will love it because they will get a paycheck for life! Well, we did that already. It is called Social Security and that worked out well? But the majority of the voting public will not see it until it is in place for years and they are consumed by it. Then they will have tapped the 401K honey pot, own it, and will make it impossible for you to opt out of it.
They want the 401K money. They are going to get it. best answer to defeating this is to not have money where they can get to it. First rule of gold and silver: What the government can't find, they can't steal! Keep stacking!
shinnosuke wrote:Gobirds66 wrote:RichardPenny43 wrote:Unless congress can cut spending or raises taxes enough before we hit our debt limit again we will get down graded. The rate on treasury bonds will go up and it will cost the Gov. more to borrow. Repeat the process a couple more times and no one will buy T bonds any more and we go bankrupt.
And I would like to agree with you on this but they will not cut spending and they will mask the "real" tax hikes in ways you will not know until it is too late. What most fail to realize is that there is a vast resource of wealth available to them that is very easy to take. They will take your 401K. They have tried to do it in the past. They will succeed in the future at some point. The government will pass some legislation via the IRS that all 401K holdings will be required to hold a certain percentage in T-bills in order to be considered "tax-deferred." They will sell it as a safe haven, and people will buy it. Then they will apply negative interest rates to the T-bills after the legislation has passed. Of course they will spin it to be some sort of way to tax foreign interests running to the American dollar. That allows the Fed to take a percentage of your 401K without taxing it.
Then, once that is accepted, they will work to annuitize your 401 so it lasts your whole life and you get payments forever. The general public will love it because they will get a paycheck for life! Well, we did that already. It is called Social Security and that worked out well? But the majority of the voting public will not see it until it is in place for years and they are consumed by it. Then they will have tapped the 401K honey pot, own it, and will make it impossible for you to opt out of it.
They want the 401K money. They are going to get it. best answer to defeating this is to not have money where they can get to it. First rule of gold and silver: What the government can't find, they can't steal! Keep stacking!
Awesome post. And somebody in Homeland Security just identified you as a terrorist.
barrytrot wrote:I agree with Gobirds66 that they definitely want the 401k money.
However, there generally do some sort of "roll up" in these cases with grandfathering, etc. So I would be surprised if they retroactively impacted existing contributions. The most logical thing for them would be to add these new "benefits" to the new contributions. That would be a path of almost zero resistance.
barrytrot wrote:I agree Gobirds66. I agree.
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