by creshka46 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:03 pm
Wow, that was great. And I learned something new. It never occured to me that it is literally impossible to get out of debt because the credit that exists as interest has no "actual" money in existence to repay it in any form, i.e. physical cash, treasuries, digits in a bank account, or ANYTHING.
Pennies: $4200 - (0) indians - (5)steel - (1) George V Canadian
Nickels: $6500 - (62)war - (23)buf - (1)V nic - (4) key date jeff's
Dimes: $5000 - (24)roos - (2)merc - (2)AgCAN
Halves: $8000 - (7)'64 - (33)40% - (1)walker