shinnosuke wrote:I like your analysis, mflugher, but this: Lets say something cataclysmic happened tripped me up.
If something bad happens, I doubt the LOC from the bank will still be around, PM values will be drastically different (whether sky-high or returning to their historical, but sensical, values) and there very well could be blood in the streets. So I'm not sure it would be so business as usual, at least for the first few years.
Not trying to throw rocks, just adding to the recipe of how to prepare.
First of all your are making an assumption that TSHTF overnight, you wake up and your $100 bill now only buys a slice of bread instead of 2 tanks of gas. The real world doesn't really work that way, you will have time to see whats up, be it months in a really bad scenario to years in a more sane one (we may be in this scenario now).
Second of all I see a flaw in your logic that you should already know by now. PM values are pretty stable, its the dollar that is moving, on purpose, most govt's and central banks consider 2-3% inflation a good thing, in 1792 a $1 coin contained about 24.1 grams of silver, today that same 24.1 grams of silver is worth about $24.1, thats a 24.1x increase. However inflation in general has gone up a hundredfold in the same period. $100 worth of steak today was the equivalent of $1 in steak in 1792. Most of this inflation happened since the Fed came into power, but some of it did happen before, a silver/gold standard does not necessarily prevent all inflation. So in actuality, inflation has gone up 25x assuming a stable silver value, but in actuality the price of silver is 4x lower than it was in 1792. Lets do the same thought experiment with gold... 1792 gold 10 dollar is 16g pure gold (effectilvely 1/2 ozt), therefore 1 dollar is 1.6g gold, and gold is worth approx $20/oz in 1792 dollars, taking the same inflation numbers gold should be $2000/oz today, gold is actually at $1658 at this very moment, that's only an aberration of 20.6% downwards for gold. Gold has tracked inflation a lot more closely than silver, or gold has broken out of a lot more manipulation than silver if you believe in that stuff, to me the jury is still out. So to me at least silver is a better investment. Additionally In today's world I would argue silver is significantly more useful than gold in industrial and in some jewelry uses (mostly because of it's price). Gold is about where its supposed to be, silver is undervalued in today's dollars. Of course this assumes the 16-1 g/s ratio stands, which it hasn't for many years... Even if the true ratio should be 30 to 1 Silver is still undervalued 2x, and gold is still only undervalued about 20%.
As Barry says; if the real end of the world type scenario is near, guess my time is up. However, lets look at 4 possible scenarios.
1. Most people here would say this is the most likely; Dollar goes down, PMs go up, inflation, possibly hyperinflation.
a. Your gold/silver bullion is now worth more than it was, it is still liquid, you can pay off your house now with just a percentage of your initial investment/payoff amount (be it a 50% discount in a sane world, or a 1000% discount in an insane hyperinflation world (of course there will likely be blood in the streets etc, you do have a few guns right? I'm not talking arsenal, I'm talking 1 or 2 handguns, 2 rifles (.22 and medium caliber), and a shotgun, with a few K rounds for each, if you can't defend yourself or kill that animal for food with that, you are in deeper trouble than any militia member can handle, your problems won't likely be solved by more guns. You can only hold 1 at a time, 2 handguns maybe... ])
b. Do you need to move to avoid this inflation problem? would a move to Canada, Mexico, Belize, or god forbid Europe be wise? Take your 60k of inflated dollars and ditch the country, use the 60k to maintain your credit back home or just leave the house behind and start a new life under less insane monetary policy. Having a paid off house can be a shackle too.
c. Zimbabwe took 6 years to destroy their currency completely, I believe the Weimar republic took closer to 5 years, You aren't going to wake up one day to $100Trillion bank notes, its a process that will take time, first you will see the $1000 bill, then the $10,000 bill in the meantime, you can jump into gold/Art/Wine/silver/diamonds/numismatic coins at any time during the downtrend if you can see it coming. I find it hard to believe that people on this forum won't be able to see it happening around them when it is actually happening, many of you think it is happening now, at this point I don't believe it has actually started, we have some time, and its possible the bankers can keep it going another for as much as another 10 to 20 years in a worst case scenario.
2. Deflation/Massive Deflation, your house is now worth $50k, your gold is now only worth $25k, take the $60k, and use these now more powerful dollars to buy more of something and ride it out till things recover... Or even better had you used some of those $60k to purchase some income producing equipment or business, you have now earned more dollars which will now be worth more. Had you paid off the house you would now have a free and clear house worth $50k, no gold, no business, and probably no job at this point... Taxes, utilities, medical care etc would eat you up... Any deflation short of a short term currency collapse type deflation is not likely, a Long term massive deflation that we don't recover from in short order is unlikely in my opinion. However if you are financially agile during this short term deflationary period you just might buy a piece of nice art, or a nice piece of land or an extra house to rent out, or a pile of gold/silver at low low prices, ride it out and in a year or 2 you suddenly have multiplied your net worth...
3. Status quo, the mild inflation/deflation would fit here too. You still need to run a life, you can't be tied down to a doom and gloom opinion that the end is nigh, prepare yourself to react, don't prepare for a specific event, I can nearly guarantee it won't happen exactly the way you envision today, and your plans will be wasted. Think about what could happen know what you want to do in those situations and prepare for preparation. Should you have maybe 3 months of food stocked up? possibly a year? yes absolutely. What if we get a big inflation/deflation problem in the future, what if you lose your job, having a pantry to eat out of while you find a new one is a nice backup plan. Don't buy 30 years worth of supplies today, you will most likely never eat/use them before you die, they will probably end up at a garage sale when your company makes you move across state. Own some seeds, don't start a farm. Own some guns, don't start an arsenal. Have some bleach/pool shock, don't open a water treatment plant. Keep a months worth of water on hand. Mild prep is better than extreme, those dollars and energies can be used for a lot of good in the meantime.
Perhaps instead of spending 100k paying off the house you should buy a stump grinder, or a snow plow, they cost about $10k new, and cheaper used. Advertise to your neighbors, 10 snowy days with 10 driveways each can put $2k+ cash in your pocket, more if you do commercial buildings, 1 stump a night for 2 weeks can net you $2k too, you can buy gold with that, or you can buy food with that... Boss fires you, no sweat grind more stumps, up your advertising, extend your hours, it may be sooner that you decide to fire your boss instead of the other way around... I fired myself at the beginning of the summer

I like to whitewater raft, I put in 5 days a week on the river, spend 2 days at home putting the fires out and counting the money, am I rich? no, but its a nice life, you can have it too. Just open your mind and do something intelligent with your money, again if you are here and you read a lot you can probably pull it off.
4. We are all wrong, fiat money is the greatest thing ever, the bankers/govt finally find that magical formula of QE, Price setting and market manipulation and we all live in a socialist utopia... Use the paper money to wipe your ass, melt the gold and silver to make a shrine to the mighty Obama for finally being the guy to figure this all out, and live out your life in comfort and ease knowing you never have to work a day again because your fellow man will pick up your slack... Oh give the encumbered house back to the bank, Obama will give you a new one

I think by the tone of this one you know how likely I think this one is...
I guess cataclysmic I had envisioned in this scenario would be more local or personal, Hurricane destroys your neighborhood, Katrina style, terrorist choose your back yard for the first nuke, short or long term Loss of employment, limb or life by you. In this case you or your well educated family will be able to continue in your stead (you are educating your family on what to do if you aren't around right? Even if nothing happens to you its good to have people to cover for you while you take a well deserved year long vacation/retirement to Cancun.) You might have to evacuate, you might have to move to a new location for work, whatever happens In this case your LOC and your bullion are still there so you can "keep your powder dry" to attack whatever opportunities or necessities might arise.
Mind both your risk and your opportunity costs in all you do...
speaking of opportunity costs, I have now lost about 4 hours of my life educating you and not pursuing other opportunities, I'm on a hiatus for at least another day now so I can get real work done...