There have been many discussions here on what is a fair price for selling copper cents. Granted many sellers,including myself,have sold for what most sorters know is well below their true value,or even the value of having collected them in the first place. The free market is what it is,whatever a buyer and seller agree to. I say in confidence that,in spirit,the overwhelming majority of members here beleive in true free markets and the freedom and ability for anyone to do as one sees fit to in their own interests. For we all love liberty and our freedom! So I sumbit to the debate my idea that in the future sales of copper cents which we have worked so hard to obtain,that maybe a fair benchmark for selling copper cents would be one cent below the current metal value,I don't like to use the word "melt",which most of us keep track of on Coinflation.This way the sellers would get a fair price,currently 1.7 cents each,and the buyers taking the risk would have a built in one cent or $100 per lot potiental profit. I think this is a fair benchmark and we need to find ways to inch the prices realized higher.
I know the value of the cu cent is well above this 1.7x value but the market here struggles to hit 1.5x,so maybe if enough of us stay close to this new benchmark we can collectively set a new floor price for our beloved copper cents. So thats my two cents and I await the informed debate that will likely come.