Engineer wrote:Premiums can't be tied to a percentage unless spot remains relatively constant. At $4/oz, I'd buy all day at a 100% premium. At $40/oz, I'd gladly pass up a 5% premium. Minting costs, shop overhead, shipping, and Seniorage are all tied to the dollar rather than the spot price, so premium percentages must rise as spot prices drop. That much would be easy to calculate...but the velocity of silver in the market place is an entirely different matter.
I always look at .999 or numi premiums as spot plus X dollars. Spot represents the inflation/deflation of silver supply, while the X dollars represents the fixed costs listed above.
So say a generic round gets struck in a mintage of 100,000 total coins. Since there are fewer coins than a mintage of 40,000,000 (as with 2011 ASEs), by your argument those generic rounds would cost more than ASEs because they cost more to manufacture, package, and distribute per coin. All of those overhead costs had to be spread among only 100,000 coins instead of 40,000,000 coins.
I'm not refuting the overhead involved with minting coins, just saying that it is a pretty simple supply and demand model--the costs associated with minting the coins aren't the bottom line. And I already acknowledged that neither percentages nor straight dollar differences are valid.
"Don't ask for guarantees. And don't look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine, or library. Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for shore."