Silver/Gold IRA Investing vs Hoarding

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Silver/Gold IRA Investing vs Hoarding

Postby CLINT-THE-GREAT » Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:09 pm

Ok, so being new (6 months) to stacking and sorting, I have a couple questions I was hoping some of you Smart Folk, might be able to answer. Also I am sure I am not the only one with these questions and this could help be kinda a FAQ for others as well.

1.) PM's IRA investing. From what little I know about it, the metals have to be .999 fine and you can't store them in your home or a safety deposit box. They have to be stored at a 3rd party location. Could someone elaborate more on how this works? How would you enroll in this? Is the value of your IRA only based on Spot price? How do you "withdraw" you money? What qualifies as a 3rd party to hold it?

2.) I am self employed and I don't have an IRA, the fiance does, but I don't. I also don't keep all my money in a bank. paranoid? Probably, but like all things I don't like to keep all my eggs in 1 basket. So I started (slowly) stacking. It's readily available to me, and could liquidate (at a cost) fairly quickly. But is it a better alternative as an investment than putting it in an IRA? I will always have some amount of PM's on hand, but should I hoard a majority of it?

I'm (only :lol: ) 30 and fixin to start a family, I just want to start hoarding/investing young so later on when i'm in my 40's/50's and my friends are wanting to invest in PM's...I won't be paying $130/oz for AG :D

Thanks in advance for all answers and this board has just been a wonderful experience and I can't wait to contribute to help others myself

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Re: Silver/Gold IRA Investing vs Hoarding

Postby barrytrot » Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:42 pm

1. Don't do this.

That's all you need to know about that. Trust me, "storing" gold/silver/etc. in an IRA is a BIG-TIME fool's errand. The costs are enormous, you don't actually own any of it at all. It's the worst scam of all time.

You are better off just buying an ETF on "gold" in your IRA. Fees are far less and everything else from your perspective is exactly the same. And you can use options at that point :)

NOTE: I'm in no way paranoid, but gold in your IRA is just plain bad. It's poorly done and not beneficial.

2. It's not better or worse, it's *different*. Just distribute between the two as you see fit. Most here that believe in IRA's have a little of both. You will get a LOT of differing opinions on the validity of IRA's in general so I would recommend you read the (pointless) hundred other posts on the subject :)

My opinion: While IRA tax rules are still GREAT put as much in one as you can. I do and because of the VERY beneficial small company rules on that subject it is a nice chunk of change each year :)
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Re: Silver/Gold IRA Investing vs Hoarding

Postby Kurr » Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:24 pm

My .02 (and prolly zinc coated at that)

Step outside your perspective. Buying PM's is NOT investing. It is a hedge against inflation soley to PRESERVE the PURCHASING POWER of what your currency (Federal Reserve Notes) can buy now.

If a dollar will buy 10 apples, and an ounce of silver can buy ten apples, and you expect inflation (the Fed's stated "optimal" goal is like 2% a year or so) you buy silver so that when a dollar buys only 1 apple, Silver will have rose in "currency value" so 1 ounce will still buy 10 apples. Best way I know to explain it as I understand it.

Like I said, Im no super financial genius , just my .02 on "investing" in metals.
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Re: Silver/Gold IRA Investing vs Hoarding

Postby johnbrickner » Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:14 pm

No expert on the subject here but there are SEP-IRAs and 401Ks for the self-employed. Don't know if it's still avaliable but there was a time when you could have a Roth 401K as part of a self-employed 401k as I understood it.
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Re: Silver/Gold IRA Investing vs Hoarding

Postby Rosco » Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:38 pm

With trust issues you report I would suggest half an half of saved money in IRA either Roth or Reg currently Roth is tax free at withdrawal. Half in PMS stored at home for what you call retirement, record Silver PM as for retirement for your own Info. Any additional PMs tracked separately Taxes will be due on any increase in Value when cashed in.

We retired 14 years ago required distributions from IRAs at 70 1/2 began several years ago, Spent part of Roth on present to Selves. I fear what they will do with our Investments to pay for the Debt they kick down the road now. What you hold in your hand should be more difficult for them spend on those who did not prepare.
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Re: Silver/Gold IRA Investing vs Hoarding

Postby mbailey1234 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:04 pm

If your income tax bracket isn't what I would call high (more than 25%), I don't see the risk involved with an IRA to be worth it. What do you think the chances are that the tax rates when you withdraw your money will be lower than what you would have to pay on it now? The only reason I ever put any money into "paper PM's" is the liquidity. It's a lot easier to flip in and out but you also have to remember the tax consequences of doing this. Anything that I am stacking for long term is absolutely going to be in physical. I'm a firm believer in the old saying "if you don't hold it, you don't own it..."

Just look at the corruption, greed and wasteful spending by our government. Who knows how much they will change the rules by the time your reach the age in which you can make withdrawals without penalty. You are at their mercy and personally I'm not to impressed with the job they are doing... :sick:
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