Silver Quarter from coin return machine.

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Silver Quarter from coin return machine.

Postby jtlee321 » Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:33 am

So I finally took a good look at all the machines that they have at some of the check out stands that automatically give you your change. I happen to spot what looked like a silver edge in the quarters at one of the machines. The check out lane was closed, so I asked the lady working at the Customer Service counter if I could buy a specific quarter from one of the check out stands. She looked at me and said yes, but also asked why I would want a specific quarter. I told her that is looked like it might be a silver quarter. That peaked her interest and she grabbed the key and proceeded to open the machine. She asked me how I knew it was silver. I told her because of the color of the edge of the quarter and showed her. She handed me the quarter and smiled and I gave her a replacement. I thanked her and walked away. It turned out to be an uncirculated 1964-d Washington Quarter. I will be checking all registers from now on.
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Re: Silver Quarter from coin return machine.

Postby Corsair » Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:52 am

Nice find. Since the teller seemed so happy to help you, you might try educating her a bit, and telling her that you'd compensate her for anything she would pull from circulation for you.
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Re: Silver Quarter from coin return machine.

Postby geewhzz » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:03 pm

Nice find!!! I was at Chipotle the other day and tried glancing at their buts it was too hard to examine.

I actually went into Tilt Arcade at the mall a while ago and looked in the glass machines that use quarters as part of the game and spotted 3 silver quarters, but the guy working didn't have the key, even offered him money for getting them for me.

However, I did put in $9 into the change machine and scored a silver quarter. Was a real thrill..
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