How Low Can It Go?

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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby Treetop » Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:58 pm

I couldnt help it. Put down the last of our expendable FRNs today, after it having dropped a few bucks since I bought some a few days ago. I dont know what Im doing. all I know is silver is shiny and heavy and FRNs are paper promises from liars.
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby Corsair » Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:02 pm

For anyone interested, we've got a potential group buy in the works. Please read/PM me if you're interested:
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby Bluegill » Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:33 pm

Who is actually able to buy physical at the current spot price? In my parts, as the spot price goes down, the premiums go up proportionately. Image
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby silverflake » Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:08 pm

Don't worry, my silver stacking friends, it should go up any time now. See, I was stopped out of PAAS, SLV and GDX on Monday Tuesday and today in that order. I am out of the paper crap, and my IRA took a beating. SO, have faith, it most certainly should go up. Silverflake is out .

I have taped a note to my computer saying "buy physical only". I need a shock collar to prevent me from trying to go back into paper PM instruments.

OK, thanks for letting me rant guys. But like I say, just a matter of time now, silver will skyrocket not that I am shaken out.

keep stacking.
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby barrytrot » Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:41 am


May I ask why you use "stops" in an IRA account? I would think of that as a long-term thing (unless you are 60+). Unless you think silver is down forever it would seem stops are a good ticket to "selling at the bottom"?

Please elaborate if you would.
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby silverflake » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:21 am

barrytrot - good question on using stops. You are correct - I believe long term in silver and gold. These positions were trades. I thought I had a good set up with 2 of them and PAAS SHOULD have ben a long term trade. But what I didn't tell you is that I do still have some SLV and IAU that I have had for years and actually, despite the price fluctuation, have been able to milk for some covered calls. I also have a PM mutual fund (Rydex PM fund) that I have had since probably 2004. So, right or wrong, good or bad, there's my story. I am always learning.

STILl, keep stacking physical....
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby barrytrot » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:31 am

Thanks silverflake.

For me, I think I'm probably something like 3 and 77 (3 wins, 77 losses) on all my "trades" :)

When I went long and planned for the long hall I'm probably something like 79 and 10 (79 wins and 10 losses). Sure I sold most of those, but my plan was that I would stay in for the long haul.

I don't "trade" any more as I prefer to win :)
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby silverflake » Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:10 am

barrytrot - I absolutely LOVE listening to peoples experiences in the markets - it's how we all learn. Sounds like you 'figured it out' for yourself. I had a different experience. I traded from 2002-2006 and had fantastic returns (mostly a bull market) but found it took up too much of my time. My kids were more important. So, I slowly evolved into a buy and hold kind of guy. But I still put on a 'trade' every once in a while. But even buy-and-hold you have to do it right. It also has worked out well as I started buying mostly blue chip dividend growers in 2009 (WOO HOO!) and have learned to sell covered calls off of them (wicked fun!). As mentioned in earlier post, I still have some SLV, IAU and RYZCX so I do have some long term holds in the PM's. But I completely understand you and see your wisdom.

OK, don't want to hijack this thread or send it on a tangent, so, I am scraping up as much cash as I can now to go out to my new found pawn shop and buy as much of their silver as I can. How low can it go? I don't know but I smell another 2008 scenario coming in the next couple years (remember paper price fell to $9 but you could not buy silver for anywhere close to that?)

I will continue to stack physical, I recommend we all continue the same.
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby Numis Pam » Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:14 pm

HPMBTT wrote:"How Low Can It Go?"

$4.06/oz (11/22/2001) :)
$3.61/oz (2/27/1991) :)
$3.57/oz (3/4/1993) :)

And favorite (sorry, can't help it). This is for the completists. This is truly the correct answer:
.05 for a silver war nickel from CRH (.89 cents/oz)
.10 for a silver dime from CRH ($1.38/oz)
.25 for a silver quarter from CRH ($1.38/oz)
.50 for a silver 90% half dollar from CRH ($1.38/oz)
.50 for a silver 40% half dollar from CRH ($3.38/oz)

Yep!! I was purchasing silver at the those 1991 - 2001 prices!!
It was sweet!! I wish I had had more money back then cause I saw the opportunity for sure! :D
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby Hawkeye » Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:40 pm

Numis Pam wrote:
HPMBTT wrote:"How Low Can It Go?"

$4.06/oz (11/22/2001) :)
$3.61/oz (2/27/1991) :)
$3.57/oz (3/4/1993) :)

And favorite (sorry, can't help it). This is for the completists. This is truly the correct answer:
.05 for a silver war nickel from CRH (.89 cents/oz)
.10 for a silver dime from CRH ($1.38/oz)
.25 for a silver quarter from CRH ($1.38/oz)
.50 for a silver 90% half dollar from CRH ($1.38/oz)
.50 for a silver 40% half dollar from CRH ($3.38/oz)

Yep!! I was purchasing silver at the those 1991 - 2001 prices!!
It was sweet!! I wish I had had more money back then cause I saw the opportunity for sure! :D

I try not to think about all the money I was wasting on ridiculous things back in those days. Young and dumb. :(
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby SilverDragon72 » Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:47 pm

Hawkeye wrote:
Numis Pam wrote:
HPMBTT wrote:"How Low Can It Go?"

$4.06/oz (11/22/2001) :)
$3.61/oz (2/27/1991) :)
$3.57/oz (3/4/1993) :)

And favorite (sorry, can't help it). This is for the completists. This is truly the correct answer:
.05 for a silver war nickel from CRH (.89 cents/oz)
.10 for a silver dime from CRH ($1.38/oz)
.25 for a silver quarter from CRH ($1.38/oz)
.50 for a silver 90% half dollar from CRH ($1.38/oz)
.50 for a silver 40% half dollar from CRH ($3.38/oz)

Yep!! I was purchasing silver at the those 1991 - 2001 prices!!
It was sweet!! I wish I had had more money back then cause I saw the opportunity for sure! :D

I try not to think about all the money I was wasting on ridiculous things back in those days. Young and dumb. :(

I would love to see a return to those levels! Oh, how the stack would GROW! :thumbup:
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby Country » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:05 pm

$28.24 the low of today is good enough... NOW - LET'S SELL STOCKS AND PUSH PMs HIGHER... :mrgreen:

Way off the mark here! :thumbdown:
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby $nack-Money » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:48 pm

6th post down from top of page 1... can i be the new jff ?
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby Jonflyfish » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:54 pm

$nack-Money wrote:6th post down from top of page 1... can i be the new jff ?

You may be but beware the wrath and ire of the few who will clog your threads with ill intended drunken suicidal drug induced soliloquies, pics of their favorite characters and YouTube videos as if it somehow affects you or the market. :lol:

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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby $nack-Money » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:57 pm

good deal lol- I'll admit it was bs when i posted that in Feb. I was looking for a rise out of some people, not thinking for a second that it would happen. Alas it has, and my powder is still dry... now I'll say $12 silver soon...
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby shinnosuke » Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:17 pm

$nack-Money wrote:good deal lol- I'll admit it was bs when i posted that in Feb. I was looking for a rise out of some people, not thinking for a second that it would happen. Alas it has, and my powder is still dry... now I'll say $12 silver soon...

Bring it.
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby Computer Jones » Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:52 pm

Re: How Low Can It Go?

I'd postulate the lowest it can go is to $0.00?
Possibly lower, where people pay you to take their Ag so they don't have to lug around such a heavy burden?

However, the Ag price can never go low enough to stop me from stacking (is that a number?).

I just like to see the Ag/Au ratio come back to it's historical norm, now that would be something!
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby barrytrot » Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:18 pm

Computer Jones wrote:Re: How Low Can It Go?

I'd postulate the lowest it can go is to $0.00?
Possibly lower, where people pay you to take their Ag so they don't have to lug around such a heavy burden?

I can see the ads now: We will come to your door to pick up your unwanted trash, including that unsightly silver and gold :)
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby blackrabbit » Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:39 pm

Wow, I see that earlier deals are looking stupid today. Falling knife and all that. It is very tempting to get more metal now. I do think it could drop a little more but not down to 12.
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby beauanderos » Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:42 pm

Computer Jones wrote:Re: How Low Can It Go?

I'd postulate the lowest it can go is to $0.00?
Possibly lower, where people pay you to take their Ag so they don't have to lug around such a heavy burden?

However, the Ag price can never go low enough to stop me from stacking (is that a number?).

I just like to see the Ag/Au ratio come back to it's historical norm, now that would be something!

so.... Gold $288, silver $18? :shock:
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby Mossy » Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:51 pm

blackrabbit wrote:Wow, I see that earlier deals are looking stupid today. Falling knife and all that. It is very tempting to get more metal now. I do think it could drop a little more but not down to 12.

Trying to hit the bottom is a great way to miss even this price. I think this is "good enough". Or would be if I had money to invest.
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Re: How Low Can It Go?

Postby barrytrot » Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:10 pm

Mossy wrote:
blackrabbit wrote:Wow, I see that earlier deals are looking stupid today. Falling knife and all that. It is very tempting to get more metal now. I do think it could drop a little more but not down to 12.

Trying to hit the bottom is a great way to miss even this price. I think this is "good enough". Or would be if I had money to invest.

That was my thinking: it could go lower, but this is low enough for me!
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