"Raptor Fund"

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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:19 am

the weekend in Mustique was wonderful, Grace Jones and Laurie Anderson held a mini concert at the Cotton House. my memeory of events was good until 3 in the morning, i awoke at 6AM sleeping in the some bushes near the tennis courts, nobody noticed, so i limped home, made some coffee, and its all good now. here's what the ladies sung!

i'm feeling more at home here, though the rich here are just trash...just trash, the night of this soire, i "fell" in with a gaggle of "titled" Euro garbage, and i'm fairly certain it was they who put "something" into my straight up rum (ice water back), because i dont JUST lose memory and crash out in the bushes...thats quite unusual. I did detect SOMETHING amiss, when they all kept watching me, with beady red pig eyes, and giggling. My "detail" went looking for this group of degenerates, but it seems they fled the island on the morning flight. Which is good for the them, as my guys were going to "sweat" them when found. You know we are in dark times, when a man cant even enjoy a evening of entertainment without being possibly drugged...and/or worse.

"something" went wrong with the cameras, so i'm putting up the MOMA version

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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby beauanderos » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:27 am

just be glad you aren't in Aruba :shock:
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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby Engineer » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:55 am

beauanderos wrote:just be glad you aren't in Aruba :shock:

Jamaica...ooh I wanna take ya...Bermuda, Bahama...come on pretty momma.

Off the Florida keys...
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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:24 pm

beauanderos wrote:just be glad you aren't in Aruba :shock:

"Aruba?"...have you gone mad?......i could only pull off this twisted high wire act on Mustique....anywhere else in the Carib, i'd be whisked off to a rendition facility, where i'd be forced to share a cage with 10 afghans, and live on a visual diet of Janet Napilitano in the nude, and fed wet Alpo.

these boys know the latest techiques....i'm playing for keeps here.

stand for delivery in NY silver, and you are a marked man.
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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby PennyPauper » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:37 pm

Intriguing read. So many twists possible. Why can't you just buy your stash at the LCS?
Love the book idea. Maybe you create a company to sell silver products. Small mint and e-shop.Gotta have a "use" for all that silver.
How many HWS certified 1,5,10+ oz rounds can you presell? Prehaps the Stouty? Hez100
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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby beauanderos » Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:40 am

PennyPauper wrote: Why can't you just buy your stash at the LCS?

That's impossible. Neil is talking millions of dollars of physical. I doubt there's a local dealer around that could source $10,000 value for you, and that would be after several phone calls. Just because they advertise, doesn't mean they have it in stock. It's getting to the the point that silver isn't even the poor man's gold... it's the homeless person's gold. How long before the guys on the street corners are asking for just "a silver dime?" I'm sure our membership has developed the attitude of "will work for silver"... because that's our only hope of ever being lifted from the ever-shrinking pool of middle class folks. Those who fail to follow our lead will someday be sucked down the sinkhole of financial catastrophe, succumbing to a vortex of loss of purchasing power that is inherent with excessive money printing. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but it makes more sense to dollar cost average into this pullback with modest weekly purchases... then it does to engage in a dangerous game of musical chairs, sitting on a pile of fiat that you hope to be able to convert to sourced physical on an ultimate dip. Others might well have that same idea, and the mad scramble that could ensue could virtually guarantee no filled orders should that event transpire.
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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby TwoPenniesEarned » Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:46 am

Every time I have played in Wall Street's sandbox I've had my lunch stolen. They can have it to themselves. I buy and keep physical and liken it to peeing in that sand box.
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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby PennyPauper » Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:53 am

The LCS remark was a twisted joke on my part,like it would save him alot of hassel.
I'm rooting for this idea.
What if 1000's of private companys each wanted 1 car for business purposes,minting whatever.Consistently.
Once supply is gone,Granny only has one set of silverware.
Sooner or later we should know. Is it silver or is it paper?
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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:56 am

beauanderos wrote:
PennyPauper wrote: Why can't you just buy your stash at the LCS?

That's impossible. Neil is talking millions of dollars of physical. I doubt there's a local dealer around that could source $10,000 value for you, and that would be after several phone calls. Just because they advertise, doesn't mean they have it in stock. It's getting to the the point that silver isn't even the poor man's gold... it's the homeless person's gold. How long before the guys on the street corners are asking for just "a silver dime?" I'm sure our membership has developed the attitude of "will work for silver"... because that's our only hope of ever being lifted from the ever-shrinking pool of middle class folks. Those who fail to follow our lead will someday be sucked down the sinkhole of financial catastrophe, succumbing to a vortex of loss of purchasing power that is inherent with excessive money printing. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but it makes more sense to dollar cost average into this pullback with modest weekly purchases... then it does to engage in a dangerous game of musical chairs, sitting on a pile of fiat that you hope to be able to convert to sourced physical on an ultimate dip. Others might well have that same idea, and the mad scramble that could ensue could virtually guarantee no filled orders should that event transpire.

PP, i know you were joshing, but serious, everybody, all kidding aside what Ray just wrote is wisdom, let his words burn in and he may be preaching to choir, but then let me be the first to AMEN him! if you're stacking keep stacking ...let no one deter you....even if for NOW, you're stacking copper and nickel....thats good!!

i had the wonderful occasion to hear from Neil Jr.....17 years old, in college, got an A in his Chemistry mid term,(i'm so proud, as he has told me, "Daddy, silicon valley is fine, but the future lays in Bio-Chemistry") and the lad, for 17 has a wonderful job in the realty business, where he is being mentored by a family friend. After briefing him on the latest stacking efforts, i gently admonished him to save currency THERE, meaning i told him, from now on, every month, until they debase, pick up one "brick" a $100 FV box of nickels and stash them in the closet, under the bed, wherever. i think he's gets complacent because he knows 100 cents on every "dollar" i own is his, thats why i brief him on all stacking efforts.

again, i say, Ray is speaking wisdom. ...not that you all dont know it....no no no, this is a very sharp group here...my only warning would be to those in the Faith...dont allow your stack to become an idol, which is something i try very hard to guard my own heart against.
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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:12 pm

neilgin1 wrote:"Stopped" , filed to take delivery on 500 cars bot on 25 Fen 2013

50 cars bot at 29.11 ----250,000 toz- $7,277,500.00
50 cars bot at 29.13-----250,000 toz- $7,282,500.00
200 cars bot at $29.05---1,000,000 toz $29,500,000.00
50 cars bot at 29.02----250,000 toz $7,255,000.00
100 cars bot at 29.00----500,000 toz $14,500,000.00
50 cars bot at $28.97----250,000 toz $7,242,500.00

receipts total 2.5 mln toz ---$73,057,500.00

4 Mar 2013 0540 CST

Bot 100 SIK13 (May 13 Silver) at 28.74

orders resting:

Buy 100 SIK13 @28.45
Buy 100 SIK13 @28.25
Buy 100 SIK13 @27.99

all "GTC" (Good Till Cancelled)

(later add) Bot 500 MWZ13 +30 over selling 500 KWZ13 ---MWZ13 @8.13/KWZ13 @ 7.83 at 0550 CST

(MWZ13 is Dec 13 Minneapolis Wheat......KWZ13 is Dec 13 KC Wheat. Minneapolis Wheat is Dark Red Northern SPRING Wheat, KC Wheat is Hard Red Winter Wheat....hey, there's other thing besides silver, gotta eat, and there's some nice snow covering the winter wheat areas, while the Spring Wheat hasnt even been planted...just saying....30 cents over? I'll buy it, its an acceptable risk...objective? 75 cents to $1.00 over)

5 Mar 2013 1030 AM-Mustique

took delivery on 200 cars----1 mln toz (total holdings 3.5 mln toz, still in NY.....over $101 mln disbursed)

100 cars----500,000 toz at 28.80 -----over $14 mln USD (do the math later)
100 cars----500,000 toz at 29.23------over $14 mln USD

futures postion:

Long 100 SIK13 (May Silver) @ 28.74
Bot 100 SIK13 @ 28.45

Bot 500 MWZ13 +30/Sold 500 KWZ13.....currently Minn Dec is trading 25 cents over, so that position is losing 5 cents a car, $250X 500=$125,000 down

its been a rather hectic morning here in this island "paradise". It seems there's a bit of pushback on the last 400 cars of March Silver, the phone hasnt stopped ringing, i;ve gotten over 30 phones from the lawyers up north on the mainland. i can't say much at this time, but the last ten phone calls , i find myself shrieking into the dead reciever, "YOU WILL PERISH IN FLAMES!!!!!" ....i feel exactly like Rick Moranis's character, "Vince" in Ghostbusters......got to the 15 second mark in this clip, my eyes are turning red, i feel this growling in my throat.....my physician has been sent for, and will arrive on the afternoon flight...thank God....medicine!

i will keep you all posted....remember, go to the 15 second mark...when the only thing coming out of your mouth is "YOU WILL PERISH IN FLAMES!!!"....maybe one should be seen by a trusted health professional

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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby Treetop » Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:36 pm

the point here is to crash the comex right? Is there another way then? It was mentioned you couldnt just buy this much silver from a lcs. No doubt true. But what if you bought ALL the silver from ALL the coinstores? what if you bought out tulving and apmex and bullion direct and provident and golden state mint and several others DAILY. What if you joined all bullion related forums with a sales section and paid enough over spot that all the various people in all the various localities could buy out their lcs and sell to you for enough of a profit it was worthwhile.

Seems to me you wouldnt be the one knocking heads trying to take delivery. you would also have most of the silver in hand instead of potentially having it all tied up in paper with the comex, supposedly they can force you to take cash, or so Ive read.

Curious what you folks think.
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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby Kurr » Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:09 pm

I think if you had the money and stones to try and crash the comex and expose the lie, you'd prolly commit suicide. You know the kind, where it's clear cut, like tying your own hands behind your back and double tapping yourself in the back of the head. Or you'd fall drunkenly off a building at one of those fabulous rooftop parties even though you didn't drink.

I'd stay out of small boats for sure, and give up hunting.
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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:44 pm

Treetop wrote:the point here is to crash the comex right? Is there another way then? It was mentioned you couldnt just buy this much silver from a lcs. No doubt true. But what if you bought ALL the silver from ALL the coinstores? what if you bought out tulving and apmex and bullion direct and provident and golden state mint and several others DAILY. What if you joined all bullion related forums with a sales section and paid enough over spot that all the various people in all the various localities could buy out their lcs and sell to you for enough of a profit it was worthwhile.

Seems to me you wouldnt be the one knocking heads trying to take delivery. you would also have most of the silver in hand instead of potentially having it all tied up in paper with the comex, supposedly they can force you to take cash, or so Ive read.

Curious what you folks think.

i'm not trying to "crash" the exchange AT ALL.

in this scenario, i'm worth 300 million dollars, which sounds like a lot of money, (and it is) but in actuality....this "vast" sum is EXTREMELY vulnerable, and being the portion that remains from a family fortune, that pre-2008, was estimated at $6 billion dollars, i would be very intent on securing any value that remains. The way i see it, the only avenue left to secure currency is via PM's.

in a different day...lets just say pre-21st century, that "task" would be really easy 100 million in 90 day T-Bills, rolled over, very liquid, very secure, 100 million in tax free Municipal Bonds to lessen the tax burden and provide ample resources to live on, 70 million in the preferred stock of American companies that pay dividend, what used to be called "The Nifty Fifty", or portions of the S+P 100....American brand names, SOLID companies, and 30 million held in precious metals, which in a day and age, one wouldnt give a second thought, to those metals being kept in the safety deposit boxes of a private bank.

You cant do that do today, and feel secure....i know i couldnt.

90 day T-Bills?...when does that 100 mln go "Zimbabwe" on me?

Tax free Muni Bonds?...i used to think, along with Utilities, these were the greatest things since sliced bread....NOW, TODAY, name me ONE municipality that is NOT in dire straits?...where? IN THE U.S.?

The preferred stock i'd be doing great on...price wise, thanks to all that new money needing a "home", but what happens when everybodies running for the exit?...and there's 50 to 80% haircuts given in the nominal dollar price?

so.....that leave precious metals!....and looking at the world TODAY, would YOU feel a warm and fuzzy feeling, leaving them at a BANK?

and if its the "end of the world", because somebody seeks delivery on 400 contracts of silver, which is 2 mln toz of silver,valued at $60 million dollars, in a day, when our year to year budget deficit starts with a trillion, then we got problems, BIG PROBLEMS.
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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:02 pm

Kurr wrote:I think if you had the money and stones to try and crash the comex and expose the lie, you'd prolly commit suicide. You know the kind, where it's clear cut, like tying your own hands behind your back and double tapping yourself in the back of the head. Or you'd fall drunkenly off a building at one of those fabulous rooftop parties even though you didn't drink.

I'd stay out of small boats for sure, and give up hunting.

yep..i know the kind, thats why i have an ALL British ex-commando security team, WELL paid, both in salary and a piece of the action, trading from a private island in the Carib, the Brits are great guys, sharp, well mannered, and given the choice between a private assignment in Iraq or the Stan, and this?...very happy campers. Why do you think he's JAMES Bond, and not "Jimmy". (lol)

and like i said to Tree, nobodies trying to crash anything, just want that last 2 mln toz of silver to insure family wealth.

(oh, i'm feeling this book!!!!)

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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:08 pm

Going to have some good news by the end of the business today.....ie, the remaining contracts.

just mucking about with my "half a dirty dozen", and was shown this clip as to what Royal Marines do for fun, when they get bored in the desert, and the rum is iced. These are the blokes i'm hanging around with:

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Re: "Raptor Fund"

Postby NotABigDeal » Thu May 23, 2013 11:28 am

I know I'm late to this thread, but awesome read!

Very Hunterish....

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