Inside North Korea

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Inside North Korea

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:52 pm

part one of can follow the links to parts two and three on youtube:
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Re: Inside North Korea

Postby rainsonme » Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:08 pm

Try this one, North Korea Gangnam style:
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Re: Inside North Korea

Postby barrytrot » Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:32 pm

Here is a question:

Does anyone think that if you took anyone in North Korea and let them live in South Korea for a week to see what it's like that they would go back. (Or make it 6 months if you think they are all brain washed. They probably are) I don't think even relatively rich North Koreans would think they have it well once they experienced freedom.

Ergo if you believe like I do why would we not just over throw North Korea and join the countries as South Korea?

- For the betterment of humanity!
- For the millions of souls "living" in North Korea
- For me personally, as I find all this lame North Korea news annoying.
- For the protection of South Korea and the United States. One day North Korea will rise up and do something lame and kill people. Why wait until innocent lives are lost?

North Korea has the equivalent fire power of the wasp nest to me with my can of specially formulated "wasp raid" so I see no benefit to letting their leaders live live super kings while threatening the USA and while making the lives of their citizens horrible for more years and years.
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Re: Inside North Korea

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:58 pm

barrytrot wrote:Here is a question:

Does anyone think that if you took anyone in North Korea and let them live in South Korea for a week to see what it's like that they would go back. (Or make it 6 months if you think they are all brain washed. They probably are) I don't think even relatively rich North Koreans would think they have it well once they experienced freedom.

Ergo if you believe like I do why would we not just over throw North Korea and join the countries as South Korea?

- For the betterment of humanity!
- For the millions of souls "living" in North Korea
- For me personally, as I find all this lame North Korea news annoying.
- For the protection of South Korea and the United States. One day North Korea will rise up and do something lame and kill people. Why wait until innocent lives are lost?

North Korea has the equivalent fire power of the wasp nest to me with my can of specially formulated "wasp raid" so I see no benefit to letting their leaders live live super kings while threatening the USA and while making the lives of their citizens horrible for more years and years.

the trouble is the Chinese have a very large impact on the region.
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Re: Inside North Korea

Postby shinnosuke » Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:02 pm

Somebody wanted to bomb the last bridge over the river Yalu in the early 1950s. Somebody didn't let him.
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Re: Inside North Korea

Postby rainsonme » Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:19 pm

1. No, no North Korean would opt to stay in the north once they had seen the wealth and freedom of the south, and realized how they have been brain-washed ---- even NK terrorists who have killed people are often pardoned by the south once the brain-washing has worn off.
2. Neither China nor South Korea is in a hurry to see the North collapse. For the south, it would be both a humanitarian and economic disaster that would take a generation to recover from. For China, it would mean millions of refugees.
3. China very much wants the buffer between the US zone of Japan-SK-Tiawan-Phillipines and the Chinese mainland. NK, as crazy and pathetic as they are, serves that buffer well. It is hard to imagine how that buffer could be maintained if NK collapsed. I think China will keep that horrific dictatorship (kingdom) in place for as long as they can.
4. War with NK would kill 100,000 or more south koreans, and destroy Seoul. Seoul is 118 miles from the DMZ. On the other side of the DMZ, the NK's have artillary and missles dug in deeply, that would utterly destroy the sophisticated city of Seoul before the south & the US could take them out --- it would take a day or two to take all of them out. In that time, the would lob enough antiquated artillary shells into that densely poputlated city to kill thousands, displace a million, and ruin billions of dollars in industry and infrastructure.

I sincerely hope we dont end this crisis the way we have ended the past dozen, by paying those thugs money, fuel, and food so they can continue to enslave their people. But a military option would be horrific, even IF the chinese allowed it. Best hope is that over time information and communication seep in, and some Gorbachev type tries to reform it. Rotten to the core, any attempt to reform will result in collapse --- as disaster for the south, a major scare for China, but the best hope for the Korean people north and south. It takes time.
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Re: Inside North Korea

Postby deacon » Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:59 pm

This video makes me want to visit the DPRK. Everything there is so strange.
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Re: Inside North Korea

Postby rexmerdinus » Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:08 am

So the overall message I got out of watching these is that the way to defeat North Korea is to finish crippling them economically by sending tour groups of 100+ people to eat all their food. It wouldn't take long.
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