Amanda Berry

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Amanda Berry

Postby CtrlAltBernanke » Wed May 08, 2013 12:14 am

So I really try to ignore the news when they dramatize stories and attempt to turn something in to a national tragedy or something to that extent. While I am very happy that these girls have been rescued, am I the only one here that thinks that the next story about these girls is the gross negligence of the police. This house has had multiple 911 calls over the years and two years ago there was a 911 call about three naked girls in the backyard with dog collars on and the cops never showed. I was a private citizen, Charles Ramsey, that solved this missing person case not the cops. When the entire city of Boston was under martial law and SWAT found nothing, it was a private citizen that called 911 to tell them that a man was hiding in his boat. I mean what the hell are cops doing?! Heads need to roll at the police department in that Ohio town. The police chief needs to resign and cops need to be fired.
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby Lemon Thrower » Wed May 08, 2013 6:39 am

i'm glad you realize this but don't expect the MSM to carry this story. they are propoganda arms of the government; their job is to bury this story.
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby IdahoCopper » Wed May 08, 2013 7:32 am

The other story you will never see is while the media circus entertains the sheeple for the next 2 years as the 3 brothers are prosecuted for false imprisonment and rape, not one prosecutor nationwide will be prosecuted for the same crimes when a prisoner somewhere is released due to his conviction being overturned.

And yes, the lying, conniving, venal prosecutor is responsible for the rapes of innocent people he puts in prison, because he falsely put them in that danger.
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby AGCoinHunter » Wed May 08, 2013 10:03 am

I was just thinking the same thing this morning. How inept does a police department need to be, before heads roll.
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby Thogey » Wed May 08, 2013 10:08 am

There was similar police contact with Jeff Dahmer before his activities were finally discovered.
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby DTEJD1997 » Thu May 09, 2013 1:28 am

Does anybody find it odd that these women were locked up for about 10 years? Not to blame the victim, but I think they would have had opportunities to escape or kill their captor before now. I wonder what changed?

Yes, some heads need to roll. This is on thing that I find so odd about modern society. Terrible mistakes are made, maybe somebody says sorry, and we roll on, business as usual. A good example of this is what happened in Bengahzi Libya. The ambassador was tortured & killed. Several other people lost their lives. The embassy was over run & sacked. Nobody is fired, there is no accountability. Like Hillary Clinton shrieks: "What does it matter now?"

Another good example is John Corzine, Billions in customer's money is gone. Oh well, better luck next time.

Or what about "for profit" education? A whole INDUSTRY built on bilking students and taxpayers...

The list goes on & on.
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby NHsorter » Thu May 09, 2013 7:52 am

DTEJD1997 wrote:Or what about "for profit" education? A whole INDUSTRY built on bilking students and taxpayers...

Attending a "for profit" school is a choice. Certainly some people find value in doing business with these schools or else they would have no enrollment. Light should be shone on the abusers but don't vilify an entire industry like that. That's Obamaspeak. :lol:
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby barrytrot » Thu May 09, 2013 8:54 am

DTEJD1997 wrote:Does anybody find it odd that these women were locked up for about 10 years? Not to blame the victim, but I think they would have had opportunities to escape or kill their captor before now. I wonder what changed?

Yes, some heads need to roll. This is on thing that I find so odd about modern society. Terrible mistakes are made, maybe somebody says sorry, and we roll on, business as usual. A good example of this is what happened in Bengahzi Libya. The ambassador was tortured & killed. Several other people lost their lives. The embassy was over run & sacked. Nobody is fired, there is no accountability. Like Hillary Clinton shrieks: "What does it matter now?"

Another good example is John Corzine, Billions in customer's money is gone. Oh well, better luck next time.

Or what about "for profit" education? A whole INDUSTRY built on bilking students and taxpayers...

The list goes on & on.

The solution is a tighter grip by the police, you know. Is that what you want?

I'm not sure how "for profit education" is related to this?
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby NHsorter » Thu May 09, 2013 9:07 am

barrytrot wrote:I'm not sure how "for profit education" is related to this?

Sorry, I guess I just took offense to that for some reason. Kind of sick of hearing business being attacked on all fronts. But that is for another thread.

The police work in this case does bring up the question about where the line is between enforcement and liberty. You don't want to give the cops too much power because they will trample liberty. But you also don't want them to miss out on catching scumbags like these brothers. 10 years. Holy crap.

I will say that there should be 2 lines. One for violent crime, and another for non-violent crime. I think liberty trumps non-violent crime. Sounds like in this case the cops had enough tips that they probably should have snooped around a bit. That house is about 4 feet from another house. What the hell was that neighbor doing for 10 years? Some old deaf guy maybe? Running his Ryedale for the last 10 years straight so he could not hear the cries for help.
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby NDFarmer » Thu May 09, 2013 9:18 am

barrytrot wrote:
The solution is a tighter grip by the police, you know.

I don't know if that is the solution. How about if they just do their job in the first place? The police were there several times and just knocked on the door and no one answered so they just said oh well nobody is home and left and never returned. Why didn't they follow up and go back and get inside that house?

Also the houses in the neighborhood were 3 feet apart. You can reach out an touch the house next to you. How did no one hear or see anything for 10 years coming from this old run down house that must have thin walls. Unless the house had some kind of sound proofing but so far I have not heard that it did. I know there was a couple of calls from the public about screams coming from the house but why weren't they calling the police everyday?
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby barrytrot » Thu May 09, 2013 9:52 am

Ok, so the police show up and wait until someone answers the door (or go back until they find someone).

What then? Without a warrant they just stand outside asking to come in and anyone with any sense would say, "no thanks". Even I wouldn't let police come into my house as they are sloppy and rude. And I know from experience are libel to trash the place without recourse.

Or are you saying that any alerts by neighbors should warrant a warrant?

I'm actually ok with that policy, but I would be surprised if everyone here was.
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby NDFarmer » Thu May 09, 2013 10:33 am

barrytrot wrote:
Or are you saying that any alerts by neighbors should warrant a warrant?

I would think that screams coming from a house that has all the windows blacked out in a neighborhood where three women have have disappeared along with reports of naked women being lead around the back yard in dog collars might warrant a warrant.
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby barrytrot » Thu May 09, 2013 11:09 am

So what's the level? All of that is still just "alerts by neighbors".

I would be fine with "any alert" but what is the definition you want? Remember "screems, naked, whatever" is all just the account of a neighbor. They can tell the truth or they can lie. The police treat both the same way.

Apparently right now they ignore both. I would be fine if both caused a warrant.

But what are you recommending?
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby Morsecode » Fri May 10, 2013 9:39 pm

I can tell you that screams are not ignored in CT. If the cops are called to a residence because a neighbor heard (or even thought they heard) screaming, it automatically falls under domestic dispute law...which basically means they don't leave without a premises search.

Not the open every cabinet and drawer kind of search...but every room.

About 30 years ago, the Torrington, CT police dept was sued successfully for negligence related to a domestic disturbance call where they sort of did little more than a drive by. After that, a new law was enacted.

My friend's 6 year-old son once dialed 911 and said his parents were fighting. The cops came, questioned everyone, kids too, and they walked through every room in the house. The parents had only gotten a little too animated over a news report on the tv.
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Re: Amanda Berry

Postby DTEJD1997 » Sat May 11, 2013 3:15 am

Hey all:

I would suggest that we need very few new laws in the USA. How about enforcing what we already have on the books? Great example is that it wasn't illegal to kill Americans before 9/11? We need WHOLE NEW government departments to deal with this?

"For Profit" education is a slight tangent, but I suggested it to show how modern society is "coming off the rails". If anyone doubts this, I would suggest they read the report "Subprime Comes to Education" by hedge fund manager Steve Eisman, or read the transcripts of various Congressional testimony....

I am pretty far "right wing", but what is happening in education is not capitalism, far from it.

I hope everybody gets rich selling whatever it is they want, even an education. HOWEVER, they do not get to lie or commit fraud when they do it. Simple as that.

The same rules go for "non-profit" traditional education too.

This is indeed a subject for another thread, but I suggest if you care about this at all, that you do some research into it. You will be SHOCKED at what you find.

This is not democrat or republican, "right" or "left" wing. it is simply right vs. wrong.
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