i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sun May 19, 2013 8:35 am

Time is too precious to read anymore of this crap.

I am sorry, I dont' want to get into anymore arguments at RealCent, so I strike out what I just posted.

You have a serious problem, Neil. Covering over it with denial will not help.
Last edited by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay on Sun May 19, 2013 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby Morsecode » Sun May 19, 2013 8:38 am

Not to worry, that. I believe the troll has retreated back to Fairytaleland for the duration of the 2nd Quarter. We'll all just have to muck our way through the markets in the meantime, like the ig'nernt peons we are. :angel:

Neil, I never believed for a second you were the hangin type. IF (big if) you ever came to that mindset, I'm certain your imagination would allow for a way funnier and more purposeful exit. ;)
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby neilgin1 » Sun May 19, 2013 9:18 am

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Time is too precious to read anymore of this crap.

I am sorry, I dont' want to get into anymore arguments at RealCent, so I strike out what I just posted.

You have a serious problem, Neil. Covering over it with denial will not help.

Sheikh, I feel really bad, coz I didn't mean to offend you...or anybody...and yeh, I do have a problem, I got a family that is LITERALLY falling apart, via health issues...and I was just up late...writing. wrote some stupid stuff, that very obviously offended you, and if I had the controls, I would wipe this whole thread. The LAST thing I want to do, is to offend anybody here.

I didn't realize that it would ignite a firestorm. Sheikh, no bs, but if it would help, I could take a hiatus from posting. That's not me huffing off with my toys like a child, that's me, not wanting to cause any upset here.

Further on the no bs list is MY own health issues, which are this....no joke, I face, via a whole HOST of conditions, what is known as sudden death syndrome. I don't write THAT as a "joke", or to illicit sympathy, that's what I face real world. I walked to that "door" in 2008, made it through, so everyday is a good day. Death doesn't really hold a sting on me. I was feeling blue coz of other family members when I wrote that OP, which in hindsight was foolish, especially if it got you pretty torqued up Sheikh.

As I said, the last thing i'd ever want to be HERE is a problem, so maybe a hiatus would be in order. You call it, no hard feelings from me, just a sense of "I effed up".
chastened, neil
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sun May 19, 2013 10:12 am

neilgin1 wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Time is too precious to read anymore of this crap.

I am sorry, I dont' want to get into anymore arguments at RealCent, so I strike out what I just posted.

You have a serious problem, Neil. Covering over it with denial will not help.

Sheikh, I feel really bad, coz I didn't mean to offend you...or anybody...and yeh, I do have a problem, I got a family that is LITERALLY falling apart, via health issues...and I was just up late...writing. wrote some stupid stuff, that very obviously offended you, and if I had the controls, I would wipe this whole thread. The LAST thing I want to do, is to offend anybody here.

I didn't realize that it would ignite a firestorm. Sheikh, no bs, but if it would help, I could take a hiatus from posting. That's not me huffing off with my toys like a child, that's me, not wanting to cause any upset here.

Further on the no bs list is MY own health issues, which are this....no joke, I face, via a whole HOST of conditions, what is known as sudden death syndrome. I don't write THAT as a "joke", or to illicit sympathy, that's what I face real world. I walked to that "door" in 2008, made it through, so everyday is a good day. Death doesn't really hold a sting on me. I was feeling blue coz of other family members when I wrote that OP, which in hindsight was foolish, especially if it got you pretty torqued up Sheikh.

As I said, the last thing i'd ever want to be HERE is a problem, so maybe a hiatus would be in order. You call it, no hard feelings from me, just a sense of "I effed up".
chastened, neil

I don't want you to take a hiatus from Realcent. We have to learn to tolerate one another for the greater good of us all. Just like you need to tolerate JFF.

You are still in denial. You have talked about everything except the real issue (for me) on this thread.

Neil, you have a substance abuse problem. You mixed hard alcohol with pain killers. Then, in your drug/alcohol altered state of mind, you contemplated suicide. That is a serious RED FLAG! Can't you see that?

I have had to deal with substance abuse from myself, family and two close friends. I recognize it very quickly now.

Get help for substance abuse, Neil. With respect.
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby InfleXion » Sun May 19, 2013 1:38 pm

Why do we stack in the first place? For me it is for protection from tyrants and crooks, for preservation of generational wealth. Something to retire on, to give to your grandkids, or to function as money if all else fails. Don't worry about the price. Dollars are a fad on the grand scheme of things, and they are a broken mechanism like all financial markets today with the exception of BitCoin which is the wild west.

Times like these are orchestrated to shake out the weak hands. Only strong hands will prevail! It makes me think of the Rock Biter on The Neverending Story.

Neil, I hope you will consider either asking someone you trust to help keep you accountable or at least seriously consider the implications of substances and what they can do to undermine the benefits of stacking. God bless you!
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby neilgin1 » Sun May 19, 2013 9:50 pm

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Time is too precious to read anymore of this crap.

I am sorry, I dont' want to get into anymore arguments at RealCent, so I strike out what I just posted.

You have a serious problem, Neil. Covering over it with denial will not help.

Sheikh, I feel really bad, coz I didn't mean to offend you...or anybody...and yeh, I do have a problem, I got a family that is LITERALLY falling apart, via health issues...and I was just up late...writing. wrote some stupid stuff, that very obviously offended you, and if I had the controls, I would wipe this whole thread. The LAST thing I want to do, is to offend anybody here.

I didn't realize that it would ignite a firestorm. Sheikh, no bs, but if it would help, I could take a hiatus from posting. That's not me huffing off with my toys like a child, that's me, not wanting to cause any upset here.

Further on the no bs list is MY own health issues, which are this....no joke, I face, via a whole HOST of conditions, what is known as sudden death syndrome. I don't write THAT as a "joke", or to illicit sympathy, that's what I face real world. I walked to that "door" in 2008, made it through, so everyday is a good day. Death doesn't really hold a sting on me. I was feeling blue coz of other family members when I wrote that OP, which in hindsight was foolish, especially if it got you pretty torqued up Sheikh.

As I said, the last thing i'd ever want to be HERE is a problem, so maybe a hiatus would be in order. You call it, no hard feelings from me, just a sense of "I effed up".
chastened, neil

I don't want you to take a hiatus from Realcent. We have to learn to tolerate one another for the greater good of us all. Just like you need to tolerate JFF.

You are still in denial. You have talked about everything except the real issue (for me) on this thread.

Neil, you have a substance abuse problem. You mixed hard alcohol with pain killers. Then, in your drug/alcohol altered state of mind, you contemplated suicide. That is a serious RED FLAG! Can't you see that?

I have had to deal with substance abuse from myself, family and two close friends. I recognize it very quickly now.

Get help for substance abuse, Neil. With respect.


I wasn't drinking....truth. I was writing ala "Hunter S Thompson" style....which in hindsight was foolish. I don't drink. don't like the taste. don't like the buzz.

I embrace truth, and yes, if I HAD been drinking and mixing, I would say in second, "you are dead on correct". Given my medical condition, yes, I am on pain management, and they are VERY strict, therefore I am very disciplined with using this medication. I have to be, my doc wouldn't be happy, and I DO KNOW the dangers inherent, as I too have family members in the program.
I don't divert any of my medicine, nor do I overmedicate. Any opioid is very dangerous, and I regard it as such.

what you read, was more of a "creative writing" exercise, and NOT reality.....here's whats truth in the OP, I do have painkillers, I do have a pole shed, I do have a really good roll of 150 feet of pure manila rope, which I prep stash as I use a poly mix for firewood. I was NOT contemplating suicide AT ALL.....the only alcohol in this house is a two year old bottle of Barbados rum, which I keep for guests, and four unopened bottle of Merlot, same thing...guests.....and I do have a stack of PM's,...a good one. The price has been going lower, and I was writing a character so impacted by this fact, that he was "feeling poorly", notice I use that as a kind of chorus. at the time I THOUGHT it was funny and ludicrous....I now see I was wrong. I like to write.

but I do love you for that concern...serious, and I really feel rather bad about my OP. i'm sorry, please forgive me. neil
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby blackrabbit » Sun May 19, 2013 10:42 pm

I let it go when I actually thought you were being truthful, but now I got to call you out. Are you really that homophobic? Your "queer" comments made me think you might be in the closet or something.
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby shinnosuke » Sun May 19, 2013 11:12 pm

Alright, Neil, your last post on this thread has finally angered me. What you have done is totally unfair. I was concerned for you. Said so to others. I didn't want to push you though. I can't really put my hand on your shoulder. Felt inadequate to do so in a private message.

Words have meaning! You gave us all every indication that you were contemplating suicide and now we learn that we are merely the recipients of more of your flippin' "creative writing"?!?! That's low, Neil.

You know, as a wordsmith, what words can do. You know, from your line of work, that words can chill, thrill, persuade, dissuade and certainly entertain. The spoken word, the written word, the email and the Internet post all have consequences. Are we, as your audience, not stroking you enough? Is that why you lied to us, Neil?

You like to mix it up with others who write things with which you disagree. You even attacked one of my posts and then later came back and apologized. I did not let that interfere with the way I socialized with you. I got over it.

Well, your Honor, I don't want you to leave, but you should accept that it will be hard to regain my trust.
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby scyther » Sun May 19, 2013 11:48 pm

I agree. I didn't really think you were serious at first. Honestly, I thought you were just hungry for attention. But as more people starting expressing concern, I started to think maybe you really were serious. But apparently it was just a story? What the hell? If you wanted to write something like this for fun, that's fine, but you have to tell people right away that it's not real. Especially after they started commenting...
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon May 20, 2013 6:54 am

Your story has evolved from getting hammered, to "sleeping it off & re-growing my stones", "I'm okay now, thanks for the prayers", to it was all just a fun story you made up as a writer.

Okay, if you say so. Time is too precious for me to spend anymore of it trying to figure out what is real and what is fantasy on this thread.

Let's get back to metals. Shall we?
When I die, I want to go like Grandpa did. He died in his sleep..... Not screaming and hollering like all the passengers in his car.
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby neilgin1 » Mon May 20, 2013 9:18 am

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
Let's get back to metals. Shall we?

That sounds like a good idea. i'll say this one last time, and I mean it with my whole heart, I am sorry I offended or angered ANYBODY here, and that includes Shinn and black rabbit. Guys i'm sorry, can you forgive me?

Now with that said and done, could THIS day, with July futures at 21.65, overnight low of 20.25....could this Monday BE THE LOW, we will never see again?

We know the various "bubbles" in the general economy, and if they burst, you have a repeat of 2008-09, the "Lehman moment"...sure, we face another nasty sell off...or do we?.

Consider this; multi year, long view look; we have the 2009 $9 low...fast forward to 2013...maybe 2014, "bubbles" burst......vast commodity sell off again, taking Ag down to the $9 level...at that point, you know have one of the most powerful bullish set ups, a multi decade, DOUBLE BOTTOM low of $9....factor in a retail physical premium of 5 to 10 dollars......which is $14 to 19....buy everything you can swing.

Whatever I bought, in the 30's?...and in the 20's?....and its been a goodly amount, i'm not selling that...I will NOT lose my position, which is out of fiat, and into metal. I don't HAVE to sell, so why would I?.........the double low of $9 is not a reality......todays low of 20.25 is, and maybe that's the new ascending low, and from this platform, we launch to where silver really is going, first stop, and that's to take $50, on its way to 130-40.
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby Treetop » Mon May 20, 2013 12:40 pm

I dont say this lightly

neil, have to call your bluff. contemplated this a bit. I dont buy that your opening post was a story unless most everything you write here is a story. (for whatever purpose) Weve long known you wear your heart on your sleeve and have family issues. Also that you get real emotional about our pal silver. And several other related things.

So my take is your entire persona was a bluff OR you feel you shared to much and felt exposed and made up the recent turn in the thread. If it the first wtf? If its the latter then I think you already know this to shall pass. As it did. I know some people are truly suicidal, but I ve never known one. I have however known MANY who feel that way and talk and think of it in weak moments. I dont blame the alcohol or pills, although those can throw one over the edge. such issues predate self medication.

life is and always will be a struggle. Some let this eat at them, and as humans who have for the most part conquered our niche we have alot of time to think and contemplate, and the brain to do so. We get real full of ourselves, and perhaps thats justified to a degree , we are obviously a bit different then the rest of creation we can see readily but were just struggling for life like the ants in my yard. Or the goats and rabbits in my pens. I see them have their little ups and downs as wel, but they always push forward not having the mentality to take themselves so seriously. So I say grab that drink and even the pills if you want a deeper health risk mixing them, but dont take it all so seriously. Life will move on with or without you. On earth or elsewhere. Just enjoy the ride my friend. Life hurts at times, but that is what makes the good times so good. Ive been at the bottom and top (well top for my life thus far anyway) and I always have a smile. Its not even hard, its a matter of perspective.

Perhaps im wrong but I only see the two possibilities I mentioned above. No need to elaborate you know which is true. Whichever it is, enjoy the ride. As far as we know (beyond faith) this is the only ride we get. So put the bar in the locked position and hold on tight. I find it likely life will get harder for most of us the path this country and world are on. We need good strong people with heart. Youve always struck me as such a person. Smile..
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby neilgin1 » Mon May 20, 2013 1:16 pm

Treetop wrote:I dont say this lightly

neil, have to call your bluff. contemplated this a bit. I dont buy that your opening post was a story unless most everything you write here is a story. (for whatever purpose) Weve long known you wear your heart on your sleeve and have family issues. Also that you get real emotional about our pal silver. And several other related things.

So my take is your entire persona was a bluff OR you feel you shared to much and felt exposed and made up the recent turn in the thread. If it the first wtf? If its the latter then I think you already know this to shall pass. As it did. I know some people are truly suicidal, but I ve never known one. I have however known MANY who feel that way and talk and think of it in weak moments. I dont blame the alcohol or pills, although those can throw one over the edge. such issues predate self medication.

life is and always will be a struggle. Some let this eat at them, and as humans who have for the most part conquered our niche we have alot of time to think and contemplate, and the brain to do so. We get real full of ourselves, and perhaps thats justified to a degree , we are obviously a bit different then the rest of creation we can see readily but were just struggling for life like the ants in my yard. Or the goats and rabbits in my pens. I see them have their little ups and downs as wel, but they always push forward not having the mentality to take themselves so seriously. So I say grab that drink and even the pills if you want a deeper health risk mixing them, but dont take it all so seriously. Life will move on with or without you. On earth or elsewhere. Just enjoy the ride my friend. Life hurts at times, but that is what makes the good times so good. Ive been at the bottom and top (well top for my life thus far anyway) and I always have a smile. Its not even hard, its a matter of perspective.

Perhaps im wrong but I only see the two possibilities I mentioned above. No need to elaborate you know which is true. Whichever it is, enjoy the ride. As far as we know (beyond faith) this is the only ride we get. So put the bar in the locked position and hold on tight. I find it likely life will get harder for most of us the path this country and world are on. We need good strong people with heart. Youve always struck me as such a person. Smile..

"smile"...very sweet thought, indeed.

my bru, I've apologized and asked forgiveness many times on this thread.

I got a powerful pen. Its made me a lotta money in my life. i'm going to not boast, say WHAT I did, who I am...let me say this, that pen got out of hand that night. and....one last time, I am truly sorry. Aint suicidal, don't have substance abuse problems, don't ever worry about being exposed, and I both smile and make others laugh a lot. Obviously the OP wasn't "funny".

I took the Sheikh's counsel, got back to silver, but I sure do appreciate the nice things you said to me...you've always struck me as a bru with a kind heart, demonstrated today in spades, and there she lay, neil
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby NotABigDeal » Mon May 20, 2013 2:08 pm

Well, being a fan of Hunter S. Thompson, I can appreciate the style of writing. However, I can see how some would be concerned. I'm okay with it....

I plead the 2nd....

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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby neilgin1 » Mon May 20, 2013 2:18 pm

NotABigDeal wrote:Well, being a fan of Hunter S. Thompson, I can appreciate the style of writing. However, I can see how some would be concerned. I'm okay with it....


there will NEVER be another one like Hunter....His pen?.......when that man was on and light with the Flame. nobody could compare.. God rest, he's missed.
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby SilverDragon72 » Mon May 20, 2013 4:50 pm

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Your story has evolved from getting hammered, to "sleeping it off & re-growing my stones", "I'm okay now, thanks for the prayers", to it was all just a fun story you made up as a writer.

Okay, if you say so. Time is too precious for me to spend anymore of it trying to figure out what is real and what is fantasy on this thread.

Let's get back to metals. Shall we?

Yes! Let's get back to metals indeed! Gotta say neil, I was wondering where you were going in your writings. Am I offended? Nope. But some of your statements are quite abrasive....

Now, about the dropping Silver price..... :thumbup:
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby TwoPenniesEarned » Mon May 20, 2013 9:10 pm

I think some of you were too hard on Neil.
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon May 20, 2013 9:40 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
Let's get back to metals. Shall we?

That sounds like a good idea. i'll say this one last time, and I mean it with my whole heart, I am sorry I offended or angered ANYBODY here, and that includes Shinn and black rabbit. Guys i'm sorry, can you forgive me?

Now with that said and done, could THIS day, with July futures at 21.65, overnight low of 20.25....could this Monday BE THE LOW, we will never see again?

We know the various "bubbles" in the general economy, and if they burst, you have a repeat of 2008-09, the "Lehman moment"...sure, we face another nasty sell off...or do we?.

Consider this; multi year, long view look; we have the 2009 $9 low...fast forward to 2013...maybe 2014, "bubbles" burst......vast commodity sell off again, taking Ag down to the $9 level...at that point, you know have one of the most powerful bullish set ups, a multi decade, DOUBLE BOTTOM low of $9....factor in a retail physical premium of 5 to 10 dollars......which is $14 to 19....buy everything you can swing.

Whatever I bought, in the 30's?...and in the 20's?....and its been a goodly amount, i'm not selling that...I will NOT lose my position, which is out of fiat, and into metal. I don't HAVE to sell, so why would I?.........the double low of $9 is not a reality......todays low of 20.25 is, and maybe that's the new ascending low, and from this platform, we launch to where silver really is going, first stop, and that's to take $50, on its way to 130-40.

$9.00??? Wow. I don't think we will ever see $9.00 again. But, what do I know?? Silver is the wildest ride of all metal investments (imho). Silver has made millionaires out of poor bums only to break them like cheap China in the end. Anything can happen with silver.

My personal gut is we will see a bottom of around $17.00. Why? 'Cause two guys who make their living off PM's said so. Nothing else.

I feel it is better to buy too soon (as the price slides down), than try to buy too late (when the price starts to going up again), so I buy every chance I get. ;)
When I die, I want to go like Grandpa did. He died in his sleep..... Not screaming and hollering like all the passengers in his car.
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby fasteddy » Mon May 20, 2013 9:42 pm

Neil is a creative writer always has been here on RC, some of y'all don't read him very well. Entertaining...sometimes.
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby neilgin1 » Tue May 21, 2013 1:43 am

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
Let's get back to metals. Shall we?

That sounds like a good idea. i'll say this one last time, and I mean it with my whole heart, I am sorry I offended or angered ANYBODY here, and that includes Shinn and black rabbit. Guys i'm sorry, can you forgive me?

Now with that said and done, could THIS day, with July futures at 21.65, overnight low of 20.25....could this Monday BE THE LOW, we will never see again?

We know the various "bubbles" in the general economy, and if they burst, you have a repeat of 2008-09, the "Lehman moment"...sure, we face another nasty sell off...or do we?.

Consider this; multi year, long view look; we have the 2009 $9 low...fast forward to 2013...maybe 2014, "bubbles" burst......vast commodity sell off again, taking Ag down to the $9 level...at that point, you know have one of the most powerful bullish set ups, a multi decade, DOUBLE BOTTOM low of $9....factor in a retail physical premium of 5 to 10 dollars......which is $14 to 19....buy everything you can swing.

Whatever I bought, in the 30's?...and in the 20's?....and its been a goodly amount, i'm not selling that...I will NOT lose my position, which is out of fiat, and into metal. I don't HAVE to sell, so why would I?.........the double low of $9 is not a reality......todays low of 20.25 is, and maybe that's the new ascending low, and from this platform, we launch to where silver really is going, first stop, and that's to take $50, on its way to 130-40.

$9.00??? Wow. I don't think we will ever see $9.00 again. But, what do I know?? Silver is the wildest ride of all metal investments (imho). Silver has made millionaires out of poor bums only to break them like cheap China in the end. Anything can happen with silver.

My personal gut is we will see a bottom of around $17.00. Why? 'Cause two guys who make their living off PM's said so. Nothing else.

I feel it is better to buy too soon (as the price slides down), than try to buy too late (when the price starts to going up again), so I buy every chance I get. ;)


bud, brother.....$9?....I DONT KNOW...maybe we made the low during that "Asian spike" last night......y'know 20.25?....maybe that was the low.

maybe your $17 is the low.

maybe we split the diff, 9 and 17, and $13 is the low. but where does the premium, or basis, cash to futures wind up?

and another question, why does one stack? I don't like to be fulla questions, nosy, so i'll tell you why I stack....i'm banking, i'm insuring currency.

i'm not trading it...i'm pretty worried about the health of our currency, so i'd rather take the FRN and lock it into 90%'ers, 40%'ers and ASES, along with nickles and 95% pennies.

I feel comfortable, when the coin says, "United States of America" at the top. That way, if they wreck the dollar, the Federal Reserve Note, that paper fiat, I think people out here, will gravitate towards coinage that has REAL value.....silver, copper, nickel and gold. I don't have gold.

in fact, O Mighty Sheikh, i'm "out" for the rest of the year, as far as buying....I been paying down that revolving debt line.

now, of course if we DID, go to $9 for a spell, which would really be $15....oh man, wouldn't it be nice to get a roll of ASE's at $300?...otherwise I have to pay down debt, my stack is healthy, my last purchase was a roll of 1959 Proof Wash's....there ARE BEAUTIES....NOT ONE of them below an MS67, if not 68....amd I gonna 'slab 'em"?....heck no.

my gut belief is, we start trading 90's? in everyday transactions?....and the coin GLEAMS?...I believe your buying power will be upped, as opposed to an old dirty worn out 90%'er.....

this season, I was buying 40 lb lambs to feed out, and these went for $20, and say you had 10 head...this scenario i'm spinning is POST paper fiat, and i'm being nice by valuing silver at $100 the toz, I might bid you, coz I know you, ten 90% Wash's, which is 1.80 toz of silver, which in this scenario is $180, post frn value....do you get where i'm going?

right now, in 2013, you'd think, "heck no"....but what if , lets say Shinn has 5 ten lb bags of pancake flour, he has offered at .20 toz silver per bag?...and your pancake flour is running low?

we're going to do the deal probably, and if we know each other well enough, you KNOW, i'd give you a nice lamb roast in 4 months, just for friendship....that would be unspoken, as you never ASK FOR, something that isn't OFFERED.

Now if this whole deal went down good, then at the end, Shinn would have 10 nice shiny 1959 Wash's that are in the area's money supply....i'd have lambs to feed out, you'd have a good amount of pancake mix....and Shinnn would have those ten REALLY nice silver Wash's that would enter the area's money supply.....sooner or later he's going to NEED something.

Now, I have to feed out those lamb for 4 months, so now I might take a roll of 40% Kennedy halves, each of them .15 toz silver, and put out a bid for 50 lb bags of cracked corn...right now they go for 9.75 FRN a bag.....I want ten of them, 500 lbs, and let it be know, i'll pay a 40% Kenn for two bags....somebody will take that deal, its for 5 40% Kenn's, which is roughly .75 toz of silver.....the fella says to me, make it two more 40's....lets see, that's another .30 toz of silver roughly....about 1 full toz of silver...."okay done".....so at $100 dollars silver the ounce, I've spent about 3 toz of silver to buy 10 lambs..(2.8 toz) and 500 lbs of cracked corn.....and with that round bale of hay, I already got....I just spent 2.8 to 3 toz of silver, to "make roughly 500-600 lbs of dressed out lamb at the cost of 3 toz of silver, said value $300......$2 a lb of good eating meat?.....spin scenarios like that...it helps you wrap your head around the post dollar value of food.
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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby AGgressive Metal » Wed May 22, 2013 9:30 pm

Remain calm and keep stacking.
And he that hath lyberte ought to kepe hit wel
For nothyng is better than lyberte
For lyberte shold not be wel sold for alle the gold and syluer of all the world
-Aesop's Fables, Caxton edition 1484

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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby JJM » Thu May 23, 2013 12:39 pm

Hi Neil, these two are for you where ever you are. I hope the Good Lord sees fit to take the pain away, from you and yours. I recall you once speaking of your involvement in a project that the late great Pastor David Wilkerson started (way) back in the days before these songs were current, we both know no one gets here/there by mistake.

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Re: i gotta do what a man has to do....its that bad

Postby Pennybug » Thu May 23, 2013 9:16 pm

Been a while... but I gotta jump in here on this one. VERY POETIC Neil! I (as MANY of us...) understand your frustration and what you are saying here (in the original post). I however have a rule with my own gold/silver: I ONLY own what says "IN GOD WE TRUST". Why? For the VERY REASON you opened up this post with in the 1st place. I (like our forefathers of this country) do NOT put my trust in my silver, or my dollars, or ANYWHERE else on this earth that can (and ultimately will) fail. Go grab you a nice shinny Eagle... look at it CLOSELY. Remember to whom you are thankful for that you are able to hold that and know that your trust is NOT in that coin... and THAT FACT was written on the coin you hold in your hand to remind the generations to follow (us)... that this is TRUTH... and IT ALONE will set you free (not the metal)!... NO MATTER how corrupt the world system becomes.
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