A couple of people have PM'ed me about paper storage of silver coins. So, I will address my experiences for you.
When you open a paper roll of coins looking for silvers, the fastest way to see silvers is to do an edge check. Silvers are usually darkened on the edge. That is because the acid in the paper has had a galvanic reaction to the silver and tarnished it.
All paper is made employing acid in the process. There is always a teensy bit of residual acid left in the paper. When that paper is left touching silver for any time, it tarnishes.
Also, coin shops used to sell little paper envelopes to store sorted coins. They were cheap and you could write on the envelope what you had inside. At that time no one knew how bad that would be for the silver coins. I was a real coin sorting hog back in the day. From 1964 until about 1970. All coins were stored in those little paper coin envelopes. Last summer, I opened up those old envelopes to discover that they had tarnished where the coins made contact with paper!

A life time of coin collecting was ruined! GaaAAGGghhh!!!!!
IMHO all coins have a numismatic value to them until they are worn down to "slicks". If someone needs a coin to fill out a collection, then that coin has value to it for that person. Even if it's a G-4. So don't store your coins carelessly.
The number one culprit to tarnishing silver is sulfur oxides. They occur naturally. They can be airborne. They can also be on your skin, so, handle your coins with care. I use cotton gloves.
I store coins in plastic coin rolls or little plastic envelopes that you can find at coin shops. Be sure to talk to a coin dealer about your concerns of proper storage. After they are in plastic, they go into air tight containers with silica packs to absorb moisture and also chalk to absorb the sulfur oxides.
If anyone knows a better way to store them, man, I am all ears! I don't want to repeat the fiasco of last summer!
Edit: Be careful even with the plastic! Some plastics have chemicals in them that will tarnish the silver!
When I die, I want to go like Grandpa did. He died in his sleep..... Not screaming and hollering like all the passengers in his car.