My local power utility (Manitoba Hydro) has a program where they'll send someone to pick
up your old fridge, they'll recycle it properly (freon and all) and give you a $40 credit on
your bill. They are trying to encourage people to get rid of older less efficient fridges
because when they reduce local power consumption they can increase export sales on
which they get a higher price. I'm pretty sure between the copper, aluminum and steel
they are pretty much paying you the value they recover from the metal. problem is they didn't roll this out until the year _after_ I had to replace my old
Mine would have qualified because it was technically "woking", just a bit intermittantly.
(Not reliably enough to keep milk good but good enough to cool down soda for
instance.) I was using UHT processed milk in small sealed containers for about
2 weeks while waiting for my new fridge to come in.
I had to pass it off to a better equiped scrapper that my dad knows who had the gear
to siphon out the freon. I pretty much had to get it out of here because I didn't have
space to store it in my house or shed (no garage) and I knew if I left it outside in my
yard long enough eventually one of the less ethical types would just cut the copper
tubing off and vent the freon anyways. -_-
One more year and I could have gotten $40 without having to dismantle or haul