Just completed a swap with a friend at BullionStacker. He purchased five $100 face bags of junk from Provident when silver recently dipped below $19.
They sent him all quarters. Naturally, he put out listings seeking a few swaps to obtain a little variety, and I was one to send him some Rosies for his quarters. He was gracious and sent me more gram wt then he asked for.

What were the quarters like? Out of 163, 108 of them I deem "unacceptable." Meaning that they were well-worn, underweight, etc. Mostly pre-1948. Alot of 1942 plus or minus a year. These averaged out at 713 (compared to the 715 which they are represented as). Since I'm putting together another pile to send to APMEX, it makes no difference to me.
41 of the quarters I would consider worthy of resale (718), and there were 11 that will go in my keeper pile. There was only one coin newer than 1959 (a 1960). There was a beat to death 64, but it's being sent to the morgue.
So, yes... you can get good prices online, but they don't let you pick the denomination... and it wouldn't surprise me much if this lot fairly represents the "industry standard" if you buy from the big online dealers.
Any other members have their own experiences to share? Dakota1955? Weren't you poised to buy some awhile back? How did that go? (or was it NDFarmer?)