Man repays insurance money with 4 tons of coins

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Man repays insurance money with 4 tons of coins

Postby MrIncredible » Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:08 am ... s-of-coins

MARION, Ill. (AP) — A southern Illinois businessman has paid off part of a court-ordered legal settlement with nearly four tons of quarters packed into dozens of bags.

Roger Herrin, of Harrisburg, was ordered by an appellate court to repay $500,000 in insurance money related to a 2001 car accident in which his teenage son died.

The reimbursement followed years of legal disputes about how the insurance money was apportioned to the crash victims.

So in protest, Herrin repaid nearly a third of the money — $150,000 — with 50-pound bags of quarters he had trucked in by the Federal Reserve bank in St. Louis. The coins were delivered Wednesday to a Marion law firm.

Herrin says he paid in quarters because paying in pennies wasn't feasible.

I bet there are some here who would disagree with that last statement. :lol:
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Re: Man repays insurance money with 4 tons of coins

Postby shinnosuke » Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:00 pm

What a wimp. LOL

I paid off a bogus dentist bill over $300 all in pennies when I was young and stupid and afraid of collection agencies. That was in 1985. I cry now thinking about the copper ratio that must have been in those boxes.

I lugged them all in and slammed the last box down on the reception counter and said, loud enough for all the patients and the dentist and his staff in the whole office to hear, "Let's count 'em to verify it's all there." The girls behind the counter said "that's OK." Me: "Oh no, I insist." They finally said, "We trust you," gave me a receipt, and I left.

I'll tell you what. I never went to my uncle's dentist office again after that, although I never missed his holiday Bar-Be-Ques. May he rest in peace.
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Re: Man repays insurance money with 4 tons of coins

Postby tedandcam » Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:31 am

I make my mortgage payment in halves every month...and I'm not mad at anyone. Am I being a jerk by doing this? :lol: I woulnd't feel bad paying in dimes! Now, $2100 in pennies... I'd have to be upset about something to do that! But I would do it.
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Re: Man repays insurance money with 4 tons of coins

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:14 am

I have paid mine in pennies a couple of times. I wasn't mad at anyone, it was just what I had laying around. :mrgreen:
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