Silver Market Update- Maund - 8/12/13

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Silver Market Update- Maund - 8/12/13

Postby Country » Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:20 am

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Re: Silver Market Update- Maund - 8/12/13

Postby shinnosuke » Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:20 pm

The best part of the article was the last paragraph:

Finally, anyone worrying that the impending interest rate spike will stop silver’s ascent should go back to school – that school involving study of what happened in the late 70’s. For the benefit of those readers who were in diapers at the time, I’ll give you the shorthand version: gold and silver prices rose hand in hand with interest rates. The reason? – interest rates were rising because bonds and Treasuries were plunging, so these investments offered no serious competition to gold and silver – what good are high interest yields if the principal value of your investment is shrinking?
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