Ebay blooper

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Ebay blooper

Postby JerrySpringer » Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:06 pm

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Re: Ebay blooper

Postby theshoenlebens » Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:17 pm

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Re: Ebay blooper

Postby theshoenlebens » Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:55 pm

I'm no expert though, anyone else ?
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Re: Ebay blooper

Postby henrysmedford » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:06 pm

Way to turn a buck!
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Re: Ebay blooper

Postby Rastatodd » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:08 pm

If my eye sight has not failed me, I believe I see mint marks like all 'D's". For them to be 40% silver I think they must have the "S" mint mark. I think that is correct.
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Re: Ebay blooper

Postby rexmerdinus » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:48 pm

We called them "silver dollars" when I was a kid. Not an excuse, but perhaps the reason is simple ignorance.
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Re: Ebay blooper

Postby Bigsarge » Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:17 am

I like this one from my local craigslist:

Collectible Coins! - $10 (Kenosha)
1972 D silver dollar
1974 D silver dollar
1776-1976 D bicentennial half dollar

There all in good condition! $5 a piece or $10 for all 3! Contact me @ 'removed'
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Oh, this is the worst-looking hat I ever saw. What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh?

Oh, it looks good on you though.
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