68Camaro wrote:Thanks for the comments! Incorporated several of the comments into a further edit above.
68, glad I could stir some thoughts on the matter.
I noticed guys talking about "selling" or flipping Ag.....I don't sell a single gram of Ag. I consider myself BLESSED, that I am able to take paper fiat and actually BUY Ag with this PAPER....ISSUED by an institution that has totally demolished ALL TRUST, as I see it.
any Ag holdings I MIGHT have, are for the day when we "Zimbabwe"...its coming.
out here, you have two things, you have swap meets, and you have farmer's markets, there will two ways to trade, either barter to barter, which will hard to translate...it can be done, or the way that will predominate, which are silver, cupro-nickel, and 95% copper coins.
I realize many guys disagree with me, but i'm going on history as relayed to me by my brother "FERFAL", who has provided cogent real world testimony from what happened in Argentina, late 90's, he's got a website, and has indexed various writings of his recounting of what really happened down there. The thing he said that first caught my attention, was once the currency crisis hit, ALL coins disappeared, only to RE-appear at the equiv of "swap meets/farmers markets.....unfortunately he was in the city, and it wasn't a fun time....I believe FerFAL was able to relocate to Ireland, thank God.
I have my eye on a stand alone, oil seed/biodiesel mini-refiner that retails for 25k, daily output of 70-100 gallons, and I believe I would be the only kid on the block with one around here.....it was my brothers idea, when I said I wanted draft horses and a a couple of wagons....he disagreed, and brought me around to his thinking, staye blessed 68, n......think production.