Beau wrote:.
there is no reason to vote, your vote does not count.
I knew a man that worked as a voting machine technician, he said I don`t know why we vote because the machine is set up to elect the ONE that the conspiracy wants.
who is the Conspiracy, he did not know , but he did tell me who would be elected before each election.
this man is dead now so I can say what he wanted to say and could not.
when he was hired he flew to the Capital, and there was a polition with him that introduced him to a lot of men is "STUFFED SHIRTS" is what I call them.
he was talked to and hired that day, as a favor to helping the polition get elected, he was elected anyway but had to give a big show.
fighting this is a loosing battle, it will not work, and no this has nothing to do with to much TV, it is fact.
I know this because he showed me how the voting machines are set up, or I should say rigged.
I set a machine up myself with instructions from him, then was told what to do to throw 75% to 90% of the vote to the candidate of choice.
I voted this machine two hundred times.
So Bubba is Pissed or not your vote will not matter.
now I`am sure there will be opinions, but I know what I saw.
Okay, 'nuff said about that. Please tell us, in your opinion.... how do we get this country back to one "of the people, by the people, for the people"??