bman wrote:welcome to the nuthouse!
bman wrote:welcome to the nuthouse!
Kent Allard wrote:I just joined the site today although I have been reading it for a few weeks. My son is 5 and over the holidays I started him on sorting pennies. He loves it and keeps asking for more. It's a great way for him to learn several different skills. Throughput is not that high , but that's not our goal right now. He checks each penny against his list of dates. He's got it down that anything starting with a "2" or "199" goes in the "bad" pile. I hope to teach him about free markets as well. We'll be selling lots every now and then so he can see how a business works. We can reinvest our profits in more pennies or toys...probably toys. My father taught me the same way when I grew up except we were seraching for silver and wheat cents.
Do you have a coin folder
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