Silver Manipulation

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

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When will Silver Manipulation End?

1. Silver manipulation will never end, not as long as JPMorgan is seen as too big to fail and seemingly complicit with the aims of the FED.
2. Silver manipulation will not end until resource depletion of above ground silver stocks makes it impossible to continue.
3. I don't care if it ends or not, the price is gradually rising and I like stacking as much as possible while I still can.
4. Silver manipulation will end as more and more people become aware, which is already occurring (German attempted repatriation of gold)
5. I don't believe in the conspiracy theories of silver manipulation, prices will remain basically unchanged for the next few years
6. Silver manipulation will become less effective and prices will rise significantly (back above $30 an ounce) during the second half of 2014
7. Silver manipulation will become less effective and prices will rise significantly (back above $30 an ounce) during the first half of 2015
8. Silver manipulation will become less effective and prices will rise significantly (back above $30 an ounce) during the second half of 2015
9. Silver manipulation will become less effective and prices will rise significantly (back above $30 an ounce) but not before 2016
10. Silver manipulation will end and prices will break existing records, when the dollar's demise is complete and the Yuan has supplanted it as a new, gold-backed currency
Total votes : 65

Silver Manipulation

Postby beauanderos » Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:23 am

I used to hate the fact that silver (and gold) was being manipulated, but certain indications lead me to believe it may be ending soon. So this poll is two part. Do you want the manipulation to come to an end, so that prices might respond higher, the way many of us feel they will? Or, do you want the manipulation to continue, as long as possible, so that we can stack as much as possible at these suppressed prices? Finally, do you feel that what some see as obvious manipulation that causes great volatility of pricing, is keeping many investors away from precious metals because of uncertainty... or inducing them to buy "while there is blood in the streets?"

On the poll, check all that you feel are true, however you are limited to four choices.
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Re: Silver Manipulation

Postby pennypicker » Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:42 pm

I made my choices but having lived though the '73 oil embargo I having always maintained that the pending world oil shortage will be a driving force in the price of silver and it will then be out of JPMorgan's hands and OPEC will become the great manipulator.

Ordered 20 JM 1 oz silver bars from Provident this morning. Be it JPMorgan or OPEC I'm slowly but surely preparing myself for the fight....
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Re: Silver Manipulation

Postby beauanderos » Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:03 pm

pennypicker wrote:I made my choices but having lived though the '73 oil embargo I having always maintained that the pending world oil shortage will be a driving force in the price of silver and it will then be out of JPMorgan's hands and OPEC will become the great manipulator.

Ordered 20 JM 1 oz silver bars from Provident this morning. Be it JPMorgan or OPEC I'm slowly but surely preparing myself for the fight....

oil shortage. Doh! :sick: Forgot that one :oops:
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Re: Silver Manipulation

Postby Hawkeye » Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:23 pm

The further I travel down this rabbit hole, the more scenarios I find for major problems. It seems like we are living in a house of cards and pulling any card from anywhere on the house will cause the whole thing to crumble.
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Re: Silver Manipulation

Postby 68Camaro » Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:39 pm

Not sure there is quite the set of options that captures my thoughts, but the closest would be 2&3 with the tipping point cause and timing unknown but the effect certain.
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Re: Silver Manipulation

Postby scyther » Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:01 pm

Hm, I thought I would be the only one to vote for #5. It's not quite accurate though, since I actually think prices will fall at least a little bit more this year.
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Re: Silver Manipulation

Postby Silverfondler » Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:29 pm

As we continue to Taper off of the QE program. I think we will see a rise in the PM game. The options listed above are all viable scenarios. Between OIL , Chine buying up so much gold, and the taper of QE. I think we will see rise in PMs if any one of those 3 options i just mentioned are stressed...
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Re: Silver Manipulation

Postby SilverDragon72 » Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:39 pm

Hawkeye wrote:The further I travel down this rabbit hole, the more scenarios I find for major problems. It seems like we are living in a house of cards and pulling any card from anywhere on the house will cause the whole thing to crumble.

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Re: Silver Manipulation

Postby Gobirds66 » Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:17 pm

There will be an event that will divide paper and physical in price. It may just be if it ever comes to light that there is not enough physical to back up the paper, or there may be a "bubble" of some kind. At that point when the paper cannot be trusted, it will be much harder to manipulate a physical market. This likely means the demand for paper will dry up to a fraction of what it is today, or go away altogether.
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Re: Silver Manipulation

Postby johnbrickner » Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:49 pm

Answer me this, and you will know exactly what will happen with the price of silver. How can JPMorgan make the most money possible from this ... n-history/ ? The fact that it now holds the largest physical silver position in recorded history! (according to Ted Butler)
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