JM Bullion Fails Again

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JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby silverstacker » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:42 pm

Here we go again. I have a rather nice sized order that I placed a few weeks ago and last week during the spike they issued an email that " due to wether delays and new construction on a new distribution facility they will be forced to push back their shipping times. I spoke to a good friend on this site (68camaro) and he said it perfect. "How convenient".

Has anyone else had a similar issue during this period?

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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby pennypicker » Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:58 am

This is why I only buy from APMEX and Provident. Neither company plays the "timing" game.

P.S.-Stay away from Goldmart. They've mastered the art of excuses!
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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby ThePowersThatBe » Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:59 am

Feel free to post dealer reviews over on the Dealer Directory too. That area doesn't get much traffic yet but I am working to get the bugs out and make it more visible.
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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby silverstacker » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:46 pm

ThePowersThatBe wrote:Feel free to post dealer reviews over on the Dealer Directory too. That area doesn't get much traffic yet but I am working to get the bugs out and make it more visible.

Thanks. Will do
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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby dirty fingers » Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:32 pm

pennypicker wrote:This is why I only buy from APMEX and Provident. Neither company plays the "timing" game.

P.S.-Stay away from Goldmart. They've mastered the art of excuses!

I am not 100% sure that is accurate. I bought 3k face 90% last summer. They played waiting game about 2.5 weeks, until silver jumped $3.50 on them. They shipped the next day after the jump. Sorry, I think they played the wait game and lost. I got what I ordered, and since I was not looking to sell it but stack it, I did not care. I bought when the premium was about 2.50, and when it was delivered, (shipped) it was actually a few cents under spot (it had dropped about 0.80 before the 1 day jump.)

I am not writing this as a statement that they held my order, since they may have had to obtain a few of the 6 bags, but 2 weeks + 'is' a bit of a wait, if they actually had all items in stock, like they listed.

Just sayin .... I still do give them an A+ on that order, it was not a tiny order. But an order like that certainly does have a little change in perspectives.
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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby pennypicker » Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:29 pm

dirty fingers wrote:
pennypicker wrote:This is why I only buy from APMEX and Provident. Neither company plays the "timing" game.

P.S.-Stay away from Goldmart. They've mastered the art of excuses!

I am not 100% sure that is accurate. I bought 3k face 90% last summer. They played waiting game about 2.5 weeks, until silver jumped $3.50 on them. They shipped the next day after the jump. Sorry, I think they played the wait game and lost. I got what I ordered, and since I was not looking to sell it but stack it, I did not care. I bought when the premium was about 2.50, and when it was delivered, (shipped) it was actually a few cents under spot (it had dropped about 0.80 before the 1 day jump.)

I am not writing this as a statement that they held my order, since they may have had to obtain a few of the 6 bags, but 2 weeks + 'is' a bit of a wait, if they actually had all items in stock, like they listed.

Just sayin .... I still do give them an A+ on that order, it was not a tiny order. But an order like that certainly does have a little change in perspectives.

I'm glad your transaction went great. I considered buying from Goldmart because of their low prices. But then I googled (Goldmart reviews) and couldn't believe all the negative comments. People waiting two months and more and having received nothing but excuses. Several people having to get attorneys and many others filing complaints with the Better Business Bureau. What I saw over and over again was that Goldmart will take orders on items they don't have in stock. Then they will stall the buyer for weeks and months in many circumstances. Many stated their phone calls were never returned and time and time again people complained that one customer service person in particular (Maria) gave them nothing but excuses over and over again.

So with all that being said I'm glad everything worked out great for you!
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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby beauanderos » Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:18 am

I know half a dozen guys that sell CHEAPER than online for junk silver. Why don't you buy from other members?
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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby reddirtcoins » Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:28 am

beauanderos wrote:I know half a dozen guys that sell CHEAPER than online for junk silver. Why don't you buy from other members?

That is what I do... Heck Apmex is just down the road from me but, they charge tax and there is no way I'm paying tax on legal tender....
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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby pennypicker » Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:05 am

beauanderos wrote:I know half a dozen guys that sell CHEAPER than online for junk silver. Why don't you buy from other members?

Personally I like both the 1 oz and 5 oz silver incuse Indian rounds produced by the Golden State Mint. I also favor the 1 oz silver JM bar housed in the original factory sealed plastic. Provident carries all three of these items and because I can lock in my buy price during a nice dip this allows me to offset some of the premium in a matter of speaking. :shh:
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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby thepmetalstacker » Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:29 am

been hearing way too many instances of delayed shipping times, from way too many retailers. Apmex is the only one I haven't heard that on lately. Provident was a mess for a while there too.
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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby silverstacker » Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:01 pm

After a month I finnaly received my order. A bonus in this issue is that everything that I purchased last month has showed up at my door under spot$. Yippeee!
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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby 300Braveheart » Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:50 pm

I ordered $4K of 2014 1 oz. Chinese Pandas from JMBullion and instead of coming in mint sheets as advertised, they came loose in a taped up bag, in a lopsided box, UPS Ground, and most of the capsules were cracked, scratched, shattered, or smudged, with some coins scratched. After I threw a huge fuss and went through a lot of stress, a month later they accepted a return and shipped me them as they should have been. My only comfort during the mess is that I paid by credit card.


Suffice to say I would exercise extreme caution as they go through their factory move, training of new staff, or whatever they say they have been going through.
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Re: JM Bullion Fails Again

Postby beauanderos » Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:20 pm

well.... at least glad to hear that you were made whole :thumbup:
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