50centsaver wrote:This was part one: (Part ll is listed after this next paragraph)
"I have read the logic . . . What kind of a crime filled world will it be for us when our system fails. I hope and pray that some smart people will start putting their heads together now to get some plan in place soon to start thinking of ways of what we will have to do to climb out of the hole we are digging for ourselves. Anyone know of anyone/groups that are working on this/have their heads out?
50centsaver wrote:68camaro writes: per ounce doesn't enter into this equation. If 60 oz of silver buys an ounce of gold now, but will buy four toz of gold in the future, then buying silver now and trading up later creates an advantage.
So for example if gold is $20,000 oz, divided by 12 is $1,666 per oz of silver,(1 to 12 ratio) I'll then use $20,000 worth of silver at $1,666 an oz (12 oz) to buy an oz of gold? I don't think I'd be much motivated to do that! That's an advantage?
That would feel like the USD would be like toilet paper. How much would a roll of toilet paper cost then?
These scenarios are a bit much for my brain to comprehend.
-and no one has commented- if and when PM get that high I don't think there'll be any gold, or silver for that matter to buy. It would've all been snarfed up by then.
50centsaver wrote:From what I've read on and outside this forum, gold and silver may/will go astronomical someday. But it is said there will be a time when the PM bubble will pop, when supposedly a new paradigm will begin, and metals will head down. Who knows if a new economy will be backed by gold/silver or not. It's needed and makes sense to me, but who knows. It's got to be backed by something. Tomatoes?
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