by alpacafarmer » Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:45 am
It is a crap shoot. The first $500 bag I bought had $11.75 in 1976 quarters so make sure whom ever you are buying from will stand behind what they sell. I bought them from CNI and thought I was just going to be out of luck but when I called them and told them they over nighted me $12 in silver and told me to keep the 1976's. The upside is you can find some nice coins of value in the bags. I have pulled a 1932S quarter, mint state early mercury dime, seated half and the best bag had 1916S, 1917 D O, 1917 S O, 1919, 1919D, 1921S and a 1921 Walking Liberty Halfs. Of all the bags I've bought the counts have been correct but about 50% of the bags have some clad in them or with halfs they will have some 40%.