Expensive Food Causes Civil War

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Expensive Food Causes Civil War

Postby johnbrickner » Mon May 12, 2014 10:55 am

http://www.salon.com/2014/05/09/real_li ... e_partner/

I'm glad someone figured out the hunger = civil unrest but, interesting is they blame it all on global warming. No mention of the increase in purchasing price due to the decrease in purchasing power, or that we are exporting our economic problems to the rest of the world.

I wonder how or what they will blame the resource wars on?
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Re: Expensive Food Causes Civil War

Postby coincrazy » Wed May 14, 2014 9:17 am

Greedy hoarders
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Re: Expensive Food Causes Civil War

Postby Treetop » Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:09 pm

In actual reality "global warming" DID cause higher food prices. when we directed corn to fuel rather then food. Between inflation and that.

Despite what we are told... Not even the IPCC expects "extreme weather" to increase MILDLY for several DECADES. I know youll find many experts saying other things, but we have NOT had an increase in extreme weather yet, and the IPCC as I said back tracked and doesnt expect it for decades.

Also in actual reality, we will grow most foods better when its warmer. Yes Ive read the published work claiming variations of things counter to this, and Ive read the work showing a warmer world grows more food. The bias is extreme and clear when yo go over both.

Of course all this assume we ACTUALLY WARM UP> We have not been warming anywhere close to the rate the IPCC predicted, we are in fact LOWER then the best case for having stopped ALL co2 they gave in the early reports. (and continue to give strangely) they CANNOT explain this lack of warming. There are atleast a dozen published explanations all of them very different. we often hear you cannot explain the last 30 years of climate without co2 as a major warming factor!! OPPs we cant explain the last 30 years of climate WITH co2 as a major warming factor either.

....meanwhile the sun is doing things that if they continue are strongly associated with much a much colder climate. Counter to what we here a colder climate is actually more extreme, there is a larger difference between the hot and cold. We estimate there were literally double the hurricanes in past colder centuries that we have sparse data for. In fact the idea a warming world leads to more extremes in weather is MODEL based, looking at our past data the exact opposite stands out as the clear answer. And we have solar experts from all parts of the world telling us a mini iceage might be imminent. This is many multiples harder to deal with then warming, especially with growing food.

As far as "climate change is violence"... we really do need to work on alternatives.. but trying to make international agreements that slow the progress of billions many of whom cook with cow dung in their poorly ventilated homes. I dont remember all the numbers offhand, but those lost yearly to things we take for granted here because of our ability to use energy is literally into the millions a year. NOW. not in theory possibly maybe in the future if the models we have that failed entirely so far end up coming to pass. denying them affordable energy is violence and arrogance for that matter.

In fact, you want to ensure we feed a growing world? I can walk you through how we can grow that much food on the same amount of land. BUT we can also simply get refrigeration to the third world. That by itself, due to all the food lost to spoiling is nearly enough to ensure we have enough food. Also guess what? if you industrialize a group of people, consistently culture by culture across the whol eplanet population stablizes and DROPS... the real answer to over population is helping the world industrialize.

also THORIUM dang it, THORIUM.
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