Should I keep 2010 halves?

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Should I keep 2010 halves?

Postby Roadrunner » Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:19 pm

I got some CWR from the bank the other day (no Ag for the last thousand $$$ searched :cry: ) but there were several rolls of solid 2010 P and D half dollar rolls. So, I know they are NIFC and all, but with so many of them, can they really be that rare? Should I keep them?

Oh yeah, I also found 2 2007 halves in those rolls.
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Re: Should I keep 2010 halves?

Postby scrapper2010 » Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:48 am

I'm not sure but after searching 4 brinks boxes and over $1000 worth of CWR in the last month or so, the only NIFCs I've found were 2 2009 d's. I hear of some people getting so many that they don't keep them anymore, but I don't see them that much.
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Re: Should I keep 2010 halves?

Postby Country » Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:34 am

Nothing unusual for halves in 2010. Mintage of 1.7M 2010-P and 1.8M 2010-D halves. I found 138 of them in a box last September.
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Re: Should I keep 2010 halves?

Postby AdamsSamoa » Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:01 am

How do they get in circulation? Coin shops order rolls... search for the ones they can sell and then dump the ones with bag marks, scratches, ect.
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