The Dollar As We Know It Will Be Gone Within 6 Years

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The Dollar As We Know It Will Be Gone Within 6 Years

Postby theo » Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:55 pm

Here is a short, but well-argued article concerning our current course. Enjoy. ... in-6-years

Based on historical patterns and the alarming state of our current monetary system, Mike believes the fiat US dollar is in its last years as a viable currency. He sees its replacement as inevitable in the near term -- as in by or before the end of the decade:

All of this is converging with the crazy experiments the Federal Reserve has done.

I absolutely believe that there are economic consequences to this that are inescapable. The Fed is not just in a box; a trap has been set. And before the end of this decade, if there is still a US Dollar around it will not be this US Dollar. It will be a dollar that is tied to a very different monetary system.

The last three shifts in our monetary system were little baby steps off of the classical gold standard where it was fully backed. We went down to a 40% reserve ratio with the Federal Reserve in the United States during the Gold Exchange Standard. Then the Bretton Woods system didn't have a reserve ratio specified, but I believe the dollar was about 8% backed by gold by the time Nixon took us off of gold in '71. Now, the only backing that the US Dollar has is the promise to tax us all in the future: it is US Treasury bonds, or the Fed doing its quantitative easing and buying mortgage-backed securities.

And how corrupt is the notion that you can give some entity the power to have a check book that has a $0 balance and they can go out and buy anything they want with that and it just creates currency? That is corrupt in itself.

Think about how immoral this is. First of all, the Fed whipped up that currency not out of thin air but by indebting the public. They buy a Treasury bond or a mortgage-backed security, and now they own the mortgage on your house or they own a Treasury bond that you are going to work for in the future and pay taxes to pay off. And so they give all of this currency to the banks, and then they pay them interest to not loan it out or otherwise stimulate the economy. So they are giving them the gift of interest.

By the way, any profits that the Fed has at the end of the year are supposed to get turned over to the Treasury. Well, they are paying the banks interest that reduces the amount that they give to the Treasury by exactly that amount. So in other words, the public is paying those banks interest. That's where all of the interest comes from. We're not seeing those profits passed on to the Treasury anymore.

Anyway, I do think that this system is coming to an end before the decade is out. The other shifts in our monetary system were baby steps off of gold. Now we have to go from nothing most likely back to something. And it's going to be a financial, economic convulsion the likes of which the world has never seen. It is going to affect everybody on the planet. During the last three monetary shifts, it was only the world's central banks and big international banks that were affected and were worried. The common man didn't even know what was going on. With this one, everybody is going to feel it. Everybody is going to know it. You will either be a winner or a loser, but everybody is playing this game.
Last edited by theo on Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Dollar As We Know It Will Be Gone Within 6 Years

Postby coppernickel » Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:22 pm

The reason we collect what real money is still available, real cents.
Silver Monometalism is the most permanent and stable form of money the world has seen. Natural law and history prove silver value is best multiplied by gold and best divided by copper. It is only in this counterfeit currency time when the natural law appears suspended.
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Re: The Dollar As We Know It Will Be Gone Within 6 Years

Postby 68Camaro » Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:41 am

The only question is the timing. I believe it will be both later than many have suspected (many of us are surprised it has lasted this long - but that delay only proves the extent of the manipulation) as well as (when it finally happens) more sudden than we can really imagine.
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Re: The Dollar As We Know It Will Be Gone Within 6 Years

Postby IdahoCopper » Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:49 am

68Camaro wrote:The only question is the timing. I believe it will be both later than many have suspected (many of us are surprised it has lasted this long - but that delay only proves the extent of the manipulation) as well as (when it finally happens) more sudden than we can really imagine.

When this shock hits, it will unwind in mere hours, perhaps minutes.
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