by theo » Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:52 pm
On Wednesday my LCS was selling 90% for 12 x face. Unfortunately he had precious little to available so I only came away with about about $4 face (including 3 walker halves) plus a 2014 Maple for $18.
I understand that every time we get a big bump down the premiums to spot goes up. But then as the price stabilizes the premiums seem to erode. PM experts have been arguing for the past couple years that, at some point, the physical and spot price would separate. However, assuming that price manipulation is a reality, TPTB have been remarkably successful at getting the market to accept each new price level.
I've been hearing that a physical silver shortage is inevitable since silver was in the mid-30s. However, aside from the U.S. mint's supply problems and the occasional rumor about Apple, industrial demand and what's left of investment demand appears to be sated at whatever price TPTB choose to set. I suppose there are three possible explanations. One, the claims of the physical are overstated. Two, shortages are occurring but they are being concealed from the public. And, finally third, physical silver is being supplied via an unconventional (illegal?) source, like for example rehypotheticated silver from one the silver ETFs.