by whatsnext » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:50 pm
Above groung silver in .999 form there is not as much of, but think about how much silver was worked by silversmiths over the years in this country.
There are alot of silverware sets out there that havent been on the market for hundreds of years. nobody knows how much silver is in china,russia, or india in trinket or ware form that has been passed down.
The "shortage" is only for investment grade really(i think). Coins here are like religious icons in asia/india/russia/europe, they get stored away and taken off the market.
There is unpreceded demand right now so, when a real squeaze happens the heirs to granny and grampas coins/siverware/religious icon will cash out.
From what I have heard there is less above ground than has been in along time but how accurate are these accounts. just b/c it is off the market does not mean it is gone forever.
Industry demand is increasing, but really they dont use that much and if the squeeze happens the mines will pop up out of no where(I think) to supply.
I dont trust industry face value information. Everybody wants to present a illusion for something they sell to increase the likelyhood of profit .
Salesmen are just that salesmen they have something to sell you, so buyer beware.
I'm not saying silver isnt valueable, but really how much information can you just take a face value in other areas of your life? So invest but dont bet the farm.
As for the greatest wealth transfer in history. I have to say with my luck the idea of me moving up without work work work is nice but I'm not holding my breath.
The dead cat bounce mick moloney speaks about isnt written in stone, He says it is a 60% chance. He also says 10 bucks for a barrel of oil. That sounds bad, almost like my new wealth will not matter.