Nothing new in the last 72 hrs?

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Re: Nothing new in the last 72 hrs?

Postby silverstacker » Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:55 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
dannan14 wrote:
None taken...and yes, hippy rednecks are not only a real hybrid but they're plentiful here in Nor Cal. i posted mainly to reinforce what i like most about the RealCent community: We have a wide variety of backgrounds and points of view here. On an online message board i think that creates intellectual diversity. Seeing the world through several viewpoints is always going to make a more complete picture and i like that.

NorCal huh Dan?....yeh bud, I KNOW there's hippy redneck's up there for sure. I was down in SoCal from 89-05 in one of the most infamous "hippy" canyons, tween Santa Monica and brought me there. at first I liked it, you had the LA Basin on one side, the Valley on the other, and when you drove into our canyon, you could fool yourself,and think you were living rural. never liked leaving the Canyon, and going into LA, the Valley was okay, but as I said, I only went into them for work, and grocery shopping.
I can say that Dodgers Stadium is one of my most favorite places on Earth, many many happy days and nights were spent there, third deck, rows 1 to 14, yeh buddy.

but the Canyon? was sure beautiful, I lived up on the highest ridgeline,2,000 feet up, right next to a huge "nature reserve", which became my nature reserve, as well as about a dozen skank hippies, who would squat on that land, and i'm good natured, and they'd take advantage of it, by abandoning their dogs with me and my son's mother. ("hey man, could you watch Shiva and Kali for us, we're just going north for a month?"....never see them again) at one point, I had a seven dog pack, loved 'em, coz I raised them right, fed them right, and nobody lived around me for miles, except this one rich(inherited money) eccentric "hippy" who lived on this weird ranch, with his wife, 20 years younger, and his 3 kids, a girl and two boys. He used to keep a "zoo"...this large enclosure filled with llamas, and giraffes, dwarf deer, all sorts of crazy fact, one day the giraffe and llama, got into a fight, so bad, they actually fell/fought 2,000 feet down the mountain and wound up dead, laying across the main canyon road. he kept his road so bad, that each time I drove from my place to his place, I had to keep from looking to the left side, coz at points, there was a 700 foot drop off....and he was an animal rights "activist", blithering at me, "love animals, don't eat them"....or, "why turn your stomach into an animal graveyard?"...when I met him, his salad days were over, he used to have huge parties up there, with famous rockstars and what not, in fact one time, this guy tells me, "Andy Warhol wanted to s#ck his (Johnson), but I tole him it was too small"...true story. guess what, turns out this 60 something "love animals, don't eat 'em hippy" had been systematically molesting his three children for YEARS...sick. When I first met them, (1989) the kids were 5, 9, and 11. finally when the girl was like 15, she told the ditz mother, the ditz confronted this monster, and he denied it, and sneakily cut her brake line, so that when she drove DOWN the steep hill, the mother and three kids almost died, then he fled to Costa Rica, where he died in 2006, and undoubtedly split hell wide open, begging Lazarus for a drop of water to cool his tongue. here's the monster in 1966 on the Joe Pyne show plying his act: (and for a laugh, read the comments below the vid)

but I really wanted to talk about NorCal...sorry for the off-topic son's mother and I loved Big Sur, spent loads of time there, and I was going to get a place there, but I wanted my upper Midwest ranch first...she "hated" this area, so I probably would have had to buy in NorCal. (then I still would bought here, it would have "Daddy's hideout) I say that coz NorCal always made me nervous, its beautiful, but in Sep/Oct I heard it gets intense, CAMP flies their choppers, paranoia runs thick, and growers are all gunned the whole water issue, or lack of, just gives the heebie it might be different.

I was back in Socal couple months ago, for a thing, staying with my boys and uncle, and I sent them out to one of the "clubs" to get Daddy a "brownie".....I took two medium sized bites, and the only I remember about that week was giving them $20 bills to make Taco Bell was so bad, when I first took those two bites we were about 40 miles away from home, at a skeet shooting range, I had rented a Dodge Charger, and I took those bites and in a half an hour, I suddenly found I couldn't stand up, so I handed uncle the keys, said "i aint fit to drive" two boys started laughing, coz they had to lift me up and walk me to the car, saying "you got 'neilified"...this condition has happened at other family gatherings and now has a name, getting "neilified", which means I cant walk, I just should be left in whatever chair i'm planted in. I slept the whole drive home, they left me sleeping in the car.

now what happens to me in the neilified state is this, my brain tells my legs to "walk", but the signal never gets there, and when my boys lifted me out of the car 4 hours later, and stood me up, for the life of me I couldn't make one leg go forward, then I actually climbed down the evolution chain, and was pleased to find out, "i could CRAWL!!" so I crawled the hundred yards to the door, my boys escorting me so I wouldn't get run over or "apprehended"....I hadn't seen "Wolf Street of Wall Street", but when I saw it, I realized I wasn't alone in the "I can CRAWL!" exultation. what can I say? it happens.Have a beautiful day, n

Your stories are great to read ( except for that dirtbag that hopefully went through hell before he died and went to actual hell) the clip of the Wolf of Wall Street was just too much. The scene after this between him and his friend in the kitchen trying to yell at each other to get off the phone had me in tears.
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Re: Nothing new in the last 72 hrs?

Postby dannan14 » Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:38 pm

lol, ganja food is not to be taken lightly. i prefer to already be on the couch if i'm going to eat a strong one...or if i'm going to eat many. Good riddance to your former neighbor: what a sicko.

The "intense" part of harvest season isn't that bad anymore. You don't want to go around trespassing, but for the most part today's pot farmers are just farmers. Some weapons to protect against rippers, but that is balanced by fears or the feds raiding an otherwise illegal grow and tacking on bs firearm charges.

The water issue is getting worse. Many of my friends in the foothills have their wells go dry at least part of the summer. Personally, i'd be stoked if we were in the first decade of a 50 year drought. No amount of engineering will save SoCal from that. It would devastate this area too, but not as bad since everything north of Sacramento together is only about a million people.

The only time i ever really think about leaving California is when i think about buying land. My money would go much farther elsewhere...Hawaii, surprisingly, is one of those places. Some arable parcels are insanely cheap out there. However, since being on an island could be the best OR worst thing in a major crisis i'm not certain about taking that step yet.
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Re: Nothing new in the last 72 hrs?

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:17 pm

dannan14 wrote:lol, ganja food is not to be taken lightly. i prefer to already be on the couch if i'm going to eat a strong one...or if i'm going to eat many. Good riddance to your former neighbor: what a sicko.

The "intense" part of harvest season isn't that bad anymore. You don't want to go around trespassing, but for the most part today's pot farmers are just farmers. Some weapons to protect against rippers, but that is balanced by fears or the feds raiding an otherwise illegal grow and tacking on bs firearm charges.

The water issue is getting worse. Many of my friends in the foothills have their wells go dry at least part of the summer. Personally, i'd be stoked if we were in the first decade of a 50 year drought. No amount of engineering will save SoCal from that. It would devastate this area too, but not as bad since everything north of Sacramento together is only about a million people.

The only time i ever really think about leaving California is when i think about buying land. My money would go much farther elsewhere...Hawaii, surprisingly, is one of those places. Some arable parcels are insanely cheap out there. However, since being on an island could be the best OR worst thing in a major crisis i'm not certain about taking that step yet.

sorry I didn't get back sooner, there was a big ONE DAY MEAT SALE in town, county seat, pop 4000, one of the radio stations even did a live broadcast at the event behind the sausage counter. I even got interviewed! so I slipped into my sling blade bachelor farmer persona, and just blithered on, in an insane monologue, all G-rated, but I was mixing up words, slurring a bit, then saying "I was sorry coz the doc gave me patent medicine, for the pain in my swolled up legs, but i'm getting better now, fixing to buy up a lot of them $3.99 Rib eye chubs, and i'm happy coz Jay the Butcher will slice them, but its a heap of work to wrap 'em in butcher paper back at the place, but Jay's as busy as porcupine in a balloon factory, aint he?....and one more thing, don't forget about the prayer meeting on Friday coz if you do, you might split hell wide open, and we wouldn't want that now, would we?" (pause, the guys mouth is hanging open, regretting that he ever handed me the mike, the butcher's in the corner giggling, coz he's a friend, knows me, knows i'm putting on a show) I continue, get just a little bit louder, "WOULD WE?".......he meekly asks, "what?" I start wagging my finger, and said, "we wouldn't want them godless, vegetabletarian , commie organic farmers splitting hell wide open, coz the Lord Jesus Christ came to SAVE the world, not destroy it!" this time, the guy is trying to grab the mic, so I conclude, with "reckon that's all I got to say! have a good day and stay warm."......and I waddled off, like I had a full Depends Diaper under my barn overalls.

You got to have your fun where you can get it, know what I mean?

what you wrote about the water situation even up north, kind of shocked me. You wrote "The water issue is getting worse. Many of my friends in the foothills have their wells go dry at least part of the summer."

whew! that's bad news. they just declared the El Nino is on, but its weak and its in March!!....and I cant even IMAGINE what it must be like to have a well go dry, must be the worst feeling in the world, my well is dug to 460 feet, but that isn't because the water table is low or sinking, its because I sit atop 460 feet of a hard karst/fiint, limestone formation, and beneath that is an underground sturdy cave and cuts filled with the sweetest drinking water you ever tasted, and this formation runs hundreds of miles even further, we're like the OPEC of clean drinking water, it flows south hundreds of feet underground, guys south of me that do corn and sweet corn and dairy pasture, DO run big irrigo rigs, because they're doing 1000 acre places and aren't taking chances, the guys up here that dry crop do take chances, but the way the land runs, doesn't lend itself to running big irrigo rigs, so....tell ya what, I got a bad feeling we might get hit with a late July/Aug drought...its just a feeling, but we had two fantastic years ...for corns, and beans, we did 14 bln bushels in 13, 14.5 bln in 14, corn that what the chance of a third perfect year?. I hope i'm wrong, I truly do.

what I watch is the July16 against the Dec16 corn, July, last I looked was 11 cents over Dec. IF, we drought up and grow 9-11 Bln bushels of corn, that July 16 could be sitting between 50-90 cents over the Dec 16 corn by the NOV 15 crop production report...that's a lot of money, if you slowly started a campaign in May, after planting intentions. I just don't trust the exchange, to put 20 k into something like that, done right carefully, that 20k could net you, 140k in Nov, I kid you not, I done it before, but i'd sleep easier, just by buying a hundred Maple Leafs thru the year,and stacking them. Sleep well Dan, n,
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Re: Nothing new in the last 72 hrs?

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:35 am

Always good to hear the Northern counties report Neil. :) Great way to drink my coffee on a Friday morning!
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Re: Nothing new in the last 72 hrs?

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:15 am

68Camaro wrote:Always good to hear the Northern counties report Neil. :) Great way to drink my coffee on a Friday morning!

at 0730, its 5 degrees, but no worries, we got a high of 32 forecast, and the weekend high will be 40 degrees, both Saturday and Sunday. hey....40 degrees feels like spring after months of sub zero.

you know I was talking about us being the "OPEC" of clean drinking water, right?...what worries me about that is certain codicils signed into the "Enn-dee-double you aye", the ones that give the Kenyan dictatorial powers? in the event of a "national emergency"?

in theory, the goobermint can claim ALL water, theirs....I mean that's a far stretch, but?....even my well.

couple years back, we had a semi-major water bottler start quietly buying land that natural springs up in these parts, you can go all over the five county area, and see beautiful springs with sweet water bubbling up, and the spring kicks off the water into tributaries of the rivers we have all thru this water company got a taste of "prairie populism"....and dropped the idea of setting up a bottling plant, nuff said.

Prairie populism isn't "left/right", "liberal/conservative"...its different, bears resemblance to pre-colonial America, in that, the mantra, is "leave us alone, we're fine, don't need anything from King George". Supposedly we're the third poorest county in the state, but nobody feels that way, its not the chatter anyone heres. Everyone's got food, land, you might not see Armani suits, or Gucci handbags, but there's tons of 4 by 4 diesel pickups with guys working, the gals got jobs, so........Even a LOT of Republicans don't like say...the Koch bros, OR Soros, buying elections, including our supposedly "conservative" governor, who says only what his masters tell him to. the state income tax is ruthless, but we pay, coz folks up here, don't really WANT fuss and county and all surrounding counties are 99% white, I don't mean that racist, what i'm saying is , we don't have the kind of tension, you see in rural counties say, south of the Mason-Dixon line....we don't have that for two reasons, one, is the weather year, we got a great growing season, but you got to NOT let the intense winters bother you, if you just get your mind right, tend to your firewood and line up your propane, you're good, and second we have NO interstate highways cutting thru the area for a hundred miles....the land that time forgot.

whats that got to do with silver?....everything, because silver is the base hard currency, but here, you can find so many tangible assets that are also "currency"...and silver,or nickel or copper, would be the great "translator" between a guy that has a herd of Angus or Holsteins, and a guy that has a sky high stack of seasoned firewood, or a gravity bin full of yellow no 2 feed corn, etc etc.

When silver pops, and IT WILL, the goobermint isn't just gonna let that pass....silver goes to $100, 150, 200, watch, they'll slap a 50% "windfall tax" on sales of silver, but there's always "workarounds"....that's why its called the "grey" or "black" market....that's why they want cashless transactions even today.....if I have something done, some work......there's two rates, the check/credit card rate, and the cash rate......need firewood? pay cash....wanna buy two Angus calves? cash, its just paper really.

and that's all I got to say, you be blessed 68, n.
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Re: Nothing new in the last 72 hrs?

Postby dannan14 » Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:08 pm

neilgin1 wrote:sorry I didn't get back sooner, there was a big ONE DAY MEAT SALE in town, county seat, pop 4000, one of the radio stations even did a live broadcast at the event behind the sausage counter. I even got interviewed! so I slipped into my sling blade bachelor farmer persona, and just blithered on, in an insane monologue, all G-rated, but I was mixing up words, slurring a bit, then saying "I was sorry coz the doc gave me patent medicine, for the pain in my swolled up legs, but i'm getting better now, fixing to buy up a lot of them $3.99 Rib eye chubs, and i'm happy coz Jay the Butcher will slice them, but its a heap of work to wrap 'em in butcher paper back at the place, but Jay's as busy as porcupine in a balloon factory, aint he?....and one more thing, don't forget about the prayer meeting on Friday coz if you do, you might split hell wide open, and we wouldn't want that now, would we?" (pause, the guys mouth is hanging open, regretting that he ever handed me the mike, the butcher's in the corner giggling, coz he's a friend, knows me, knows i'm putting on a show) I continue, get just a little bit louder, "WOULD WE?".......he meekly asks, "what?" I start wagging my finger, and said, "we wouldn't want them godless, vegetabletarian , commie organic farmers splitting hell wide open, coz the Lord Jesus Christ came to SAVE the world, not destroy it!" this time, the guy is trying to grab the mic, so I conclude, with "reckon that's all I got to say! have a good day and stay warm."......and I waddled off, like I had a full Depends Diaper under my barn overalls.

You got to have your fun where you can get it, know what I mean?

what you wrote about the water situation even up north, kind of shocked me. You wrote "The water issue is getting worse. Many of my friends in the foothills have their wells go dry at least part of the summer."

whew! that's bad news. they just declared the El Nino is on, but its weak and its in March!!....and I cant even IMAGINE what it must be like to have a well go dry, must be the worst feeling in the world, my well is dug to 460 feet, but that isn't because the water table is low or sinking, its because I sit atop 460 feet of a hard karst/fiint, limestone formation, and beneath that is an underground sturdy cave and cuts filled with the sweetest drinking water you ever tasted, and this formation runs hundreds of miles even further, we're like the OPEC of clean drinking water, it flows south hundreds of feet underground, guys south of me that do corn and sweet corn and dairy pasture, DO run big irrigo rigs, because they're doing 1000 acre places and aren't taking chances, the guys up here that dry crop do take chances, but the way the land runs, doesn't lend itself to running big irrigo rigs, so....tell ya what, I got a bad feeling we might get hit with a late July/Aug drought...its just a feeling, but we had two fantastic years ...for corns, and beans, we did 14 bln bushels in 13, 14.5 bln in 14, corn that what the chance of a third perfect year?. I hope i'm wrong, I truly do.

what I watch is the July16 against the Dec16 corn, July, last I looked was 11 cents over Dec. IF, we drought up and grow 9-11 Bln bushels of corn, that July 16 could be sitting between 50-90 cents over the Dec 16 corn by the NOV 15 crop production report...that's a lot of money, if you slowly started a campaign in May, after planting intentions. I just don't trust the exchange, to put 20 k into something like that, done right carefully, that 20k could net you, 140k in Nov, I kid you not, I done it before, but i'd sleep easier, just by buying a hundred Maple Leafs thru the year,and stacking them. Sleep well Dan, n,

LOL! i'm sorry i missed that interview...sounds like uber level life trolling :) As for the aquifer below your land...may the petroleum companies never find gas or oil anywhere near it...having the pipelines miss the area can't hurt either.
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